CSI Level One
I just have to get something off my chest.... maybe I'm just imagening things but I rewatched Death House so many times now and everytime I notice something new... like HOW different somehow they act towards each other... like something changed... somehow. You know what I mean? What I'm trying to say is that if I didn't know better and if I didn't know the show and if this were the very first episode I watched I would have believed they were a real couple - just from watching them interact in this episode. The looks they always gave each other and those smiles, and the way they talked, it just seemed so much more intimate than before, like... I don't know. like something had happened before that they didn't show us on the show... my wild fantasy tells me that that certain "something" might have happened when they all went out together in the end of Manhattenhenge. GAH, I don't know, maybe I'm just dreaming or it's wishful thinking. I just can't get over how they behaved in Death House, let alone the hand-touching scenes. Something tells me he normally wouldn't just touch her like that... it's just so intimate to me, especially in Mac's case. Of course they're best friends but still... argghh, does anyone understand what I mean??? LOL Please tell me I'm not crazy!!! :lol:
No, you're not crazy! I noticed it the very first time I watched it, and even more so the second time (yes, i've only watched it twice..........). There does seem to be something intrinsically different about their interactions. I think what it is, is that this time the looks between them are mutual two-way streets (i.e. in the morgue, the vases, etc.) as opposed to one them stealing glances toward/after the other . And as for the phone scenes, considering how established it is how very out of the norm that was for Mac, Stella didn't seem the least bit surprised and didn't even give him a sideways look. So no, I don't think you're crazy, and sincerely hope we're right!!!! :hugegrin: