Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

Mac <3 Stella #15 -

  • 'Cause No-one Can Stand In Their Way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause It's Time.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • 'Cause New York Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause You Can't Ignore The Signs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Universal Ship.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause It's Her Destiny To Meet Someone Good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This Is How The Show Ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause No Fireman Can Extinguish Their Burning Love!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause You Can't Fake Chemistry Like That!

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Hey, and welcome to the family NM, I'm Steph. :D It's always great to have new Smacked fans joining with us. : As your new I was wondering if, when you get a chance, could you please check out the shipper central rules? You can find them here. Many thanks.

Oh, I see talk of Mac and Stella in the shower... *Goes deep down into the gutter.* Now, there's a scene that I'd love to see... :devil: I bet that we all would. ;) Hehe, maybe we'll get a scene like that sometime in the future. Here's hoping... Right now I'd just settle for another coffee date, or even just a little chat between them, out at a scene or maybe in Mac's office, I'd even settle for them for talking about a case, but if it was about their personal lives, well, that would be even better. ;)

Hope you're all keeping well. :D *Big hugs*

P.S. Thanks for your well wishes with my exams Debbie and Shell, I'll be needed lots of luck. ;)

Oh, I see talk of Mac and Stella in the shower... *Goes deep down into the gutter.* Now, there's a scene that I'd love to see... :devil: I bet that we all would. ;) Hehe, maybe we'll get a scene like that sometime in the future. Here's hoping... Right now I'd just settle for another coffee date, or even just a little chat between them, out at a scene or maybe in Mac's office, I'd even settle for them for talking about a case, but if it was about their personal lives, well, that would be even better. ;)

Hope you're all keeping well. :D *Big hugs*

P.S. Thanks for your well wishes with my exams Debbie and Shell, I'll be needed lots of luck. ;)

Welcome to the family NM, I'm Tex...

Steph, may I join you in the gutter. :devil: You all make me proud to be a smacked fan. :lol:

I want to see Mac & Stella out on a real date, dinner and dancing...or him playing his bass for her...something out of the ordinary...c'mon gimme something to hang on to for the rest of the summer...damn, its gonna be a really long summer....:scream:

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Here's hoping I do :lol:
New thread titles... hmm, maybe I should give this a whirl. Let's see, how 'bout...

Because A Taylor Baby Completes the Picture
Nothing Short of Epic... 'Nuff Said

I can't think of anything else at the moment... I'll let you know when I come up with more.

karu mila,
Mmm... your scenarios are much juicy. :lol:

karu, mwahahahaha! Great reactions! :lol:

*:D* Glad to know you like them... I wonder how TPTB would write the reactions. What do you guys think?

Your special gift is very SPECIAL to me. I don't know any of the words except 5.24. I was so lucky to have a peek the other day. Thank you.
Se parakaló, Kikii!!!!:thumbsup: I wouldn't be able to do it without the precious assistance of Mari. She is a GENIOUS!and my portable Greek-English translator:lol: You know how much i like to tease you gals!:lol:

He doesn't need to explain. Everyone knows why. I think Stella would be feeling insecure until she sees him in Greece. I mean, she hopes and she knows he'll follow her but afraid she might misjudge the situation. It's a big gamble to Stella.
I think it's a big gamble for both of them. He is going there and at some point he has to explain to himself why he did it. Mac is very honest. Hopefully he won't lie to himself now

Deb, your present won't be easily forgotten, believe me
:guffaw: at some point i will translate you what our goddess told us. Meanwhile stop whining and try to figure it out:lol: (Debbie enjoys being EVIL)
Vave, the only wrong thing with last season's finale was the fact that in "Veritas" they didn't finally say what they feel. Mac is shot and he nearly drowns, Stella almost falls off a building -Melina hits her leg and gets a lovely bruise-, yet all of this doesn't make them think about what they have, what they could have and how they would feel if anything bad happened to one of them.
I think the mistake was there wasn't a correlation between what we have seen last 5 episodes and Veritas. They seemed to give a step back after the closeness they have shared before. I don't understand why she never told him Ethan attacked her. I think the real "Communication Breakdown" happened but at the beginning of S5. Now is almost wonderful:D (well if we forget Stella's secret!)

