First than all, >
THANK YOU my dear Family for your wishes
Gio..thanks again my dear and good luck on your examns!!!!!!!!
G... i love your scenarios
I remembered i opened a mini poll several threads ago
People agree Donnie or Sheldon would be the ones to notice something was going on between them. And definitely, the closeness between them started many years ago. That's why i can't imagine another bug taking away Stella's place in Mac's life. She shared with him his darkest moments. He was with her in her darkest moments as well when she was almost killed by Franckie (I don't count Drew because she never dated him). So nobody but NOBODY will be compared to each other
My Sweet Asprine--->
And I don't know what's so attractive about her. BLEHX! So far, she's going to be in 3 episodes only. Maybe they'll call her for more
I can see a "meh" reaction to her in several forum. I don't thinl she will be called again anytime soon. But writers are so stubborns they are convinced any woman have chemistry with Mac just because they write it:lol:
Vave--> Melina can't say "Smacked will happen" because she is not a producer. She doesn't want to give us false hopes. But she did want us to be sure she knows we want them together:bolian: i LOVED JAG. Technically they started kissing each other in Season 6
Anj--> i agree with you. After watching the clips of 5.08 i cannot say why Mac liked this lady:scream: I couldn't find anything special on her (And i'm not talking about her beauty:wtf:
That's why I'm so pissy about the D/L story line..whenever there were any 'special' scenes with them (ok except for 'snow day') we had very very few smacked scenes
you bet i won't care in watching 5.09. Actually i'm not sure of watching 5.10 as well even tough i know Mac and Stella will work together in a case
Mari---> there is one interview made to Gary (from Holland i think). He said he can't see it as well. But again he is one of the producers what can we expect?
Main stars and/or producers always say the same
Karu---> thanks for you kind words my dear! I highly apreciate those
Jimenez, I read that entire interview and it was amazing. I'm glad that they KNOW we want Mac and Stella together.
There is a contradiction. If producers want people talk about the show, why do they refuse to put Mac and Stella together? I mean, a lot of people talked when Donnie and Jess kissed. You can imagine what kind of reaction we could have if they decide to write Smacked:drool: I mean, after all, Mac and Stella
ARE LEGEND on Internet. You have to check forums and vid places as youtube to notice people do want them together. Even before Season 4 there were lots of fanclips made by fans despite of we had so little scenes year after year, Fortunately we got Season 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with ya. Even though I want to see Mac and Stella getting together, I wanna see more small 'teasing smacked-moments' rather than 'my place or your place'-type of thing
I want teasing moments as well. The thing is writers dave us only ONE episode to enjoy. I mean 5.06 was quite good in special after the dinner date
but the first five were COLD COLD COLD:scream:
i didnt see sparks!grrrr tptb pls get rid of her!
Me neither
Actually again i repeat it was so OOC for Mac to make that comment at the end:wtf: I don't blame him. I blame writers who tried to put her in our noses:wtf:
I think Mac's kind of not going to say anything when he finds out just kind of stare at the two of them. Stella will probably say something for the both of them. And then they'll probably talk about (probably not themselves but just in general) having a relationship in the office maybe.
I hope they will talk about having a family. You know i was convinced who deserved to have a baby in the show was Stella. I still think the same. Because she grew up lonely and she want a family of her own. Of course WITH MAC who had been so hurt in the past. They were the ones the right people to have babies on tv. But again writers...:wtf:
Steph--> many hugs to you. And i'm honoring your present. It's GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup::drool::drool:
My suggestion for the new title:
Because we want them together and they know it!!
Many hugs to all