Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

Effort, schmeffort. He told her during pillow talk.

:devil: I like the way you think....

she was totally making up a story for Danny, so he wouldn't get jealous. I actually wouldn't put it past her to invite him out when she was on a Date with Mac just to show him up. i actually could see her planning that out. :p
I can see how the episode could be confusing to some, but if I'm looking to impress a guy I don't take him to see another guy that I have bothered to research and then point out that even though he's worked with this other guy all this time I know him better. That does not say love to me or even like, what it says is hahaha look what I know and you don't, the sort of thing I did with my younger brother. However, bothering to find out about my life and interests that speaks of something deep and profound and would absolutely catch my eye, to go to such lengths to get to know me is impressive.

You make a good point Ali, but this could just be a crush. I mean he is her boss. She is a CSI too, so she would pick up on things like these. But I still can't get over her reaction to when he let her shoot the Bow. He was watching her with this glint in his eye. Can't ignore that.
^Danny is also a CSI and he didn't pick up on any of it in four years, Lindsay's been there what - four months. Maybe, because Danny is not in love with Mac, whereas Lindsay has got a serious thing brewing for her boss and Mac's looks tell me he feels the same.

HMmm good point.

because my photobucket is open...

I have to agree with JDonne on this one. Regardless of whether or not Lindsay likes Mac, I don't think inviting Danny out was a date in this case. It was way too much a "I know something you don't know!" situation.
Yeah she was just there for Mac and wanted to show Danny something that's all...I just watched Stuck On You and I have to say it was soooo Lindsay and Mac fired the bows together and how Mac helped her with the guitars and the end of course....aww she smiled sooo cute...
Ok, FINE! Consider me aboard this ship.

Lindsay told Danny that Mac was just humoring him. Danny said she doesn't know him like he does. Oh Danny, Danny, Danny. You're like the ignorant child that doesn't believe mommy and daddy have sex.

Totally. :lol: Danny and she interact like siblings, with far less sexual tension than there was between Danny and his previous "sister"/partner, Aiden. Danny is seeking a family--the show has made it clear he looks outside of the lab for his romantic fulfullment.

As for Mac and Lindsay, this pretty much confirms it in my mind! :D Here's the M/L stuff I posted in the grading thread, the evidence, so to speak:

1) She recognizes his fake laugh. That speaks of intimacy, and also carries the unspoken connotation that she knows his real laugh.

2) She seeks him out and is impressed by his weaponry skills and makes sure to compliment him on that.

3) He lets her play with the arrows and smiles at her excitement.

4) He reciprocates by coming to help on her case. Again, more affectionate smiling.

5) At the end, Lindsay makes the effort to uncover something about Mac's personal life and then goes there. I suspect, given her comment to Danny about how Danny might not know Mac as well as he thinks he does (and therefore implying she knows him better). I suspect she didn't have to do an awful lot of investigative work to discover Mac's secret--perhaps he even told her.

I love it! They interact so well together--there is a real mutual respect between these two. It's so refreshing to see two people really enjoy each other's company and learning more about each other.
3) He lets her play with the arrows and smiles at her excitement.

Heh. :lol:

Seriously though, I can't get over how much I loved that scene. Regardless of the M/L implications, I loved how downright excited she looked. It was cute. And Mac thought so too. :)
5) At the end, Lindsay makes the effort to uncover something about Mac's personal life and then goes there. I suspect, given her comment to Danny about how Danny might not know Mac as well as he thinks he does (and therefore implying she knows him better). I suspect she didn't have to do an awful lot of investigative work to discover Mac's secret--perhaps he even told her.

I love it! They interact so well together--there is a real mutual respect between these two. It's so refreshing to see two people really enjoy each other's company and learning more about each other.

Lindsay is certainly dedicated to Mac there are how many jazz clubs in New York City. She found out the man has a standing Wednesday appointment, she found out he plays the bass guitar, she found out he plays at a club, she found out that it was specifically a jazz club, and then she found the club. That is some kind of time commitment. Let us consider that she probably didn't ascertain this information in the midst of working a case with Danny, please, this is something she has known for quite so time and has probably seen Mac play on more than one occasion, not counting the times at her apartment or his.

The delight they take in one another's company is infectious and there is no other relationship on the show quite like it. They take pleasure in one another, don't spend time trying to one up each other, what they have is golden.

Man i love you guys, you make me laugh so hard, and it is in a good way, dont worry ;)

Like i said before in a previous post, i dont watch NY very much, but i do love them together and it makes me so happy that they have so many cute moments togehter, i may have to start watching just see them together! :D

By the way, Adams girl i love your pics, what ep is the one where she is touching his mouth from? and why is she touching his mouth?
Wow, Lindsay really starts to have an interest in Mac.
'Stuck on you' basically said it all.
She had far more eyes for Mac in the episode than for Danny.
I still don't have a real opinion about this ship or about Danny/Lindsay. But that's a good thing. I'll just see what comes next.
Love the pictures and the captions Adams_girl!


I know what you’re thinking – why post a picture of Lindsay and Danny in this thread, but I have an excellent reason for doing so. Look at the smile on Lindsay’s face, look at how bright and wide open her eyes are, they are positively sparkling, now follow her eyes, they are looking past Danny and to the man on the stage, the man with the bass, Mac. Look at that look – it says smitten, it says delighted, it is a beautiful thing. A shining example of how you look at someone with interest and intent, of how to feel like you are alone with someone even in a crowd, even at a table with someone else.
