Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

Mac <3 Stella #15 -

  • 'Cause No-one Can Stand In Their Way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause It's Time.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • 'Cause New York Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause You Can't Ignore The Signs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Universal Ship.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause It's Her Destiny To Meet Someone Good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This Is How The Show Ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause No Fireman Can Extinguish Their Burning Love!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause You Can't Fake Chemistry Like That!

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! I just finished my papers for my examn and i couldn't post earlier OMG OMG OMG OMG:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Oh Stella i love you for being so stubborn
Oh Mac i love you for being such caring and adorable and unique. I want to be the mother of your children! (Uppsss Sorry Stella:guffaw:)


MAC GOES AFTER STELLA TO GREECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Debbie (on the floor hyperventilating needing the ER NOW!):eek::eek::eek::eek:
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Hi everyone! I haven't watch the new eppy yet but it seems promising. One scene is enough for me if the TPTB could handle it like this one as you gals are describing. We got guilty Stella and worried Mac, then we may have the Greece holiday coming. Debbie, see you in the ER! I'm the one staying in the next bed to you. :lol:
:guffaw::guffaw: Kikii!!!!!!!! Now i feel guilty towards our TPTB:lol: I left them a letter inside the "Dear Writers" Thread:lol::lol::lol::lol:


Just ONE scene is worth THE WORLD (i didn't watch the episode either)

And they have given EVERYTHING : Mac being emotional, Stella in trouble and
GREECE TOGETHER!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Mac going after her to save her butt:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: and "special bond" scenes between them OMG OMG OMG OMG

Sorry Writers and Producers. I have been an A$$! (and i am so happy to be one tonight!:lol:

Debbie :D
Debbie, you made me cry due to the spoilers. I mean I'm so happy until tears starts to form. I just watched the episode. And I love it 'cause Sid is such a sweetheart!! *Kidding* but he is a sweetheart! 'Cause of Mac's face when Stella turns to walk out from his office, you have to watch the episode, Debbie and Kikii even though there's only one scene where they're together! Then there's the professor and Stella's conversation, it was quite funny when he says "it was your hair", where he made some actions.

I just read the spoilers. And my heart is beating out of my chest. I don't know what "special bond" will be in the episode but I'm going insane soon 'cause my mind is on a marathon!

I'm preparing a wooden overcoat for myself to sleep in case ER's bed are full. :D
Debbie, you made me cry due to the spoilers. I mean I'm so happy until tears starts to form. I just watched the episode. And I love it 'cause Sid is such a sweetheart!! *Kidding* but he is a sweetheart! 'Cause of Mac's face when Stella turns to walk out from his office, you have to watch the episode, Debbie and Kikii even though there's only one scene where they're together! Then there's the professor and Stella's conversation, it was quite funny when he says "it was your hair", where he made some actions.

I just read the spoilers. And my heart is beating out of my chest. I don't know what "special bond" will be in the episode but I'm going insane soon 'cause my mind is on a marathon!

I'm preparing a wooden overcoat for myself to sleep in case ER's bed are full. :D

:guffaw::guffaw: Join the club my dear. We are 3 so far in the ER:thumbsup::thumbsup: OMG i should have trusted!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

And believe me i have the same reaction. I didn't know if i needed to cry, jump, kiss my computer:guffaw: or what Still i don't know what to do

I could make a monument to Gary and Melina. if it was just one scene i bet it was GREAT. I have been checking other forums and people talks about Mac knowing Stella's second intentions:drool:


I want to cry again Mac said he NEVER was going to leave US AGAIN and now he will leave US and will help her OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

Please i need a break. If that is not love i don't know what it is:drool::drool::drool::drool:

Debbie :D :D :D
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Like Flack said, Stella wears all her emotions in her face. She felt sad and guilty not telling Mac what she did. On the contrary, Mac's good at hiding his emotions. Do anyone notice how fast he answered when Stella called his name? He knew she was feeling bad. He wanted her to tell him herself instead of pointing it out. I'm looking forward to what's coming up and the season finale. :)

