Mac #9: We Are Oatmeal People

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  • It's Detective, Detective Mac Taylor

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  • 8433 is our number

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  • We *are* oatmeal people

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Originally Posted by Sam222
Lovely pics! :drool: :adore:

Just a quick reminder that please post only "Mac pictures" in this thread. Thank you. :)

Keep the pics coming! ;)

I can't edit my post now, sorry, i just posted it to prove my point on his sexy looks, please don't kill me :(
I don't worry. :) We won't kill you! :lol: I meant my note as a reminder for future posts just to keep in mind for everyone. I can assure you that all of us forget sometimes when we post that which thread was now in turn! :D

Of course the blame goes to him for being so distracting! :guffaw:

Yeah blame Mac cause i do and even worse watching him as character in a cartoon film made my mind land in the gutter and it's still there
I don't really have anything to say except that I'm really REALLY looking forward to new Mac in Kevlar this week :D

In the mean time, here's another wardrobe item that seriously needs to make a comeback. Mac, my good man, you really need to drag those leather jackets of yours that you have, back out of your closet!!!







Hi Jade, wow, I like Mac in leather. This made my day.

Mac in a kevlar.. Mac in a kevlar.. Oh man i'm dead all ready but those pic's Jade...








He's so gorgeous! my fav is the second one, those smouldering eyes... :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
^ 12+ *that's* a little scary :wtf: :lol: But yes, he does have a quietly wicked charm to him that's just.... :devil::angel:


BUT, back on topic of Mac (;)), here's a pic before I head to bed. Oh, and I'll be gone all this next week, so I doubt I'll be posting much if at all... Cheers!


"Boss, it's best if you *don't* think about how it works."


I love Adam and Mac!

I like to think that Adam is telling Mac something.

"You can't take my pen because it's mine!"
"Fine! Don't have to whine about it!"

Nope, it's s4 - 'Boo' when the guy who dug himself out of the grave at the very beginning after he'd been drugged, stumbled into that zombie walk and ended up collapsing in the street, dead. There are seriously far too few eps with Mac wearing a leather jacket, and he has at least 3 if not 4 different ones... dammit Mac, we want to see you in leather again!!! :drool::devil::drool:
Imagine Mac in a skin tight, black leather suite for halloween dressed up as Batman and Don goes as Robin :lol: mmmmm that's a sexy image

A Question for everone.. What is your best feature on Mac or what made you attracted to him?

For me, he has gorgeous/beautiful eyes, i like his hair when it's curly and it's only a programme but i feel proud of him for being a Marine? :lol: i also like how he can be really serious but still have fun aswell :) he's tall-ish, dark hair, green eyes, smart, beautiful smile, good sense of humour, and a Marine i mean what woman wouldn't want that? :drool: Oh and he has funky eyebrows :lol:
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Nope, it's s4 - 'Boo' when the guy who dug himself out of the grave at the very beginning after he'd been drugged, stumbled into that zombie walk and ended up collapsing in the street, dead. There are seriously far too few eps with Mac wearing a leather jacket, and he has at least 3 if not 4 different ones... dammit Mac, we want to see you in leather again!!! :drool::devil::drool:

I soooo agree with you! :drool::devil::drool:'

"Hey CSI:NY costume folks. We want to see Mac in leather jacket, thank you!!!" :lol::lol::lol:

Originally posted by taylorgirl A Question for everone.. What is your best feature on Mac or what made you attracted to him?
Hmm that's a good question...gosh it's been so long since I first saw him....season 1....I remember that I just happened to turn the channel and BOOM! There's this dark haired man with the most beautiful green eyes:adore::adore::adore: watching some evidence with a flashlight....I was sooo hooked by that moment and still are! :lol:

So my answer will be those super beautiful green eyes. (Well the same applies to actor himself naturally! :lol:) But what in Mac I love mostly is his nature, calmness and drive to make things better. Of course the fact that he's a marine and makes suits look extremely hot as another reason!
:drool: :devil::drool:
Oh and his sense of humour which we can see some time to time! :D:D:D
Jade, those Mac pics are :drool::drool::drool:

In answer to taylorgirl's question, about what attracts me to Mac the most:

In purely physical terms, it's those *eyes* of his, they're amazing, and can convey so many different emotions.

