*Andromeda hushes in quietly to find out if potential kidnappers are hiding here to grab her*
Helloooooooooooo, anybody in here????:lol:
My dearest
Dearest Harte Nuss
I told you it was a fiasco
But it´s getting better
I wonder too where our Udonna is. I'll find her. I always find members of this family

Axel and I are planning interesting things to you :lol::angel: (all positive things. It's part of this brainwashing effect we talked before:lol

I haven't seen a harte Nuss with a bum so you will be ok:lol:
Seems like my screems over the Alps were successful to hunt down the virus that plagued poor
. Udonna, I hope you´re well again, and between you and me, shhh, the pic really looks as if Stella is having a good look at Mac´s bum

. But who could blame her for that, she´s a woman who sometimes needs something nice to look at and admittedly Mac has a well-formed butt :lol:, but still it wasn´t a suspicious look, rather a subconscious one

Now, dear
Debs, let´s see what you and Axel have in store to brainwash me, or to try

Oh, I´m not an ordinary nut, I do have a bum, you can bet on it :lol:.
Have you been reading Osho o Sai Baba lately?:lol: I have male friends and i have never looked at them as if they were part of a very special menu as Stella looked at Mac several times (5.06,5.12) or Mac to Stella (5.20, 5.22)l
No, I have read no such thing

. Well, it never occured to me that Stella looks at Mac like if he was something delicious to eat and vice versa and that they want to devour each other :lol:.
Nein nein lieb Nuss

I TRAPPED YOU HERE:lol:! Mac explained why he was in Helenika "Because i care about you". The biggest confession ever expressed by Mac Taylor:drool:
Ja, jaaa, ja, Schatz, "Because I care about you" is not the same as "because I love you". Mac went to Greece because he cared about and for Stella to prevent her from getting herself in trouble. He cared for her as friend and colleague

I always have it. Hopefully i will be able to use it in S6:lol:
Oh, I´m not surprised you´d say that

They know you think you are right but they know i know that and they know i am right about it:lol:
They know you think you know you´re right while actually they know I know I´m right :lol:
I would pay to watch how your jaws fall if we get a Smacked scene this year:lol: I still dream with converting you:lol:
Just in case Smacked would ever happen I´d film my dropped jaws and send the film to you- but I´m safe, my jaws will stay in their right positions :lol:.
Ahhhh i can see you will give us a lot of work:lol:
Oh yes, indeed I will

. Stella just sat on Mac´s desk and spoke seriously to him- that was all :lol:.
Oh, but this red carrot head Quinn, I just can´t stand her

Ich umarme dich auch, my dear very determined Debs

, and have a great week, too

Thanks for the pics, thanks to
Axel, too

, though they won´t convert me, but I enjoy them nevertheless :lol:
Byeeee and hugs to all of the family