Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

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I've jus been watching CSI:The Inside Story on Five US(yep i left my freinds at the pub so i could get home for it and fibbed i had to go to my dads :lol: i'm shameful) anyways guess who they used as their primary example of chemistry?yep:the SMACked!!it was pretty much a no brainer i guess but still it was nice, i was like :D :D :devil:
Jus 4rt i'd share my squeeing.There was like 3 mins devoted to the SMACked with no mention D/L or GSR!

I'll see if i can find some clips and link for ya!
Smacked was their primary example of chemistry, sweet deal! Gotta love that, they do definitely have some sweet chemistry that's for dang sure! :D

Alright y'all get your last minute votes in for our thread title! We're doing awesome so far and it looks like we've got a clear winner, but voting's not quite done, so any last votes get 'em in! :D :D Almost to our new thread, yay for us! We're rocking! :lol:
*sighs* I have missed Smacked.

*looks at J* almost didn't know that was you, different icon and all. Cute.

Everybody's noticing Smacked got chemistry. Wow. We should whack them on the back of the head and say, Duh! We already knew this.

I haven't voted yet. I'm so bad. I like to wait. Its evil of me.
OMG!!! Smacked used as their example for chemistry!!!! *does happy dance* *faints*

*gets up from the floor* Amazing!!!

Yeah you're right guys many people is noticing that Smacked has a lot of chemistry *sighs*, 'cause it's me or since Mac is with Peyton we have more Smacked fics??? Crazy, right??? :p

summer89 we'd really thank you if you find those clips :p :D
Hey! Thanks for the reviews on my little fic. You guys deserve the 3rd chapter because of that!

Anyway, I managed to get my hands on the 1st 8episodes of season3 and boy, Angstcity. Is it just me or is Stella a bit stiff towards Mac (stiff meaning the professionalism meter was kicked up) after the introduction of Peyton? And Mac is not much receptive of the affection that Peyton gives him but is welcoming the subtle moments with Stella. Again, that's just me and my clouded brain ahahahahah!

ath3ns, yep, I started the Smack Me c2.
Everybody's noticing Smacked got chemistry. Wow. We should whack them on the back of the head and say, Duh! We already knew this.
We totally should hon, I'm down with that! ;) And can I just say, again...I'm so glad you're back! :D *Snuggles!*

Yeah Cate definitely think Mac is not affectionate with Peyton whenever Stel is possibly nearby...him ripping her hand from his face is a great example of that! ;)

Good job voting y'all! It looks like we've got a clear winner, but we can wait a few more posts before we declare a definitive winner! :D
him ripping her hand from his face is a great example of that!

Lol, I LOVE the choice of words, Mo! Hahahaha!

But I've read the review for "Silent Night" and it broke my little ole heart -- for Stella. I mean, it's Mac who broke it off now he's the one wanting to make it work with Peyton. I don't mean to sound pessi but Mac is killing us and our ship himself. *sniff*

Gave me another idea for the fic. Or for another fic. Idk, I felt bad when I read that.... *sniff again*
I haven't found the clips yet :( but maybe sum1 will put it up on youtube in the nxt few days,ill keep tryin :)

I mean, it's Mac who broke it off now he's the one wanting to make it work with Peyton. I don't mean to sound pessi but Mac is killing us and our ship himself. *sniff*

He is being a bit of a plank :lol: if one of my closest friends had been with sum1 for over a year and neglected to mention it i'd be like WTF? :confused: :eek:
I reckon Stella finds out, is gutted and then just thinks sod it!so that's when she gets her new bf(i place my bet on Hammerback)and Mac will get a bit of a wake up call! :lol:
summer89 I watched CSI:The Inside Story on Five US didn't some guy on it say when the tie scene came on in what you see what you see there was some sexual tension and Melina said that they finished each other sentences and moments where they argue. They seem to act like a little married couple (I think).I was really glad they used smacked. I saw the scene on youtube when mac said he would gladly try to make their relationship work :(.

cate i read you fic its really good :)

btw I've finished my smacked fic yay :)
No worries y'all...our ship isn't sinking! I think Mac is confused and doesn't want to be a jerk to Peyton but he knows he doesn't feel for her what he feels for Stella, but maybe he thinks that somehow it will be easier to be with Peyton because he doesn't feel as much for her as he does for Stella...ya know. I mean if Mac loves Stel as much as we KNOW he does, then maybe he is afraid that he will be devestated if something happens...I mean he lost Claire and he's just now getting over her, and I am willing to be he loves Stel even more...and he's probably afraid to start a relationship with her because he knows his heart will be ripped right out of his chest if something happened to her. It's safer almost for him to date Peyton, because he's not as involved so he won't get as hurt if something happens.
It's not a great reason, but it does make sense to me! ;)

Oh and by the way, I think we can declare our new thread title! Winning by a nice 10 votes...our new #7 title is:
Mac & Stella #7-"Can't Put Out This Flame!"
YAY!!!! :D :D :D
Post 985 :D

Smacked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Stella: We haven't had a fight like that in a long time. Reminds me of the old Mac Taylor.
Mac: What old Mac Taylor is that?
Stella: The one who let his heart out of his chest every once in a while. 1x09 Officer Blue

Smacked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
from 2x22 Stealing Home (forget that Hawkes is in the pic :D)

Ohhh Reine great quote hon! I love how long they've known each other, I forget that sometimes! But it's just so fabulous how long and how close they really are! It's great! :D

And that pic is gorgeous! Stella looks like she wants to kiss him or jump him or both, right there! :devil: I LOVE it! Heehee, hotness! :lol:
Everybody's noticing Smacked got chemistry. Wow. We should whack them on the back of the head and say, Duh! We already knew this.
I'm with you guys! They most definetely have chemistry! God! They're so adorable together.

I've asked this a million times but since I don't read spoilers, does anyone know which episode Payless is signed up to? How episodes is she doing? Or if they're breaking up or not? Thank you.

Even though I wanted to make the next thread, does anyone else want to do it? Since I'm doing the next D/L one anyway.... Mo or CalleighWolfe? Or anyone else??
I will if you're willing to wait until time tonight :(

Nice pic...even with Hawkes in it, they're hot together :grin:

*nod nod* whack them, say it, then lock 'em in the closet together hehe.
Hmm.. well the SPOTW kinda looks to me like Mac is giving Hawkes a "how about you back away from Stella" look. :lol: Awesome anyway you look at it!
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