Mac/Calleigh: Wouldn't they be cute together?

You never know. it might turn angsty. :D I'm all for angst!

Who knows Calleigh might come to NY to have a holiday time with Macky. Mac might go to Miami for new years or vice versa.
Hiya, I'm bringing this one back to life. I have started a Crossover Series of Miami/NY and I'm just starting to put feeling into Mac and Calleigh that the've had hidden. Even though they're married to their significant others in my story just by toying with them I'm starting to feel some chemistry building.

*Excuse me well I run and hide from Mel* :eek:

I hope others feel it too. Let me know because this is one couple that should maybe explored.

I love my H/C and my M/S, but I pasted a picture of Mac and Calleigh together and it looked hot. I'll post the pic later
Wow, you can tell its been awhile since I've been here considering my old name is still listed in quotes and all that, lol.

Oh trust me, You'll need to hide from Melly. Thats what I usually a lot. she whacks, especially if ya tryin' to ship Macky with anyone else.

I like this thread though :D
I hear ya, she's chased me quite a few times because I've tried to romance MaCalleigh, that's the name we should put for them. LOL.
Though I have some nice Rrated M/S moments. :devil:

If you have a chance read the Crossover, you can actually feel MaCalleigh heat. :devil: :devil:

This is one of the scenes I cut out

"Calleigh", "are you going to be okay"?

"Yes Mac", "stop worrying about me".

"Never Calleigh", "that would not be possible".

"Just go Mac", "I'm tired".

Mac could see that anger coming back from earlier. "Calleigh", "please relax", "think about the baby".

"GET OUT", "damn it Mac". "Why do you keep pushing this"?

"Pushing what Calleigh", "my concern for you", "for your baby", storming over he grabbed Calleigh.
"Snap out of it Calleigh", "look at me". Calleigh looked at Mac as tears poured down her face.

"What is it Calleigh"?, "don't turn away from me".

Knowning she had no choice but to look at him her eyes slowly drifted up once again. Mac knew in that moment Calleigh was in love with him as much as he was with her. No longer wanting to fight what was tearing them apart they gave in. Lowering his head with no chance of escape Mac softly joined his lips to hers and they shared their first kiss. Passion flew between them, no words could describe what they felt because it was beyond the Universe, the stars and Heaven and in that blessed second they knew their lives would never be the same again.

*RUN* *Here comes Mel* :eek:
MaCalleigh. I like that name. Okay so it just combines them, leave me alone.

I think MIA/NYC should do another crossover, and let Cal and Mac work together more. It'll be fun. Who agrees? come on, I know yall are there.
MaCalleigh. I like that name. Okay so it just combines them, leave me alone.

I think MIA/NYC should do another crossover, and let Cal and Mac work together more. It'll be fun. Who agrees? come on, I know yall are there.


Are you trying to get us slaughtered :lol: :lol: :lol:

Christ, here we go again. I actually did a PM scene on them, and poor Melly, wouldn't read it. :( :( :(

"Geesh, I guess if we are going to die, we may as well go together" ;) :p :p
haha, you know you wanna play in here with me, admit it!

You did a pm scene? a :devil: scene? for MaCalleigh?

Melly's not really into shipping Mac with anyone other then Stella.

*yup, we might as well! :) *
I think Mac and Calleigh make a great crossover pairing. Stella and Horatio, and Mac and Calleigh. Mac and Cal would be so cute together. I would love to see another MIA/MYC crossover and more scenes with these two.
I'd like to see scenes where they get so close together, and have this longing look and then look away, so cute. lol. I dunno I just like it :)
I'd like to see scenes where they get so close together, and have this longing look and then look away, so cute. lol. I dunno I just like it

They do have nice looks together.

*Spanks Lynny, bad influence, you are a she-devil*


Mac: Calleigh are you seeing, what I'm seeing"?

Cal: Uhhh!! Yeah, Did we actually do that.

Mac: I must admit, you are beautiful

Cal: Thanks MacMan. You're very sexy


*See CAlleigh has her eyes closed, allowing the sound of his voice to take her away.*


*Hands please*
She's probably saying, "Mac, your hand is on my thigh"


They are so cute, look at them, we really need another crossover.

*chuckles* You know you love me! :) Besides, you know you want to be in this just as much as moi ;)

*God help me, he's hooottt

She's probably saying, "Mac, your hand is on my thigh"


Hmmm, I think I'll PM you on that one. With those eyes shut like that, it's no hand thigh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

They are so cute, look at them, we really need another crossover.

I do have to agree, they are very sweet. I could see them both, being shy and unsure, of who would make the first move. But if Cal was smart, she'd let Mac do it. I mean the way he embraced Pey, I could feel the heat of it everywhere. Imagine what Calleigh would feel :devil: :p

*chuckles* You know you love me! Besides, you know you want to be in this just as much as moi

*Yes I love ya* *And Hell Ya, I wanna be here* :D :D
I LOVE this ship! The idea of MaCalleigh came to me after I saw the second crossover ep again. I just got this image in my brain of Mac paying a visit to Calleigh's place at night, and her opening the door and inviting him in...And they're just so cute together. I think Calleigh is precisely what Mac needs - she's laid back and caring, and i think she needs a guy like Mac to take care of her too. And a hug scene between Mac and Calleigh like the one in Silent Night between Mac and Peyton would be great.
I LOVE this ship! The idea of MaCalleigh came to me after I saw the second crossover ep again. I just got this image in my brain of Mac paying a visit to

Actually hun, that was the name I gave them. It's on page #1. It came to me when I came in here for the first time. It was my crossover story, that actually helped me put the name together.

I hear ya, she's chased me quite a few times because I've tried to romance MaCalleigh, that's the name we should put for them. LOL.

Though I don't mind sharing :)