Mac/Calleigh: Wouldn't they be cute together?


Police Officer
I don't know about the title but I was thinking and I am reading a fanfiction on that is going to have them together and I thought wouldn't they be cute together.
Re: Mac/Calliegh: Wouldn't they be cute together?

iv never atualy thought about them together but ye i agree they would make a cute couple

can you imagin there kids little Macs with an obsesion for guns
Re: Mac/Calliegh: Wouldn't they be cute together?

Hehe, this is funny. For a crossover with Mac, I always pictured him with Catherine. But he and Cal would look good together, I guess.
Re: Mac/Calliegh: Wouldn't they be cute together?

I have a present for this thread... :)

Aww, they would be cute, wouldn't they?
Re: Mac/Calliegh: Wouldn't they be cute together?

aww they do make a cute couple! think they will put a love story in for these guys, there aint one for CSI miami like that of CSI vegas sara n gil and warrick n catherine
Re: Mac/Calliegh: Wouldn't they be cute together?

I have only a very surface knowledge of Calleigh(?) as I don't watch Miami but that is, indeed, a very cute shot :)

Thanks for posting that!
Re: Mac/Calliegh: Wouldn't they be cute together?

You know what...

I love Mac.

I love Calleigh even more.

so where is this fic over at can someone link it?
Re: Mac/Calliegh: Wouldn't they be cute together?

Nice, more power to this thread. You may need more cross over episodes though. :)
Re: Mac/Calliegh: Wouldn't they be cute together?

I've never thought of Calleigh and Mac together before, and i'm not sure if i would like to see them together. I don't know though they could make a cute couple, but i've always been a Mac/Stella shipper. But if there are people who shipp Mac/Calleigh then you keep on shipping them. You should never be embarrased about who you Shipp, so what if you don't ship someone conventional.
Aww. Mac looks like he's thinking about whether he's gonna ask Calleigh out. Heh.

Thanks for posting it. The crossover eps will be shown here next week.
Hey guys it is great to see that some people think they would be cute together. lol. I am a hardcore Horatio/Calliegh fan but sometimes I go off and find other couples to talk about or root for and I just thought what a cute couple they would make. lol.