Hello, *Hides myself*. How do I put this.. I'm sorry for not posting in here.. Asprine has been very very very very very extra busy with weekly plans. I couldn't get myself in here more often. I only spent less 15 minutes in front of the computer and the rest would be plans. Well, I missed all of you. Especially Debbie, Lori, Kikii, Gio, Linda, Jenn, Vave, AnJ, Lilou.. and all of you!! Debbie, you made me laugh non-stop.. And also you.. Loriiii, Kikii, Gio and Jenn.. You all are probably right about me not being here.
First, I was abducted by aliens(my friends and families) on the moon(outdoor). Then I heard someone calling me from Earth with their sweet voices.(Debbie, I heard you everyday.. Jenn and Kikii, I was tied up with paper balls stuck in my mouth. Someone knocking on my house door(Loriiii)..Vave tracking for me. Hmm, I'm 384,403 km away. I just wanted to let you all know.. Asprine missed my lovely Mac/Stella family very very much. I'm very sorry.
Dear Debbie, the argument is nothing.. Just normal.. Mac says "Who's side your on, Stella!" He says that while Stella don't know what's happening at all. Then Mac lower down his voice and they talk like normal. At the end, we get Mac saying "I know this restaurant..." << It means Mac is asking Stella to have dinner with him.. Something like that.. I'll get my clips done as soon as possible. It'll be easier to explain.
*Lots lots lots lots lots of Hugs to my lovely Mac/Stella Familly* - Asprine