Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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EricaSJ said:
There is something similar in Species, and The Tommyknockers, Frame by Frame, Lie Down With Lions and Gold Coast, though -- the bed scenes were all hot. :devil:
Looking through her filmography, I just realized she's had a lot of "bedroom scenes".
Frame by frame probably being the most explicit. Then there's the "hottest" bedroom scene - the one with George Clooney in ER. You've got the cute/sweet bedroom scenes with Dennis in IGC, the "rough" one (against a wall?) with RDA in through the eyes of a killer. All I can say is thank God there WASN'T a sex scene with Steven Seagal. That would have ruined my psyche forever.

Oh yeah, and she was naked in the sheets in My fellow Americans! The one with Timothy Dalton was kind of hot - starting with what looks like a cold Marg in the water (you can see her trying to keep her teeth from chattering), then the make-out on the beach, only to be interrupted by Omar. I wonder what Marg's thoughts are on working with him. I don't know if I've ever heard her talk about LDWL and the cast.

Then there was CB. Nothing ever explicit there, but it was always implied since KC was a hooker.
I have two scenes in CB that I really love for the hotness.

There's FNG of course - which is SO hot, but also there's Afterburner (the extended version) which actually has Boonie laying her down on the bed - *fans self* Marg does the look in her eyes really good for that scene.

Wasn't there also a bathtub scene in NightFall?
^ There was, but I think it was kinda creepy because it was interlaced with the scene where Beckett was washing the hooker's dead body. lol. Marg was hot in the bathtub scene nonetheless. :D
Yeah, I know there were a few of those scenes in CB (that one in the tub is ingrained in my brain forever!), but that was back in the early 90s. Can you imagine the kinds of scenes they'd get away with showing KC's "profession" if that show was running now?
now I really can't wait to see these movies. :D

I'm sure Marg is great in all of them, especially the Steven Segal one ;)
Okay true, the bathtub scene was a bit creepy..

But really, nothing was hotter than FNG and Afterburner *fans self*
*scratches head* - okay, I know I've got FNG but don't remember what the hot scene is. Not sure I have Afterburner. That doesn't sound familiar. Time to get the dvds out tonight after work and refresh my memory.
You don't remember the hot scene in FNG between Boonie and KC? OMG! *thud* That is one of the hottest scenes in history. Erica will totally back me on that one.

Also, the Afterburner episode was edited when it aired on the History Channel, so if that's where you got it, you might have missed the hot scene. It's the end of the scene when KC goes to visit Boonie in his "cell" ;)

If you can't find it, let me know. I think I have both of them on my computer somewhere.
No, I didn't get mine from the History Channel. I recorded a few of them back when they originally aired on ABC in the early 90s. I recorded them on vhs back then and recently dubbed them to dvd, so the quality is very poor.

Anyway, looking at the episode summary for Afterburner on, I know I don't have that one. It mentions about McM & Natch. I don't think I have any episodes about Natch, so I know I haven't seen that KC/Boonie scene. *sigh* WHEN are they going to ante up the money for the music rights and get that darn series onto dvd?!!!!!!!
I thought that KC/B scene in his "cell" was in the episode Twilight, not Afterburner. I got it off of AAM when they posted the Twilight clips a looong time ago.
FNG - ah yes, THAT scene!! (just put in the dvd now and rewatched it) I remembered the scene, just didn't remember it was THAT episode!! I don't have the Twilight episode. Might have to track down that sexy scene.
I have the sexy episode scene if you'd like it. I remember Suzanne got it once she finally got the good version ;)
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