Police Officer
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"
Ghawazee, Well, I don't try to kill you, but I can if you wish.
I'm just saying that it didn't sound like she down right said no. It just sounded like "Maybe I should stay at a hotel but if it doesn't work, I'll take you up on it." and they've known each other for so long they both know how the other likes their coffee. We've seen Stella make him coffee and now we've seen him bring her coffee.
I'm tellin' ya, the next club title should have coffee in it!:guffaw: Okay, yeah, I know that actually wasn't funny. (I've just been dying to use the 'guffaw' smilie.
Ghawazee, Well, I don't try to kill you, but I can if you wish.
I'm tellin' ya, the next club title should have coffee in it!:guffaw: Okay, yeah, I know that actually wasn't funny. (I've just been dying to use the 'guffaw' smilie.