But most of all, it's simply who Mac *is*, his innate sense of and need for justice, his desire to help people and put bad people away, his compassion, his loneliness, his love for Claire, and his love for his team, city, and country. The fact that although he can be a bit 'SuperMac' occasionally he *is* a flawed and vulnerable human being. Because he has a sly, dry, wicked sense of humour that always catches you by surprise. Because he's dedicated to, and very competent at his job. The fact that he's a Marine, and not just a Marine, but he was a decorated Marine officer.Because there's this sense of separateness about him that just intrigues me. It was very obvious in s1, that sense of separateness, but even though he has grown closer to and developed relationships with the rest of the team over the years, even now, even in s7 when we saw a happier, 'lighter' Mac, there is still that sense of separateness about him, of him being on the outside looking in, that we still see in episodes when he gets a certain look in his eyes, or when there's a short scene of him alone in his office, looking out at the lab or over the city.
Nope, it's s4 - 'Boo' when the guy who dug himself out of the grave at the very beginning after he'd been drugged, stumbled into that zombie walk and ended up collapsing in the street, dead. There are seriously far too few eps with Mac wearing a leather jacket, and he has at least 3 if not 4 different ones... dammit Mac, we want to see you in leather again!!! :drool::devil::drool:

"Boo" is one of my favorites. I love when Mac says, "I hate zombies."
Imagine Mac in a skin tight, black leather suite for halloween dressed up as Batman and Don goes as Robin :lol: mmmmm that's a sexy image
I read this and felt my face go red. :drool::drool::drool::drool::scream::scream: ah, hell..... Damn sexy :lol: mmmmmmm....

A Question for everyone.. What is your best feature on Mac or what made you attracted to him?
It's definitely his voice that first attracted me. it's just so calm and gravelly and.... moving, and it has that little quality that makes me all melty and weepy and just makes me want to.... write and try to catch that quality and put it in my writing, because it's so beautiful, but it's so elusive, too. it's there for one second and it lingers, but then, if you try to listen for it, it's gone in an instant. you just sort of have to let it... wash over you. He has a beautiful tonal quality to his voice, that's for sure.
Another thing's his passion. Mac especially, he's seen so much pain and suffering and yet his level of compassion and emotion he reveals is just--it's just perfect. His anger, his sadness, that little touch of irony when he's taking down a bad guy, that... look he gets on his face sometimes, the one that makes him look just... ageless and just SO Mac Taylor! like in this last episode, when he was talking about leaving the innocents out of it, it almost made me cry, because he's this honest, hardworking cop who's been there, he's been where Miranda(?) is now, and he's come back to fight for them. So much of his compassion for the victims' families stems from his own loss, and on those rare occasions when we see his anger (especially in interrogation scenes--Yahrzeit's a great example, also Sweet Sixteen, I believe) it's just so powerful.
Also, and this goes sort of along with his passion, is his just absolute strength, because he's there, he's feeling all of this loss and dealing with everything and he knows what these families are feeling and he knows the loss every single day but he's still there, he hasn't quit.
The minute I fell for the man, though, was in Corporate Warriors, when he's looking over all those weapons and he can name them and their uses and history and he can use them. he looks so powerful, so deadly... so sexy.
And then there's the fact that he's a marine, but I think MacsLady says it all on that front.
Jade, those Mac pics are :drool::drool::drool:

In answer to taylorgirl's question, about what attracts me to Mac the most:

In purely physical terms, it's those *eyes* of his, they're amazing, and can convey so many different emotions.

But most of all, it's simply who Mac *is*, his innate sense of and need for justice, his desire to help people and put bad people away, his compassion, his loneliness, his love for Claire, and his love for his team, city, and country. The fact that although he can be a bit 'SuperMac' occasionally he *is* a flawed and vulnerable human being. Because he has a sly, dry, wicked sense of humour that always catches you by surprise. Because he's dedicated to, and very competent at his job. The fact that he's a Marine, and not just a Marine, but he was a decorated Marine officer.Because there's this sense of separateness about him that just intrigues me. It was very obvious in s1, that sense of separateness, but even though he has grown closer to and developed relationships with the rest of the team over the years, even now, even in s7 when we saw a happier, 'lighter' Mac, there is still that sense of separateness about him, of him being on the outside looking in, that we still see in episodes when he gets a certain look in his eyes, or when there's a short scene of him alone in his office, looking out at the lab or over the city.
couldn't agree more, tbh. well said!

Originally posted by taylorgirl A Question for everone.. What is your best feature on Mac or what made you attracted to him?
Hmm that's a good question...gosh it's been so long since I first saw him....season 1....I remember that I just happened to turn the channel and BOOM! There's this dark haired man with the most beautiful green eyes:adore::adore::adore: watching some evidence with a flashlight....I was sooo hooked by that moment and still are! :lol:

So my answer will be those super beautiful green eyes. (Well the same applies to actor himself naturally! :lol:) But what in Mac I love mostly is his nature, calmness and drive to make things better. Of course the fact that he's a marine and makes suits look extremely hot as another reason!
:drool: :devil::drool:
Oh and his sense of humour which we can see some time to time! :D:D:D

yeah, I gotta agree with that, too. :)