Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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^^^ Isn't he romantic? :D But that scene in the video is sooo cute and the look she gives him is SO SWEET! [/squeeing]
hi everyone just to say I'm a Stella/Mac shipper :) I have not seen many NY episodes but I kind of got hooked this season (gotta go rent the others!) but I immediately loved those two together, which is why I just don't get Mac's current relationship :confused:. But anyways, great ship, great chemistry. :cool:
Seems I never post here but I LOVE SMACKed!! :D They're so right for each other!!
I've already seen this clip, too and it's so insanely cute!! :D
Requinox said:
GUYS, you must see this. I was on youtube and found this link, a preview of the next eppie when Stell goes to see Mac play. Its so adorable and cute. :p

Oh dear God!!! The way they look at each other!!! OMG! That is sooo cute. Now we're talking!! You so can see the love for each other. :eek: :D
This isn't really productive to the thread or anything, but I just recently started watching CSI: NY and I was curious. An episode or two ago, Stella was working on a computer, and I got no small enjoyment out of the fact it was a Mac. (My roommates gave me funny looks when i started cackling.) But then i was thinking. Is it just her computer thats a Mac, or all the computers at the lab? I haven't paid enough attention to notice. But I liked the touch.


Tonight's ep...

best ep I've ever seen... (insert small yawn) BUT... Peyton breaking up with Mac through a letter was just what the ship needed. No awkward break-up scene, no hysterics, no drama. I liked how when Stella read the letter she found on accident, she immediately knew to find Mac at Cozy's, and went to support him. Reminds me of s2's CoTP, they take care of each other. There are always there for one another, and it is a true example of how strong their friendship is, and how deep their feelings for each other really are. Awesome ending for the ep, done quite tastefully.
*welcomes all new posters with olive oils and ties* ^_^
welcome! :D

OMG OMG OMG XD the ending scene was sooo adorable! ^_^ i think im in wub with smacked... again! OMG its sooo sad that MP broke up and it made Macky sad but that scene was sooo aweseme! TPTB! I wub you! Ate cate! i wub you too! LMAO. the gift scene was cute too! we was saying he was happy... encouraging her... even mentioned peyton... they share that ADORABLE smile! and STARE OMG imma squee like a crazed fangirl! XD now im sure stella agrees with macky that she'll move on.. now that macky's free :p what else.. i know there are more i want to say.. OH! OMG she saw peyton's letter! OMG OMG...XD can ya tell im half happy? LMAO :lol: i think this is my have smacked moment this season so far.
*SPaMmy fic coming in her brain* OMG :lol: :rolleyes: :p yes it's one of those "eppy made mj nuts" days again XD ;)

ETA: is it me or the song they used suits them?! it really did! well, if i heard the lyrics right anyway :lol:
:( but im sad about...

peyton and how they ended it.. couldnt it be more... complete or something? i mean i like the ME. i think ending a relationship like that needs more than just a letter... -_-; its too shallow for me. im not impressed how they dealt with it. *sniffle*
A fic? You promise, mj? :lol:

definitely the most smacked moment of the season, and really, one of the best smacked moments in quite a while, isn't it?!

yeah, the letter wasn't the greatest, but at least the breakup was done on Peyton's own terms rather than other relationships issues. As much as we loved SMacked, I am betting no shipper wanted to see cheating or arguing or anything really negative like that happen. This way it was a cleaner break, some hurt feelings, but no sense of betrayal or anything.
mercy you holdin' that on me? :p yeah i'll try a oneshot drama or something XD :lol:

yeah, it is one of the best so far... this season.. *grins* what else do they have
*looks over at ate cate* i wanna know what you think :lol: ;)

ETA: :lol: we're both online arent we? :p

:( yeah. well, that's true. i knew the LDR would haunt their relationship somehow. that's... just sad. *sniff*
Okay I have 25 minutes left before I get to see our eppy, but after reading your spoiler boxes I am already squeeing! :lol:

Yay, yay, yay, yay!! :D :D :D
Damn living in NZ! ! ! Stupid country in the middle of blooming nowhere!

Ooh well I'll just read all the spoilers and keep checking youtube :D!
Mr. Icky has escalated to gifts now? :p That convo between Mac and Stell about giving in to the romance was pretty cute, but Stella's "nah" after Mac walked away...that was the best! :lol:

Can't wait for the end! :D

ETA: And that my love! *Squeee!* Awwww, sad day for Mac, but Stella finding the letter and immediately going to sweet! And her slipping in and him sensing her presence and catching her eye and her little nod and his smile...LOVE!! And even the song Will was singing, "I will be here when you rise..." totally Smacked! Yay!! :D :D
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