Have faith as I know you all do...Melina is soooooooooo a Smac fan, Gary is a closet Smac fan and he knows it and TPTB are pushing our buttons and pulling us along on the frustrating, annoying, irritating, rollercoaster that we can't get enough of.:)

As I said I am moving so I won't post that much, but the few weeks that I have been reading this forum I have fallen in love wit ya all. You guys are the bomb. I will be lurking and say hi as often as possible.:thumbsup:
awwwww i loved all what you have said!!!! Thanks for your words. You have just described why we are proud members of this Family. And i hope you are right, about Melina being a Smac fan and Gary also part of the family too :) This wouldn't be possible without such interesting characters and great artists who bring Mac and Stella to life:thumbsup:

Was someone calling me?
yes, somebody was:lol: I was missing you here. And be warned! you can become addict to torture:lol:
I have been lurking around here but haven't posted as I feel that I should wait until I see the episode that Melina has penned before making any comments. Unfortunately we in the UK are only up to episode 16 "No Good Deed" on this Saturday, so we still have a way to go before we get to see the Greece story. I really don't know if I have enough willpower to keep out of this thread you are all driving me crazy!:lol: It's torture!
If that episode (or the Helenika episode) doesn't change your mind i don't know what else could :drool: I highly recommend you in 5.16 to read "the subtext" because both characters left their inner sides naked for each other in that scene inside Mac's office. For me the most interesting thing is to ask questions out loud every time i watch a new episode "Why did she say what she did?"What was he thinking to look at her in that way" etc, etc, etc Philosophy is wonderful in simple things;)
so as they say time will tell and you never know ladies, I may surprise myself one day.
i will pray for it but not matter what you are an honorary member of this family:thumbsup:take care and come back soon, dear!
I think she would be tooo busy to be smiling like a Cheshire Cat, more busy with other things
my innocent mind prevents me of being invaded by dirty thoughts coming from you
Yes Karu you're right debbie, read my mind to the warm encounter in the shower, *raise her hand in the air* Now that's a scene I would like to see. I mean Mac and Stella in a shower that's just *get's more comfy down in the gutter appartment*
I guess we are officially in the "Bathroom Team":devil: Keep our house warm right there in the gutter. We will need a place to go next May 13:devil:
Only two other couples have done that to me. Huddy (Who are now together!) and Elliot and Olivia from Law and Order:SVU. Mac and Stella remind me of Liv and Elliot so much. They trust each other with everything. They're always there for one another, and they have a deep, complicated relationship that's more-than-friends-but-not. I agree with you that Melina is a SMACk fan and Gary's a closet SMACk fan. Didn't Gary partially write Turbulence? There's the whole "Stella ignoring Fire-Nit while on the phone with Mac" scene in that episode We really enjoy having you here, so please stop by and say hi when you can *hugs*
Do i need to tell i completely agree with you have just said? I love EO and Huddy. I think i don't know what it's more frustrating: if EO being apart because his marital status:rolleyes: or Mac and Stella being single but being apart from each other because they don't dare to confess their mutual feelings:p Funny is Kathy does notice what are El's feelings for Liv so she uses Olivia to communicate things to her husband:rolleyes: Talk about a real Communication Breakdown;) I do hope Mariska and Chris sign a new contract. I need to keep the hope with those too after these long years!

