Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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Didn't we have this chat before, MJ?

Its really hot tension between them. and the fact that she can stand up to him and not afraid to do it, is really great to watch.
Oh don't even play that card.. You know what talk! *runs and tackles*
oof! my bones... :lol: I'm not giving up on my Macky that easy! *pokes and hides behind Peyton*

grssom89 thanks for the hoootttt pic :D
Oh sure, Hide behind Peyton, Maybe you should tell her, you're trying to steal her boyfriend. :p .. haha, Now lets see where you run! *runs and tackles you again*

Thanks grssom89 for the HOT pic and the bump!
Just saw the promo for the next ep it looks good any one tell me when its due to air. Is it this week or 24th?
I'm both in Stella's and Peyton's side :lol: I hid behind stella earlier but it seems that I was still caught so I was hoping hiding behind Peyton would save me :p but dangit she caught me again! *runs behind Cate* ate cate! save me!!! *squeals behind cate*

grssom89 hot pics... :devil: i think its burning my compy now :p thanks for sharing *grabs pic*

fruitbat i think its this week.. (according to tv guide) i could be wrong.
grssom89 thanks for the pictures!!I love the second one with the glasses!

I haven't seen the promo yet..
grssom89 thanks a lot for the pictures! Like both pics :p :)

And finally new series. I hate to wait so long for new series.
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