Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

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  • Mac <3 Stella #18: Because True Love Is NOT A One Night Stand

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  • Mac <3 Stella #18: 'Cause she belongs with Mac dammit!

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  • Mac <3 Stella #18: Because It's Smack NOT ADella, stupid writers!!!

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  • Mac <3 Stella #18: Mac'll Smack ADella When/If He Finds Out

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  • Mac<3 Stella #18: 'Cause SMACk beats Adella anyday

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  • Mac <3 Stella # 18: Strong and confident beats shy and geeky

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  • Mac <3 Stella # 18:Because they're not alone

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  • Mac <3 Stella #18: Because No Dork Can Ruin What They Have

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  • Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Mac <3 Stella #18: Because he will be strong for both

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Heya, Family!

Reasons Why We Want Mac and Stella to Get Together:
1. They have been friends for so long.
2. Their chemistry is amazing on screen.
3. They have one the strongest relationships in the show
4. Even when Mac was with Peyton, he cared deeply about Stella when she was going through the HIV scare
5. They do what friends and partners do, they take care of each other.
6. Because he let Stella take his tie off
7. Because Mac's the only one in the department that Stella trusts the most, personally and professionally.
8. Because the cannolis are on her.
9. Because he offered Stella a room in his apartment
10. Because when all seems lost between Mac and Stella, they are always there by each other's side.
11. Because she was the first to know about the 333 caller.
12. Because she was the first one to hug Mac after the explosion (Snow Day)
13. Because nobody likes Peyton with Mac
14. Because he needed to hear it from her
15. Because they made 'gooey' a nice forensic word.
16. Because Stella's the strongest person he knows.
17. Because they define the 'true' in 'true friendship'
18. Because he's Stella's "Mac-Man"
19. Because he was so worried, he left a crime scene to see if she was alright
20. Because he invited her to an Argentinian restaurant
21. Because Stella Bonasera's a good friend.
22. Because they were the only one who witnessed Danny and Lindsay's wedding
23. Because he followed her to Greece
24. Because he CARES about her
25. Because she took him to Sallivan's
26. Because she's THE woman in his life who he adores
27. Because she stayed
28. Because they care for each other
29. Because serial killers realise why they belong together
30. Because they are at each other's side
31. Because they take care of each other
32. Because she's lucky to have him in her life
33. Because he appreciates her too
34. Because she can sit on his desk and get away with it

Mac ♥ Stella Mac ♥ Stella ♥ Mac

35. Because they have too much chemistry to be turned a blind eye to
36. Because every time they look into each others' eyes, there's LOVE reflected in their eyes
37. Because they are made for each other
38. Because they need no words nor sentence to communicate, they have gaze that speak volumes
39. Because everything they need from each other is just ONE, one touch, one look, one smile and it will all be alright/fine
40. Because whenever something happens, better or worst, they are here for each other to weather all the storms and tribulation together regardless to the condition/circumstances they are in
41. Because EACH and EVERY moment they spent with one another is of immeasurable value and worth


Debbie, the third picture you posted in #352 is amazing! I never notice that before. What episode is that from? Stella is holding Mac's hand while grasping on the gun isn't it? Whoa! :drool:

Look at the second picture in #352! Look at how he look at her...! :adore: OH MY! *Faints* There's just too much to be ignored! So close... yet so far...

Welcome, Hammer227! :) I'm Asprine! Nice to meet you!
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Hi Aspirine, nice to meet you too :D, and thanks for the welcome!!

38, 39 and 40 are soooooooo trueeeee!!!:adore:


what about if it is SID? He could tell something that affects a lot Stelal because she knows the victim of something like that and she starts being wild and more erractic than ever so Sid talks to Don and tell him "Don, i think i killed Stella" :D

All ideas seem to be promising and i really can imagine Adam with a paint gun:lol::lol::lol: That's SOOOOOO Adam:lol:
:guffaw::guffaw:OMG i just had a crazy idea for a fic...hope you dont mind if i draw on your idea.

*goes to write*
So the title of : Don, I think I killed Stella is followed by, second chances. Although I have my reservations about the first title I wonder if there is any connections to the two episodes? I would think that if they are "Stella centered" Mac would start showing a little more concern. They need to start having him put forth a little more effort IMO.
Y'know i was thinking along the same lines re: 6:11 being called second chances perhaps refering to Smacked might explain all the cloak and dagger stuff re:6:10 at least partially anyway we can hope can' we?

43:Because they can finish each others sentences.
44:Because Stella calls only Mac when she thinks she's being stalked.
45:Because he comes running even though he's dating Peyton.
46: Because it's Stella who comforts him when he's on trial for Clay Dobson topping himself.
47:Because of all that hugging (go on count 'em.)
48:Because he gives her a rose when he's playing with the magic set.
49:Because she's worried sick when he's held hostage by Joe.

sure we can hope ;-) and it makes sense to me to have the episodes linked somehow...oh and i was thinking:

i saw the writer draft of this episode and it would seem that this is the Xmas i was hoping for a little help from the mistletoe, you know ;)...

What do you think?

50) because she moved heaven and earth to save him from joe
51) because he honestly wouldn't do this job without her
52) because they're meant to be
53) because both know when one need to be left alone or talk
54) because she's jealous of every woman in Mac's life
Hello family!

Wow much happened since my last visit!!
Restrained mode on: I totally want to see what 6.10 will bring in SMAC but please allow me to have my reserves because as SMAC funs are a bit "misstreated" and this title could mean many many things...!!!

Restrained mode off: Seriously I am having a million SMAC moments flowing into my brain! I'm happy and excited and it can really ignite SMAC passion and send us to the 7th heaven!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

Let's see I am happeh!! veui happeh!!

PS: please please keep the conversation with Adam as limited as possible (not that I am a moderator wannabe) but I don;t want to close the thead :alienblush::alienblush:

Reasons Why We Want Mac and Stella to Get Together:

55 - because Mac is the knight in shining armor of Stella.

"Don, I think I Killed Stella" gives us a lot of possibilities, however I will keep my expectations down there. But I'm certainly anxious and crossing your fingers to the scenes smakeds

Hey Family!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

HAHAHA I can see everybody is being cautious about 6.10;) well i want to be cautious as well so if it is at least 10% i will be happy! :D and when i say "Smacked" i am referring to their old closeness . I won't ask for anything else;)

"Second chances"? Sounds good for 6.11:thumbsup: But this is the first surprise i have!!!!!! We never had a Christmas episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

I am going to write to Santa (My Santa has an incredible resemblance to PV;))

Dear Santa,

I know you must be very busy. But we have been good kids. Well, most of the time if you count the day this place was closed just because we didn't behave but i promise you it was just that time
We will be calm, lovely,and quiet ladies:p or we will try :lol:

Please, Santa Could you give us just ONE present this Christmas??? I promise you won't need to spend the money you have for your reers in giving us that present. Could you just put Mac and Stella in some "interesting situation"????:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: I leave to your imagination what "interesting" means:lol:

Yours faithfully


hugs to all

I love y'a!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TINA! Tomorrow i have Training and English and i won't be here to celebrate your birthday my dear. Believe me i wish you all the best my pure and special Scorpio Lady:thumbsup:

And i won't be able to post in the morning because my PC is OUT OF SERVICE again! Yesterday i tried to speak to Shippy and it rebooted every 5 minutes:shifty: so it was sent this morning to teh technician
Hey Family!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

HAHAHA I can see everybody is being cautious about 6.10;) well i want to be cautious as well so if it is at least 10% i will be happy! :D and when i say "Smacked" i am referring to their old closeness . I won't ask for anything else;)

"Second chances"? Sounds good for 6.11:thumbsup: But this is the first surprise i have!!!!!! We never had a Christmas episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

I am going to write to Santa (My Santa has an incredible resemblance to PV;))

Dear Santa,

I know you must be very busy. But we have been good kids. Well, most of the time if you count the day this place was closed just because we didn't behave but i promise you it was just that time
We will be calm, lovely,and quiet ladies:p or we will try :lol:

Please, Santa Could you give us just ONE present this Christmas??? I promise you won't need to spend the money you have for your reers in giving us that present. Could you just put Mac and Stella in some "interesting situation"????:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: I leave to your imagination what "interesting" means:lol:

Yours faithfully


hugs to all

I love y'a!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TINA! Tomorrow i have Training and English and i won't be here to celebrate your birthday my dear. Believe me i wish you all the best my pure and special Scorpio Lady:thumbsup:

And i won't be able to post in the morning because my PC is OUT OF SERVICE again! Yesterday i tried to speak to Shippy and it rebooted every 5 minutes:shifty: so it was sent this morning to teh technician

Hellooo Ladies!!!!
I missed you soooooooo much!!!! Im buried in papers and exams!

Cant wait for 6.10 hope we can see lots of SMACKED moments:drool:
Debs I really hope Santa read your letter lol, I can picture thousands of Smacked christmas moments all with happy endings!:)

My dear Tina I hope you have a wonderful B-day!:thumbsup:
Talk to you soon!

Xmas might arrive a bit early this year, well at least for us ;) LOL *keeps fingers crossed*

anyway a Santa's letter sounds good, and maybe we should write one to TPTB too :lol:

Dear Santa,

you've known me for years now, and you also know that -apparently- i have the tendency to ship 'impossible' this year, and as any other years since i was 16, i'm asking you to bring at least Stella and Mac together (i'm slowly loosing hopes with the other couples). It's no big deal c'mon, make some Smackers happy!!!

thank you Santa,

Sincerely yours

Sapphire is happy very very happy! Check out the Pam Veasey interview she catagoricaly states the Adam thing is a one off and Stella will keep her word never ever again. Altogether now Yessssssssssssss! Methinks someone may be finally getting the message No Smacked No viewers No ratings No Job! Keep your eye on 6:10/6:11 the odds on Smacked just got shorter.Remember your Dunkirk spirit (Famous British WW11 battle for those of us who are not familiar) even if your on your last legs never ever give up and never ever surrender!

Hey guys, You've been warned and warned and warned that this is the Mac/Stella thread and while most of you seem to be following the rules, there are still a few of you who seem to ignore the warnings. Specifically the last poster before me. This is a thread to discuss Mac/Stella. I've received complaint after complaint after complaint from other posters who come into this thread to read about Mac/Stella NOT about Adam or just Stella or Adam/Stella.

Thread officially closed for 24 hours. Will re-open at 7:00 AM EST on Thursday, 11/5/09.
I am sooooo sorry. I completely forgot about opening this thread earlier today.
That's ok we are big hearted fellas! :lol: (I am joking)

Hello all!!!

I loved the latest episode! no significantly big SMAC moments but they had a nice conversation and they didn;'t just co-existed in the same episode actually I found them return to the usual close routine which I love! I will say no more for those who haven't seen the epi yet :)
Oh, by the way I read that the crossover episode will end in NY I wonder what this strong case will bring to our favorite duo!

Good night all! kisses!
loved the latest episode! no significantly big SMAC moments but they had a nice conversation
I loved it as well! And speaking of there conversations together did you catch the one when they were discussing Hawkes and they made referance to having high expectations with each other? I was trying to read into that. What is everyones take on it?

Kinkapoodles thanks for reopening the thread and lets just "get over it" you guys"!
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