Whoa Stella baby hang on to that soap dont drop it (my bad!!!)
Welcome NM42 I am the Black sheep clone to Debbs! I'm the one mama sheep dropped on its head and well....
I demand a DNA test to prove you are my sheep mama clone :guffaw: But i don't have doubts you are the black sheep here:lol: C'mon! Confess it! It's really HAWT the idea of that shower. Besides i swear we would have the highest rating ever :lol:
I was watching Officer Blue and it was during when they have the fight (*melts, because there is nothing hotter then a SM fight...*) and my brother said, "Yea, their gonna end up together, you can totally see it..." LE SQUEE!
I am convinced Officer Blue is THE episode. Many people were converted thanks to that one. I think is truly enjoyable because not matter what they have said to each other at the end of the day they knew their relationship was the priority and not who should have the reason. I liked everything on that episode, especially the passion they have showed being entitled to their opinions! Besides Pissy Stella is always a plus along with the military song used in the background when she is upset:lol:
Everyone- Like woah, you guys are freaking...nice. Usually when someone enters in any forum or whatnot they usually ignore them or something, but no not you guys you guys are the shizznizzlebits already!
THANK YOU! that's our goal: to make feel people welcome because we are Family now:thumbsup:
Oh, I see talk of Mac and Stella in the shower... *Goes deep down into the gutter.* Now, there's a scene that I'd love to see... I bet that we all would. Hehe, maybe we'll get a scene like that sometime in the future. Here's hoping... Right now I'd just settle for another coffee date, or even just a little chat between them, out at a scene or maybe in Mac's office, I'd even settle for them for talking about a case, but if it was about their personal lives, well, that would be even better.
I guess you should open a wish list here Steph. I bet the shower and the baby would be at the top. I want a heart to heart conversation with THE REVELATION on their mutual feelings. That would make my month!!!!:drool:Tons of luck, dear. You will do great. I trust you!

may I join you in the gutter. You all make me proud to be a smacked fan. I want to see Mac & Stella out on a real date, dinner and dancing...or him playing his bass for her...something out of the ordinary...c'mon gimme something to hang on to for the rest of the summer...damn, its gonna be a really long summer....
:lol: i want something sweet too. Let's think what TPTB have for us under their sleeves ;) (I feel it's something big :D )
Because A Taylor Baby Completes the Picture
you have my complete support here and you know that, don't ya? :D I don't think they will write them knowing all at once but one character per episode :D Hawkes is my choise. Curious because this last summer break i have voted for Donnie :D

love y'a all

Debbs :)

ps: Two pics for our Green Oufit Special Researcher Axel:

From Heroes 2.23


As usual she is only pending of him :D

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A scene I would love to see is them cuddling in bed ;), or just being cute with each other once work is done. I would love seeing them having dinner, because all we do is hear Mac ask Stella but they never actually film the dinner scene. And I cannot stress enough I want Mac to step up, I don't want to see Stella making all the moves. Hahahahah *thinks about them in bed* LOL!
Jwells- Its ok if were noobs, at least until that 50 post min/ 2 weeks will give us enough time to alocate a good enpugh SM avie. And I fully agree with you, Melina is very much a SMACked fan, and Gary is a closet one. And damn TPTB for being mean!

Everyone- Like woah, you guys are freaking...nice. Usually when someone enters in any forum or whatnot they usually ignore them or something, but no not you guys you guys are the shizznizzlebits already!

too effin you

I like the whole SMAC shower thing:devil:
For some odd reason the thought of Mac all soapy with a bubbly "Faux hawk" makes my mind slip right down the drain into the gutter out back.

Stella drops soap and says "Fetch Detective Taylor!!!"

You guys are making me think bad things...I shall go back to packing and behave:(

Oh and NM 42 as for the avetar or icon I will most probably go with Smack but I do love Angell so much...
And I'm gonna cry uncontrollably if its true

Ghawazee, May I use this pic for my Avatar?(I'm at 46 posts :drool: almost, almost, almost)
Not sure of the rules about using someone elses pic. I just think its such a cute one of them.
If not I would really appreciate any quick pointers on grabbing a screenshot.

Thanks in advance.