Welcome to the party! We must make sure the ER we are going has TV. :guffaw:
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DEFINITELY! I'll make sure our walls are covered with LCD screens surrounded 360 degrees with breathing mask of course addition to oxygen supply! Debbie, we need your help with the medical equipments. :lol: Mac always does the best when it comes to Stella. Also Stella who does the same for Mac. ;) That would refer back to our thread's beautiful title "Yin and Yang". :thumbsup:

Debbie, he would do everything, ONLY for Stella Bonasera ;). Even if it's to go around the world looking for her. :D
Debbie! I need a nurse. Count me in for the trip to the ER ladies!

Holy goodness! WOO HOO!
I try to stay spoiler free for CSI: NY, but this is just too great for words

Mac is going to Greece. How awesome is that! There is potential goodness for this and I can't wait to see it.
LOL! i will attend all of you but i will need someone to attend me instead :lol:

GIO---> Could you think in anything better like this as your birthday present?????? :D A little beforehand but we all will celebrate yourt birthday next Monday my dear! :D

when i finally could pay attention to the episode i think it was really interesting . I am watching it again because i do need to pay attention to details

Sid, my good and sweet Sid! very heartbreaking that scene when he said he wasn't able to perform the authopsy

I liked Angell reading Stella's mind: MAC DIDN'T KNOW!:eek: but i am glad she is fully awared about the case and nobody will blame Stella because Angell will take the full responsabity for being there

I LOVE THEM kicking a$$ to Koslovos :guffaw: Awwww Stella can be very creative:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: and Angell follows her (she is a such smart girl)
It breaks me in two how much Stella was dying for telling him EVERYTHING but she just can't. Mmmmm i think Mac didn't know her fully intentions of course but he figured out when she left the office. It was like he had an epiphany when she left that office

OMG It was TOO GOOD to be true!

Also i ROTFLMAO when Stella met her professor and he said "It was your hair":guffaw: I can recognize Stella 10 km away from me for that sae reason LOL. Melina was really enjoying that scene. She had the biggest grin ever :D He is a sweet guy and i am glad we had the chance to meet Stella's friends;)

OMG this was so good:drool:

Debbie (still in shock)
Hey ya'll:)
Those New Spoliers OMG!! I falled out of my chair when I read it!
Mac going after Stella to Greece:D That's great, he goes after her to show her that he's supporting her..:D that eppy are going to be soo great and soo sending me to heaven:lol: when I se that Eppy my parents and bro might think that Im alittle crazy or something's have happend to me, 'cause Im so gonna have a big smile on my face alllll day and tomorrow:D
GIO---> Could you think in anything better like this as your birthday present?????? :D A little beforehand but we all will celebrate yourt birthday next Monday my dear! :D
I can't think of anything better than something like this for a birthday pressie:D:D if it's alright im joining you guys at the ER when i've watched the eppy:lol:
Deb, make that 4!
Yeah, I read the spoiler because...well, I couldn't help it, but it was so worth it! MAC GOES WITH STELLA TO GREECE? OR GOES AFTER HER? :adore::adore::adore:OMG!!!!

Dear TPTB,

I am sorry for everything I've said this season and the sharks and the lions and the suggested ant farm :lol: You guys rock!


Love the avvy Deb
:lol: i can't believe. I still can't:luvlove::luvlove::luvlove::luvlove: . I think if we are like this NOW how do you think we will be when it happens

How far do you think they are going to go?

a kiss on the cheek? a hug? Probably if they are so away and sorrounded by the magic of Greece we wil get that "another" kiss we are waiting for. OMG I don't care!!!!!! Mac will go to Greece after her after saying he would NEVER leave US again OMG:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: HE LOVES HER. HE DID IT BECAUSE HE LOVES HER

Axel and Gio, you are very welcome to the ER unit.:guffaw: Half of the Family is here. No doubt we will be more later:guffaw:

