Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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But that time, Mac pulled her in and hugged her. Even rocked her to calm her down.

Yeah Stella is more open with her contact Mac is usually isn't. But, with stella it seemed to be a little different and sweet :D
I love the scene in the Ride In it shows how close they are and towards the end of the scene you can just see Mac's arm pull her closer .

Another episode that's great is Consequences the little scene at the beginning where Mac meets Stella in the bar and she tells him she's being followed and the other scene when he asks her does she want to share a cab :devil:
^Oh my.... the look Stella gave Mac when he slid towards the bar. *looks at it again* Oooooohhhh! My still my smexy heart! :devil:

When it was Mac who initiated the contact, it was... idk, more special. Can't really describe it since Mac keeps an employer-employee distance between him and the rest of the team. Even with Peyton sometimes. But never with Stella.

Even shares a laugh with her in "Comes Around..." (i think lol)
"Comes Around..." I was away when that ep was on was it when they are outside and he is reading the paper and she says something like "be careful something about becoming the chief of something"

I thought it was really sweet when he asked if she wanted a cab!! One thing could have led to another lol :devil:

With peyton it kinda seemed he held back on contact with her.
yeh. what the writers dnt seem to be realising is that with other women gary kinda has to work hard as an actor to create chemistry, whereas the characters of mac and stella meld together so well that it doesnt seem forced and the chemistry comes across even when its not ment to. If they actually gave them sum material it wud be well smokin.

i think that tptb wanted to show a bit of akwardness with mac and women ( they sed this when reviewing Jane parsons interaction wit mac on the dvd boxset extras) so that they can get across that starting a new relationship is hard after loving and losing. the prob is theve used that so much last season and now its like come on mac fall in love again be happy. The thing is i dont see him just meeting another woman her coming into the show and him doing tht again.

Looking overall at whats happened i think that stellas gonna have the relationship drama this season and we all know that mr ickys bad so hopefully by the end we'll have two single csi's. Mac himself said that he knows he needs to take risks in romance so i think hes gonna b with someone else eventually. Why start from scratch with sum random girl, why not get him together with stella and put two already popular characters together. That way he isnt carrying her in the performance.

by putting them together they dont have to give another character any of the screen time no one loses out and we get smacked! :D
God tptb annoy me sumtimes. Just for the fact that there so blind. :mad:
"Comes Around..." I was away when that ep was on was it when they are outside and he is reading the paper and she says something like "be careful something about becoming the chief of something"
Yeah I have the link right here
Mac & Stella walk and talk

I realised Mac and I aren't that alike-
Mac:I don't take pleasure in someone else's discomfort
Thats not like me haha

I love the cab ride scene.

"But Mac we live on opposite ends of town" Something like that.
So I tried searching youtube, and I don't know, maybe I'm just not doing it right but I couldn't find any clips from All Access, in particular the ones where they go to Stella's apartment and Mac finds her or when they're in the hospital. This was an awesome ep and as a SMacked shipper I just wanted to relieve the moments. Can anyone help me out?
Hello! I'd say my fav (one of many) comes from Snow Day when Mac and Stella worked as teh perfect team :D and the last hug was so tender!!!
But also i like that episode when he did magic and he gave her a rose or "The i fix your tie" ("what you see ...)and the look he gave to her dress
or Consecuences with all reed's story about Stella and his confusion with her mum

*sigh i guess a love any tiny smacked scene we could get so far ;)

Debbie :D
Hey guys,

Fan made videos need to be posted in the Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style thread pinned at the top of the page. Please keep them out of the individual threads.

Also, everyone needs to read this post and follow it.

This season has been hard-core SMacked as of this writing. All those pictures of Stella being behind Mac as he tries out the Second Life world had me thinking all kinds of things from the Mantle of my mind.

*Booms out Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" with bass all the way up*

This is my first post on this thread. Just passing by to let you know that here is (and with "here" I mean "I'm") another fully SMacked fan.

So LeanneUK, you where revising the second season last night? I was with the first one reviewing a couple of episodes to refresh the Mac/Stella scenes, when out of nowhere, appeared the final scen of "Recycling", and it was like, OMG! how could I forgot abaut this amazing line?

Mac: So Stella, since when we hadn't dinner together?

In fact, I felt so bad for not remembering the dialogue that I had to see the whole season (not that I'm compleining) as a punishment.



"I'm glad you stayed"
Welcome yas_NYPD to the Smackness
Im currently reviewing the third season and my fave line from the ep i'm watching can't remember the title, where stella says something like 'In my darkest hour you are there at my side' and when mac replies 'i appreciate you too stella'.
LeanneUK Thank you for the screen caps love them :D
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