P>S> I know i should of combined last two posts. I did it again. You can punish me by forcing me to watch "Officer Blue" over and over again.:cool:
A scene I would love to see is them cuddling in bed ;), or just being cute with each other once work is done. I would love seeing them having dinner, because all we do is hear Mac ask Stella but they never actually film the dinner scene. And I cannot stress enough I want Mac to step up, I don't want to see Stella making all the moves. Hahahahah *thinks about them in bed* LOL!
My dear translator: probably it's silly but i have been thinking i would like Mac in blue jeans. I mean, i want him VERY relaxed:lol: Bed? well, could we think on variations????:lol:

***gutterville again*****:drool:
Beyond the joke, i do want Mac loosen up more than just a little. And i want to watch Stella as a girfriend again. Not like she was with that **** Frankie but i want to see her as any woman can be after finding the man of her life:drool: Actually i was just thinking "holding hands" as simple as it is would mean a lot for our sensitive little Stella:thumbsup:

I like the whole SMAC shower thing:devil:
For some odd reason the thought of Mac all soapy with a bubbly "Faux hawk" makes my mind slip right down the drain into the gutter out back.

Stella drops soap and says "Fetch Detective Taylor!!!"
i can see instead of booking tickets to Greece, we are booking tickets to Gutter:lol:

I want this shower scene because i want Non-Smackers could know Mac. Not only as the "the boss" but a simple man who can be passionate with more things than his job:devil: I am pretty sure a scene like that could surprise and shock the entire audience because it would be unexpected (for them not for us:devil:)

Feel free to use all pics i post anytime you want!!!!!!!
You guys are making me think bad things...I shall go back to packing and behave:(
welcome to the club. I repeat that every single day of my life:lol:

It's been an eternity for me to post here on this board but all the time
I was lurking in this thread ( or the older ones ).
And now is the time that I can't help myself ... I have to post something to express my feelings and to support my favorite couple.
I'm still in love with SMACKED and can't wait for the seasons final.

You guys are wonderful ! I love you all :)
OMG! Everyday I chack this place the family is growing bigger and bigger!:eek::cool:

I'm currently toooo worried about Tiva and mourning over of the recent F/A news. Jee. I'm too sad to post! :( Not even the amazing smacked picutres and spoilers cheered me up. I'm actually afraid TPTb are gonna screw up with smacked too now. God forbid TPTB of jeopardizing smacked too, or they'll know my rage! :scream::scream::scream::scream:


Adorable-C- Thanks and will do, I'll check them out now :)

Tex- Why hello there, and thanks for the warm welcome :D

Lori- Well lets see, we currently have wet Mac in snow day flavor, pissy stella flavor, argument between our fave 2 flavor, rambo stella in OB flavor, adorable mac whenever flavor, hot mac flavor, even hotter mac flavor, omg why do I keep repeating myself of how hot mac is flavor, I dont know how stella just doesnt jump him flavor....Im working on the flavors as you can see :)

Ghawazee- I believe it as well that that episode was THEE episode that did it for ANYONE. I mean the response that I got from my brother who has never seen a NY episode let alone cares ABOUT the show (I'm changing that day by day....) said what he said. And oh god I know, Stella putting together the AR...that was pretty amazing...

Jwells- Yea, that word has been in my vocab since well, forever. And mine will mos def be SM...thats a no brainer :D
Woah!!! This is quite a thread! I absolutely love the name of the thread!!!
Now, what do you write for your first post on a thread like this? *thinking hard*
I figure I'd look stupid anyway, but i do know i have to use three lines that are related to the ship, so here we go:

My top 3 SMacked moments:
1. The scene just after the credit in 317, 'The Ride-In'.
2. Their make up after the fight in 109, 'Officer Blue'
3. Uhm, can't decide between the dog show in 112, and the kiss on the cheek in 115.

This season's SMacked are not bad, could've been better, IMO. I guess i'll just have to wait...:)
Well ummm as a noobie to a fellow noobie HELLO THERE! :D

And we ALL love Officer blue, that has pretty much been a given as a whole bunch of SMACked goodiness fills it :D
Hi NM42... Thx for welcoming me...(^__^)

Officer blue is definitely a great epi SMacked-wise...
I'd like to see more SMacked moment for the remaining season 5. Last epi (521) so lacked of Smacked moments. They have quite a lot of scenes together, but nothing happens. I always hate it when that happen. We get 4 more epi, so i can still hope! *grins*
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