Heya Family!!!!!!!!!
Welcome aborad PianoWizzy, it's a pleasure to have you here:bolian: These family members are all special, actually they are specially crazy:lol: but they are all good people
A little bird told me you haven't behaved lately:lol: ok back to Smack:thumbsup:
I think the main reason why he started this new friendship with this new chick is the fact he is terrified by what he is feeling for Stella:thumbsup: Deep inside himself, he does know something huge and important is happening between them but i believe he has been invaded by thousand of doubts:drool:
So i am hoping Stella's reaction when she finds out he is seeing another "friend"

because she is more...let's say she doesn't have any problem showing her feelings and she doesn't lock them..but of course it's about Mac and probably she does soemthing completely different to her nature
Meanwhile i wait for new episodes and specially for 6.08:drool::drool::drool: i watch frist episodes of Season 6. 6.06 is so amazing as the first time i watched:drool::drool: Not only because teh case was so solid (the scene with Mac, Sheldon and the killer made me shed a tear again) but because how well the relationships among all characters were handled and it's remarkable how Mac and Stella confesses each other they couldn't say anything to Sheldon just because it's Sheldon. The way they confess that, showing Shledon is their mutual weakness
Here you have
Mac: Have you talked to Sheldon?
Stella: I'm… I'm not sure what to say. Guess my expectations are too high.
Mac: What do you mean?
Stella: Hawkes is a brilliant former surgeon. And that being said, I know that he couldn't have saved Martin Stafford's life if he had tried. But what's bugging me is I don't understand why he didn't know more was wrong with him. Why he didn't see the symptoms, why he didn't tell us everything at the crime scene.
Mac: I've been asking myself those questions. When Hawkes told me what happened, I was angry, but I resisted giving him a lecture or threatening modified duty, because... it was Sheldon. All I kept thinking was, this isn't like him. It wasn't like him at all. I suppose we do expect a lot out of each other.
Stella: Is that bad?
Mac: No
my love to all (wish me luck. This Saturday is my English examn:thumbsup:
I found a jewel! This pic made me remember 6.10:drool:
Like Romeo and Juliet
Someone is sooooooo in love