These are official spoilers for 5.24


  • Mac finds out Stella's been working this Greek antiquities case behind his back. In his anger he tries to explain that she's put him in a difficult position and she defiantly hands him her badge and walks out on him. To Greece!
  • Mac turns up in Greece. Stella is surprised to see Mac, but he hasn't come to reprimand her. She has his support now in getting to the bottom of things.
  • We're introduced to a lot of new players in Greece. Some of the local law enforcement and a reprisal for Stella's friend Professor P. (Papokota)
  • It's unclear as to what the rest of the team is up to, but it seems like Danny might be running some analysis for them from NYC. No mention of Hawkes, Adam or Lindsay.
  • In the unraveling of this mystery we see some real bonding moments for Mac and Stella.


ps: Mandy has posted some pics from 5.18. Stella is beautiful :D

am sorry for everything I've said this season and the sharks and the lions and the suggested ant farm :lol: You guys rock!
I forgot completely the ant farm, Axel:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
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Hey, girls! I'll join you at the ER, I need it too!

Mac knows she's up to something. Come on! She was the worst liar ever, she simply can't lie to him. Anyway, when he asked her how she felt, I thought "hmmm... not nice... he should know already!:shifty:" because that comment's bad for the "they're so living together (if not already married!)" theory. However, I'll let it pass for now because I'm feeling good. After that, I think his mention of a female calling to inform about a dead guy who turned out to be Diakos is anything but innocent. He knew she had something to do with it and that's probably why he took the case himself. He wants to have it under control. Also, that's his way of saying "I'll stand by you... even if you won't let me". How sweet is that?

Squee! The both of them going to Greece. First we'll see 'em argue. Gotta love their lover quarrels. Stella saying "yeah, whatever! Kthxbye!" and heading off to Greece on her own only to have Mac follow her in order to help her out. And then the special bond, yay!
Isn't this the episode Melina is writing? We'll need to be really nice to her. Can she be bribed with cookies or something? I hope she's a good girl and give us what we want. I know Stella is half-Greek, half-Italian and that they'll be in Greece, but please, can we get some French kisses? :angel:
LOL! i will attend all of you but i will need someone to attend me instead :lol:
I got your back girl!!!

Man oh Man !! Last night was very little SMACK but very EFFECTIVE!!! I am still trying to decide if Mac already "Suspects" what Stell is up to because they could have traced the unidentifed female caller to her cell and is just being quiet to see if she will "Fess up" OR if he doesnt know what she is up to and wants to keep her safe OR (C)Both of the above!!!
I go for (C) :)

By the way I am looking to rent a bed in the SMACK ward! But please include a partitian with that for privacy as I will be heading to the gutter as I wait for the finale!!!:devil::devil::devil:

Anyway, when he asked her how she felt, I thought "hmmm... not nice... he should know already!:shifty:" because that comment's bad for the "they're so living together (if not already married!)" theory
Keep the Faith Pleni dont give up on it yet! When I am not well my husband will ask me how I am feeling!
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Lori K.;892791 Man oh Man !! Last night was very little SMACK but very EFFECTIVE!!! I am still trying to decide if Mac already "Suspects" what Stell is up to because they could have traced the unidentifed female caller to her cell and is just being quiet to see if she will "Fess up" OR if he doesnt know what she is up to and wants to keep her safe [B said:
OR[/B] (C)Both of the above!!!
I go for (C) :)

By the way I am looking to rent a bed in the SMACK ward! But please include a partitian with that for privacy as I will be heading to the gutter as I wait for the finale!!!:devil::devil::devil:

Lori, of course Mac knows that something's going on. Its Stella, they are practically one. And maybe when they get to Greece they will become one :devil: goes to join Lori and others in the gutter :devil:

Well seeing on how Melina is a fellow SMACKED lover her writing the finale and having a special bonding moment between the both of them thats a huge positive for us. I can't wait to see the look on her face when Mac shows up to support/help her. That my friends is true love.

Debbie, my birthday is next Friday, so this is an awesome birthday present. Now if only I can get Wentworth Miller and Adam Rodriguez for my birthday :devil: :lol:
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