Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

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I was rewatching LHB (for about the 1,000th time) as it's one of my favorite Catherine episodes. I always love the scene where she rescues Lindsey from the car. It's probably my all-time favorite scene. So it brought a question to mind:
What is your favorite scene by Marg as Catherine Willows?
action scene:
the car rescue of Lindsey in LHB. (as I had just mentioned)
emotional scene
a tie between Cath processing herself in BTK and Cath crying on the bed with Lindsey at the end of LHB
Scene with another character
a tie between Cath & Sam walking at the end of Burked, and 'the tush' scene from king baby
Here's mine...

Action: LHB. Hands down. Just thinking about her doing the scene by herself in a huge tank on a January day makes me chill. lol.

Emotional: I'd say the self-processing scene from BTK. That scene was so powerful that it wrenched my heart. I almost had to look away because it was so hard for me to watch what Catherine was going through.

With another character: I love both scenes k mentioned, but after watching 19 Down, I don't think there's anything that could top the "I knew before you knew" scene. At least to me it's this way. :)
I love your choices here and I can add only one emotional scene which is my personal favorite. I think about ep Weeping Willows and the scene where Novek was in her house. The moment when she took a gun and aiming at him was amazing. Marg's face expression, body language, all was perfect. You can really believe that she was so scared about life of her beloved ones.
Can I just say how lovely you all are in here compared to other threads? Seriously, I love you guys. You're good people. Keep it up.

Ok, here are mine:
action scenes:
- definitely rescuing Lindsey in LHB (plus if we realized how it was make) Excellent.
and three that are not probably that action but i like them
- Nesting Dolls: Catherine and Grissom trying to get the buried body from tar (where, at the end Griss destroyes Caht's evidence and just walks away ...))
- All for Our Country: Catherine and Sara processing the bathroom with the bloaded body
emotional scene
- BTK: Catherine processing herself and LHBrescuing and crying scene. Honestly, i'm not able to watch those anymore 'cos i just keep going on the crying scene ... oh well
scene with another character
- there are many for me, from the funny ones to the sad and emotional ones but as Erica mentioned the "I knew before you knew" is on the top of my list,
- followed by "the tush" scene from King Baby
- and of course Leaving Las Vegas - "Mr. Guffey, this is how this is going to work, everytime you answer one of my question, I unbutton a button. Are you ready?"(only God knows how much i LOVE this scene ....:devil::devil:)

And I wish all my lovely friends from this thread have a great day, guys!!:thumbsup:
Great choices around here!

For Action Scene I'll have to go with rescuing Linds in LHB.

I have two favorite Emotional Scenes. One is the last scene with Keppler in LoG where she's standing outside the ambulance and just can't hold back her tears. I think Marg did an amazing job in that scene. The other one is of course the self-processing scene in Btk! I saw the second part before the first and when it started with the blurry scene in the bar and then you just saw her eye I was like "Hm??? Wait a second. That is Catherine isn't it?!?!" :eek: I had no idea what had happened before that and the self-processing scene was intense!

There are so many great scenes of Catherine with another character! Let me think...Ok, there's the scene of Cath and Brass and "Sexy" in the interrogation room in Fur and Loathing. I love Catherine's expressions and Brass is hilarious! Awesome. Then there's the "I even missed your tush!" scene. I think almost any scene with Catherine and Brass is great...the "Hello Xena!" scene comes to mind. Too funny. Catherine and Brass always rock the screen!
^ I agree lol. I've always loved Brass' humor and Catherine's wit. These two together = riot. :lol:

Oh another scene of Catherine with another character that I've always loved: Catherine and Heather's conversation on how they got to where they were from Slaves of Las Vegas. That was one hell of a great convo. You've got two beautiful, intelligent, confident women who knew what they wanted and how to get it. IMO probably the best scene shared by two female characters on CSI ever. :)
Cath ROCKED in tonight's episode!!
It starts off with a courtroom scene. Ray is on the stand being questioned, but Cath is in the audience. They hear a gunshot outside the door. Everyone takes cover, Cath gets up, draws her gun, tells everyone to stay down, walks slowly to the door & looks out the small window to see a dead guy on the floor with a gun in hand. That's just the beginning. Great scene with Cath & Ray in her office. She's basically checking in on all aspects of the case since a Congressman is the accused. The ending includes another team get together for drinks, with Catherine toasting Ray. Plus, we get THE GLASSES a few times too!!!!

My full review will take a few hours to get done as I still have to get finished here at work, then get home and watch the episode with the actual audio instead of just captions.
OMFG! Not only do we get Cath!Weapon but we get Cath!Glasses too? OMG. *thud*
I just watched the episode and HOLY COW.

Apart from those great scenes kaylyne mentioned, Catherine was wearing a purple shirt.

CRAP! I shouldn't have worked last night! I'm now officially upset I missed Cath in a purple shirt...See what happens when ya gotta raise your own traveling money? lol Thanks for the spoilers, ya'll ;) I'll live vicariously until they do re-runs ;) they still show the entire episodes on CBS website? I have all day...maybe I shall hop on and watch, yes? (little bit o' Ziva for ya ;p)
YES, Cath rocked in the episode. Although I'm still trying to figure out how SHE had a gun in the courthouse. :confused:

LOVED :luvlove: the purple shirt. Catherine looks great in purple, I've always thought that.. ;)
And the glasses... :drool: they are LOVE as well... :luvlove:

I really admire how she took on the supervisor role and made it her own. She is totally supportive of everyone.

Can't wait to see more of SupervisorCath!

Oh, Welcome kc_from_kc :D
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