QUOTE] shhhhh or instead of Kat i will have to call you Baby NUT

And with just one i have full hands:lol:
Ha! I've been here over a month, and I still haven't reached 50 messages.

But then again, I'm not all that chatty...
don't worry sweetie. NOBODY has been too chatty this summer. Everythign will change in September
So, according to IMDB, Veritas airs this week, and Greater Good is next week. Maybe they'll show GFD and Pay Up in the two weeks before the new season stars. It's a marketing scheme I think. Show the beginning and end of last season before the new one begins.
Hopefully TPTB will re-run GFD sometime before Sept. 23 though. Other wise they shall have to run for their lives from the Smackies :lol:
I have my episode on tape but i will help to kick bums if they don't aire GfD before Sept 23
Mary mou---> Debb runs towards Mary in Hella:thumbsup:
Handzzz now, you reminded me how in the X files Mulder would always rest his hand in Scully's back!! But you are right these gestures can be very errotic as well. BUT I would like to see a kiss!

.. and action, and Stella in danger and a frantic Mac trying to save her and many many SMAC scenes wrapped in a package to go
you have great ideas my dear

I was saying if we can't get a kiss or something more... errr...i can't find the right word in English, Greek, Spanish or anything else

well, you know!

at least we can get a Hand Dance. Sometimes it's more effective (Remember Terminator 1

) than the sex scene itself

But i won't complain if we get the kiss, the frantic Mac and Stella mou in danger:drool:
NO WE WON"T BE GETTING OUR FREAKIN SMacked EPPY 5.24 our GFD this wednesday...:angryrazz:
no we will be getting Veratis (or however its spelled) this must be some kind of joke who would do SUCH a THING!!!!!! I MEAN COME ON... who wants to go to WHOEVER changed THE SCHEDULE and START A SMACKED MOB!!!!
the only good scene in veratis is when Stella is on the helicopter WORRED to HELL about MAC
shhhh calm Ali calm! It's going to be repeated soon! They won't risk their lives!

Veritas was so promising and I like with all my hear that scene when my Stella almost fall off the roof but it was almost the antismacked episode and i don't know why:wtf:
I mean, in the huge promo before the season started, we could hear Stella screming "FIND HIM" and i still would LOVE to know what the heck happened and why we couldn't watch it. At least that scene never existed or if it did it was taken out during post production

Axel my dear!!!!!
Today doesn't seem to be my day. First I lose my hair brush, then I find out we may get kicked out of our house on Friday and now this...THEY CHANGED THE EPISODE! I think I may go and cry...I was so looking forward to watching
Grounds For Deception 
They also had to change it to
Veritas. I mean c'mon, I would've been happier with
Greater Good or
The Box (a.k.a. the beginning of D/L takeover

Anyway, I'll post some pictures
hopefully all things about your hosue will be solve and you will be able to find your hair brush (i understand that. I can't find my own. Eventually it will appear but it's not appealing not to have it when you have long hair:shifty:
The box? argh not The box!:shifty: We have had enough soap opera with them in S5:angryrazz:
Lori--> Do you mean Ramson?:drool::drool:
NAt---> Good to have you back darling!