Hello, Smackies
, here I am, still not kidnapped
Dear TPTB : please convert our little Nüsse into a Smackie Little Nüsse!!! She is already a member of this family and we already love her so be gentle:lol: She has a frozen heart and we think only you can save her
Love Deb
ps: She lives in Germany. The one is Austria is our dear Udonna. Get the right map or she will run away and we wil need Heidi's grandpa to find her in the Alps
TPTB, please have a heart for a poor nut and black sheep and keep the great and lovely friendship of Mac and Stella. My heart warms when I think of how wonderful friends for life they are
. Thank you, you are good guys :lol:
Meine liebe Harte Nüsse
kidnappers?where?:angel:I haven't seen any. In any case it would be a good idea
meine liebe you need a shock treatment. Taking you to the limits is the only solution to melt the ice in your heart:lol: (luv ya anyway:lol
Meine liebe, freche
Debs ,
no, no, no good idea, just drop the kidnapping thing
. And shock treatment?
Oh, I don´t need this, my heart is not icy at all, it beats for Mac and Stell´s friendship :lol:.
I can see the water under your feet.
You will be a piece of cake. :lol:Slowly you will fall in our warming wolrd
I never thought you could be a nut who likes bums
No, no, no, you got it wrong, my feet are dry and I am sweet but not a cake
. Even nuts like bums
Ok, sit in the couch. I have this pocket watch holding in a chain. Look at that Shhhhhhh Silenceeeeee. You are relaxeddddddd. You feel so goodddddd
Nice watch, but please keep it still, I can´t see what time it is
. I feel relaxed, veeeeeeeeeery relaxed, I´m feel....zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Whoops, sorry, dozed off a bit :lol:.
You Andromeda repeat with meeeeeee
"I am Smackie" "Smacked World is where i belong to""I ammmmm a Smackeddddd fan":lol:
See? You feel better know. The key word to wake up from hypnosis is Virus' complete name and you know we do not say HER name here!
THAT was easy!
Haven't you seen the knives and the forks???
OK, I´ll repeat: "I´m not a Smacked, but I love the Smackies, coz they´re lovely people, though they want to convert me"
Yeah, was easy to say
Nope, no knives and forks :lol:
It is! It is! I have my exclusive electronic dictionary (the same one i have with German:lol
Taylor-Spanish Spanish-Taylor. I put Mac's words in Helenika "Because i care about you" and the translation was "Yeah, DARN IT! I LUV YA STELLA BONASERA WITH MY GUTS"
See? It's pretty acurate:lol:
Aha, that´s news to me that Mac is speaking in his own language, but maybe your translation is not correct :lol:.
We have a treat but i won't be so quiet if i were you
Oh, I´m a quiet soul by nature
Meine liebe harte nüsse take care. The Hypnosis process could be exhausting
so go to rest like a good nut and have a happy week
Take care, too, my dear Debs. Hypnosis, what hypnosis? I´m a bit worried about you, you said quiet some weird things :lol:.
Ich umarme dich auch and have a happy weekend
Axel, lovely drawing, you´re talented
Pleni, I agree with some of your statements, though for a bit different reasons
. I wouldn´t be sad if Smacked won´t happen in S6
, but generally I´m not keen on a new CSI-couple. So let Sheldon have his girlfriend, but please don´t let it be Kaye, that would be too cheap. I want equal space for all characters to continue to evolve, but with a new, even just recurring CSI-member, this might become more difficult and the D/L-relationship occupies enough show time.
Love and hugs to all Smackies