Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

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Ah yes, the ponytail! Gotta love it. I watched just a few minutes of Poppin Tags on SpikeTV tonight (don't really care for the episode), but saw the ponytail again and started to smile:
Hi all.. SOFIA is totally the best character to come to a CSI show since Calleigh Duquesne. As for JGAG, just saying two words, well 1 word and three letters.. BOYCOT ABC!

Hope to learn more about Sofia in season 8, as well as seeing a profile for her on CBS.COM
Ooh, she looked smokin' hot in Poppin' Tags. Mmh. ;)

Hey, 4EverSofia. *waves* Welcome, do stay with us. :)

Easy for me to boycott ABC since I'm not in the US. :lol: And I agree about the profile on the official site, that's long overdue.
kaylyne said:
Ah yes, the ponytail! Gotta love it. I watched just a few minutes of Poppin Tags on SpikeTV tonight (don't really care for the episode), but saw the ponytail again and started to smile:

She looks freaking hot with a ponytail!
I love that scene from Poppin’ Tags, that was great for so many reasons.

atfm said:
I always thought they show the pilot of something, see how the audience reacts and THEN decide whether to continue the show. I didn't know they could axe it even before.
I read somewhere (can’t remember where, one of those TV critic places) that the pilot was pretty solid but didn’t rate as high as some of the other contenders. And add to that fact that ABC has a bunch of different shows to choose from and they can only pick a couple of the ones they think will perform the best.

4EverSofia said:
Hope to learn more about Sofia in season 8, as well as seeing a profile for her on CBS.COM.
Yeah, she needs a profile, you’d think that if they made her a main character at the start of this season they would have gotten their act together by now, at least she should be included in the season 8 cast/promo shots now.
Ooh, Hidalgo on TV soon. :D

88Blackbirds said:

I read somewhere (can’t remember where, one of those TV critic places) that the pilot was pretty solid but didn’t rate as high as some of the other contenders. And add to that that fact that ABC has a bunch of different shows to choose from and they can only pick a couple of the ones they think will perform the best.

Thanks for the explanation.
Welcome 4EverSofia :)

Glad to know that I am not the only one obcessed by her ponytail :lol: Seriously, thank you so much *feels much better about it*

Thank you for the beautiful pictures posted ;) It's always good to see her!

Thank you also for the explanations about why her pilot was not chosed...and how all those things work. Helpful information.

Oh, and just like atfm, it's so easy for me to boycot ABC, as I am not in the USA. I didn't even know the pilot was for that tv network.
I think awhile ago we also established that we like her arms. ;) And I have a slight obsession with her ears. They sometimes look like fairy ears. ;)

MUTTMO said:
Hey I noticed that the interview that was on you tube..............i think it was channel five or something. the account has been removed for some reason.does anyone have a copy of it?


If I'm not mistaken, I think you are talking about Louise's 5US interview that I had uploaded to youtube. My account got cancelled and my videos removed after CBS complained about some videos I had of the CSI cast being interviewed on the Early Show.

I've made a new account though and am in the process of uploading not only Louises 5US interview but her interview from the House Of Eliott season 2 boxset. I'm not sure if you are allowed to post links on this forum but if you give it a couple of hours then go to youtube and search for either QuirkyKoala1 or Louise Lombard the video's should come up.
Gorgeous Louise ponytail. Thanks for those pics!

4EverSofia, welcome to the thread! We're all big fans of Louise here, so great to see another fan:)

atfm - that icon is so cute!

QuirkyKoala, welcome to the thread :) Glad to see even more Louise fans popping in!

My season 3 boxset of HoE just got sent, so I can't wait to see it!
Thanks for the welcome Drumchik, I pop in all the time but usually just lurk. I'm trying to be better though. This is my third post :)

Interesting piece of information from the House of Eliott interview was that Louise has a developmental deal with CBS.

I'm not from the US so correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that an agreement with CBS to develop projects for her? If so then doesn't that mean that we should see Louise even after CSI?
Development deals in music mean they have the right to help you but can dump you at any time......... If they see that you're not going to bring enough money in the pay back you're expenses (which comes out of your cut off the top) and make money on top of it then they let you go.It usually keeps you from going elsewhere. But I'd think that if she was working on a pilot for ABC(if abc was the originator and not a third party that paid for first dibs on a show) then the contract has expired. I would think it works the same in tvor close to it. Its like an reserving a movie.....you pay a little to know they saved it for you but you don't have to pick it up. but I could be wrong it happens from time to time.
Oh man, I seriously love you for uploading that interview. ;) I haven't watched it yet but I saved it, just in case that one gets deleted at some point, too. Watching it will be my reward after a day of studying. Thanks so much! :)

Drumchik said:

atfm - that icon is so cute!

Yeah, I love it. :)
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