Mac/Flack Slash**Squeeze My Hand**


Lab Technician
Inspired by last night's season finale(and not being able to find this pairing when I did search)I decided to start a Mac/Flack thread. It probably needs a better heading though. Any ideas for a ship name?

I thought it was so sweet the way Mac stayed at Flack's side in the hospital, and got Flack to squeeze his hand.
No, I think "Squeeze My Hand" is perfect. Mac saved Flack's life, called him "Don" several times, held hands with him (okay--that's a bit of a stretch since Flack was unconscious), and held vigil over him (probably all night). Although their past interactions weren't particularly slash-worthy, I chalk that up to Mac still grieving over Claire. But I think Flack's the best candidate (of all the available guys on the show) since he isn't a direct subordinate to Mac. Also, they do have a good working relationship. Now I'll have to pull out my S1 DVDs and rewatch for all their interactions!

I used to be a Danny/Flack shipper, and I do like the idea of them together, but it's always been too one-sided for me to think of them as a couple. Danny's self-absorbed, a taker instead of a giver, and I think Flack would tire of loving someone who didn't return his love.

Now I'm hoping we get lots more Mac/Flack interactions next season!
You know, I never really gave much thought to this ship but what Flack and Mac shared last night was beautiful.

So perhaps stumbling across some fiction of the kind for the post episode would be lovely. ;)
Someone said they'd give it a week before a Mac/Flack thread opened. I thought to myself "Nah, I give it a day" - I SO wish I'd put money on it now ;) :lol:

Yay for more slash! From what I've been hearing about last night's episode, this is a terrific idea for a ship. Long may it sail :)
tuesdaymorning said:
You know, I never really gave much thought to this ship but what Flack and Mac shared last night was beautiful.

So perhaps stumbling across some fiction of the kind for the post episode would be lovely. ;)

I've been looking for any Mac/Flack but there's not much out there.
tuesdaymorning said:
There's been a couple (okay, maybe one or two) at CSI Slash.

Have to look around. ;)

And you should have kept that bet fg. :lol: Knowing CSI:NY, any body can be paired with anyone. :p

Thanks for the link! As for the "any body can be paired with anyone", I think that's the case in just about every fandom! :)
forensicsgirl said:
Someone said they'd give it a week before a Mac/Flack thread opened. I thought to myself "Nah, I give it a day" - I SO wish I'd put money on it now ;) :lol:

Yay for more slash! From what I've been hearing about last night's episode, this is a terrific idea for a ship. Long may it sail :)

You know next time, we should make a bet on it. :p

But yay to the thread!
A Mac/Flack Story I found this story at It takes place right after the ending of Charge of this Post. Nothing graphic, maybe a PG-13? I really liked this story a lot. The writer did a good job, I thought. Enjoy!
Well, the time has come for another Featured Ship of the Week :)

What are people's thoughts on this couple, particularly in light of the finale? Where do you see it going in Season 3? Where do you want to see it going? (Keep it clean, gang ;) )

Thoughts, images - lets see this thread get a little busy during it's week in the spotlight :)
Their interaction in the finale was lovely. At the very least, I'd like to see some mention of the finale in the season opener--maybe Don is newly back at work, or perhaps he tries to thank Mac for saving his life. It wouldn't need to be a full-blown thing, just a mention.

I'm thinking that the events of the finale could well deepen their relationship on some level. I mean, if someone is willing to literally put their hands inside your body and tie your insides back together...

Anyway, those are my rambling thoughts. Maybe I'll come up with something better after I've eaten.

Of course, that's the clean version. :devil:
I haven't seen the finale yet, but it sounds as though Mac really cares about Flack. It would be nice for Flack to mention something in Season 3.
After what Don and Mac have been through together, I don't see how they could just go back to being colleagues like before. While I know that TPTB are never gonna slash them (that's up to us fic writers!) I could see them maybe having Mac take more of an interest in Don outside of work.
The saying goes "if you save somebody's life then you're responsible for them forever" and I can see Mac living up to that responsibility, whether Don likes it or not!