One quick pic from Mac and then I have to put my nose back into history book.

Honestly I'd wanna glue my nose to this laptop screen and drool for Mac's hotness!:lol:
Sam, I hope your history exam went well. Mac loves history, such a shame he couldn't help you study for it....but if he was around, I doubt you'd get much work done!:devil:
OT, joining in the discussion on history - I liked history at school, but now I enjoy reading military history books. I started off just reading accounts of the current war in Iraq, but I read another one about the Ardennes forest battle in WW2, and also one about what happened in Beirut in 1983 (inspired by Mac). I have a book about the British Desert Rats to read as well on my shelf. I like that kind of history, about wars and why they happen and the soldiers and other people involved. Not really into Tudors/Victorians and all that, just into military/war stuff mainly. I much prefer being able to pick and choose what I read now rather than having to read some textbook. Mac is educational - it was his being a Marine that got me interested in military history. Well, Mac and Band of Brothers, actually.
Hello! Nice pics, esspessialy the last one. I was shocked, when I've seen smoking Mac (I don't like smoking men) but this is Mac. Even he's smoking, he's a cute guy.
oh god, he looks soooo hot when he smokes! i know smoking isn't meant to be cool or glamorous but i like it and he definitely doesn't help the anti-smoking cause!:guffaw: every time i see that pic it makes me want two things: a cigarette, and ... well, you can probably guess

I can guess, 'cause I'm thinking the same thing!:devil: Smoking is hot when Mac does it!
This smoke from Mac a test was to be helped around Danny. But I saw him smoking often enough.
yeah, you can tell by the way he smokes that he's definitely done it before (and probably quite a bit) - the fact that he doesn't hold the ciggie for 4-5 drags gave it away, i doubt anyone who's never smoked, or even who's only smoked a little, could do that without coughing (hell, i've been doing it for almost 20 years and i sometimes cough if i do that!) - go mac

I bet Gary smoked when he was a teenager, according to interviews he was quite the rebel. As for Mac, I'm guessing he maybe started smoking in college, or the Marines. I also wonder if his dad dying of lung cancer made him give up?
Thanks for all the gorgeous pics, especially thanks to skittles (welcome, by the way, what a lovely present you brought us) and Lady Taylor for posting the pics of....Marine Mac!!!! Finally we get to see him in his uniform! He looks so hot!:drool: Still very 'Mac-like' but younger.