Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

Ooooh, awesome pics, once again what a great way to start my day! :p
Re: what was briefly discussed in the spoiler thread re: Mac, I got the impression that was more word of mouth than anyone having seen it in actual script spoilers. No worries! :D
I think Mac doesn't like the spoiler :D

He has a GF, like outta the blue gf??? Who is she?? Can we hurt her?
I like the way you think ihnc :devil:

And welcome DandMfan! Don't be a stranger, y'hear? :) Yeah, I would love to marry Mac as well *sigh*
ranma You know I love ya, but Mac's mine, and yeah I second that, welcome DandMfan!

I knew you'd like it! :D
Re: Mac spoilers, now there are new spoilers up about him in the thread, and I think someone said she read it in the new TV guide, and if so, they're probably more substantiated than the last ones were. I'll be interested to see how they pull it off, if indeed they actually end up doing so...
ooh...Of Mice and Men? *drool*

*nods* And I'm not happy about them....he belongs only to Stella! I'd say she'd have to fight us for him but I know I wouldn't wanna mess with her...she can have him LOL
Poor Mac got hurt....

Yeah Mel! If its Stella, you better run too! and hey no pushing..Mac's mine. Theres rules. I have him.
No, I do!

lol I can just see him...either "Come on, there's enough for all of you" or "Help, Stella, the fangirls won't leave me alone! They all want to tear my clothes off and...*censored* Save me,save me!"

I loooove the shirtless pic. *drool* Couldn't you just eat him up? With whipped cream on top :D
Yep shirtless Mac...*THUD* Sorry you can keep Danny and Flack I want more Mac in season 3. And more shots of him without his shirt would be SO nice. :D :D :D
Ahhh, shirtless Mac. Yummy goodness. What lovely, bulging arms he has! And the lovely ridges! Sigh.

Thanks for the link. One can never get enough of shirtless!mac