Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

Gorgeous pics. I love your poem, LMH. :devil: If Mac actually looked at me and said that I think I'd melt. Or I'd just jump on him. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
mj, I really like his eyes too. I watched 'Night, Mother' from s1 today, and there are quite a few close-ups of his eyes. Needless to say the pause button on my dvd remote got a good work out. ;)
Here are some pics from Tanglewood of Mac, uh...adjusting his gun. Just thought I'd post 'em and drag us all even deeper into the gutter.
When I saw this scene, I felt this evil -
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:


I think Macky needs a little, uh, assistance there, huh?
The pics are from PastMyShoulder. com.
Well that scene put my mind right in the gutter because my thoughts were, in this order....oh nice shot...the closer the camera came...nice ass.....and the closest shot...oh what fun I could have with Mac and those handcuffs.... :devil: :devil:
Woopsie..... finally slid back into this gutter and what do i find... Hip porn of a hot Macky. Lost my inspiration for a new wall, but this certainly is gonna help. Thanx for posting MacLady. :devil:
Well that scene put my mind right in the gutter because my thoughts were, in this order....oh nice shot...the closer the camera came...nice ass.....and the closest shot...oh what fun I could have with Mac and those handcuffs....

I wasn't the only one then :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
CSISenna said:
Woopsie..... finally slid back into this gutter and what do i find... Hip porn of a hot Macky. Lost my inspiration for a new wall, but this certainly is gonna help. Thanx for posting MacLady. :devil:
You're welcome. i'm just doing what I can to promote guttery Macky thoughts.
I hadn't really noticed the handcuffs, but now Fruitbat and nattybatty pointed them out, my thoughts about this scene got this evil - :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
*sings to tune of Johnny Cash's 'Ring of Fire'* "I'm goin' down, down, down into a filthy, filthy gutter..." :D
* Taz Spaz El freakin' whirls in after a crazy week *

* Taz hops, skips, flips, and wipes out onto the wet floor... * uh, hi guys, you all down here too eh??

wahoooooooooooooooo!! :D Awwww, hiyas all.

First, Sphinx, that's a fabulous photo of that rare Macky grin!! From S2 Summer in the City or something like that??

Next, wow, notice the shine on those handcuffs of Mac's? Luva man who keeps his gun and gear in tip top form, don't you?? Only "next" because I hadda go back and gaze upon it again with many scenarios just pulsing thru my little gutter mind here... :lol: Nice, MacsLady ;)

oh, and next... a little Spencer/Macky wet hot man crossover?? Twirl away, sweetiepie, please, do, twirl away... :p

Such a nice way to end a fubar week. Off to Sinister, and other threads, and lastly to FF, lots of catching up to do before I take off for the weekend. Thanks for all the great pics and gutter fun :D :D

*Wall by CSISenna*

Pull out those buckets, and get ready to pant, for here is MAc Taylor, with his gun in hand