Family! how are you? sorry for not posting lately. i have been taking care of the Stellarina Thread, looking for new Greek songs for the Smacked Sountrack Thread and getting some words to create a new Smacked-Greek dictionary *ahem
Gio--> ha ha Turbulence was a very good episode. Not much Smacked scenes but the phone call was remarkable LOL Now i feel pity for the firebug. He was nice i think but too silly for Stella .The jacket under a dead body's head is a proof of that:lol:
Anj--> don't loose you faith. We need you get your hope back.Smacked can happen (and they can live togeter as well) Season 6 sounds very promising
Asprineeeeeeeeeee---> dear, go and watch the eppy. That scene at the beginning is so funny. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh they are so in love. It doesn't matter why they are trying to to make us believe...Mac and Stella have their own life outside their computers. they are very alive *sigh*
Pleni--> hopefully we will see Ella again.I like her as a psycho and she has a great Smacked potential. It's funny but meanwhile i was looking for Melina pics i found Gary's daughter's pic and she is
adorable and certainly she has certain resemblance to "fiction Ella"
Axel, Kikii,Steph and Pleni--->
are you insane?????????
MARRIED??????? *Debbie is hyperventilanting*
mmm Inside the French Forum , our Smacked sisters are convinced they are living together because of the tension at the beginning of this season (certainly we never knew why there was that tension)
but to live under the same roof could cause their odd behaviours we watched.I was surprised because i felt i was under Heather and Lori's hypnosis here but aparently all Smacked Sisterhood around the world feels the same:lol:
So the only thing i can say is as long as i have them living together i will be perfectly happy
Asprine and Kikii-->
have you noticed the "Smacked official love language" is Chinese????? I feel i will forget French. Mandarin Chinese here i go!
Kikii---> i don't watch other shows of the franchise but i have read certain sites at LJ' and in one of them it said you can put any acting couple together but NOT OFTEN you can find a couple with GREAT chemistry
(i can't quote but more or less). I think it could be applied here: any time you can put an actor and an actress togetehr but only once in a while you can get the special bond i can see in Mac and Stella as characters thanks to Gary and Melina
Lori--> you're welcome dear.And thanks for being my comrade when we defend Smacked
mmm acording to spoliers we will get fine scenes in the future. That's ok for me
at least Mac and Stella are not OOC as at the beginning of this season we will be fine. I can't say 5.17 will be my fav episode of the season or even as beloved as 5.16. Actually i think nothing can be compared to 5.16, my Stella realized she is in love!!!! (well at least in that moment i thought she did
shhhhhhhh i am a die hard Smacked fan however i ADORE, LOVE, WORSHIP those funny,sweet and tender scenes between Stella and Donnie
Actually i think i need another Donnie (I am as serious as my Stell) They care for each other but it's quite obvious the difference between her relationship with Mac and the one she has with Donnie
MT and Axel--> you are our crazy duo here :guffaw: i'd prefer an onscreens wedding as well but nothing could be compared to an onscreen Baby Taylor's childbirth and a Baby Taylor's onscreen conception:drool::drool::drool::drool:
Sorry i need to run away to Gutterville. My dear Smacked twin
Gio has her apartment there LOL:drool:
Gals you are unique. Please pay a visit to the
Stellarina Thread. I
have posted the 5.17 "Chinese Talk" scenes and special heart-stopping Melina pics (
Pleni and
Quennie almost passed out when they saw them:lol: ) very useful for our talented Smacked artist of the Family
Also visit the Smacked Sountrack Thread. Axel, heather and Gio post lovely songs very often and I have started to post Greek songs:thumbsup:
I have dozen of mini polls to make here and the Special Dictionary because my doppelganger wants to know Greek
Pleniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :lol
but it will have to wait because i have to welcome new Stellarinas sisters
Hugs to all, Love y'a
Did i mention i LOVE Stella Bonasera????????:bolian:
ps: où est tu,
G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! need Gary's pics!!!!