Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis

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Re: Sofia Curtis

I got that pic from the yahoo group. Haven't seen the interview but I'd love to, so please shout if you find it.
Re: Sofia Curtis

Wow!! :eek:

Thanks so much for posting pics of the lovely Sophia.


Re: Sofia Curtis

Arturtle, that picture is from an interview she did for the second season House of Elliot DVD set. She was about less than a week from giving birth to her baby boy. They talk about that fact and thanked her for taking time to do the interview so close to her due date. That was in March 31, 2005.
Re: Sofia Curtis

Ah....i want to watch that interview!She sounds real nice in it.Any kind soul will be willing to upload it to youtube?? :lol: :D
Re: Sofia Curtis

sara_hipps said:
I think that Sofia is trying to get Grissom to noctie her.In my opinon Sara sould shoot her while she has the chance.
This should be taken to the "Shipper Central" forum, but I would like to point out, a rule regarding "Show Criticism" that states "It's fine to say a certain aspect of CSI is bad, as long as you actually back up what you say. Jumping in and shouting "[character] sucks!" is not an acceptable form of constructive criticism. *note I changed character name to reflect any Character* Please keep your comment destination as well as the rule in mind for future reference. Thank you.


NOW I would like to take the time for future reference as well to address those who might get the niggling feeling to defend, please don't it just makes our job alot harder, there is a "Notify Mod" button that will alert us to any post that needs to be seen right away.
Also all opinions are allowed regardless, you do not have to agree with it, but at the sametime if you feel a trolling, flamming, ect. Please use that button I referred to and then ignore from there. Thank you.
Re: Sofia Curtis

excuse me but, number 1 i just started yesterday and donot know where to put all of this stuff at, and secondly, i thought you were allowed to voice your opinion as long as you didnt cuss. now as i said to the other person, i would appreciate if you would show me via email what im doing wrong and stop making me look like an idiout and scolding only me after every time i post something, they dont do this on jorjawiki!
Re: Sofia Curtis

It is gorgeous, Gloomy :) Do we know what the name of the baby boy is?

And thanks for that link, aussieturtle. I shall now go searching for the other one :)
Re: Sofia Curtis

Yeah its called Alejandro (I think its spelt that way) which is also the name of her current boyfirend. Theres an article somewhere that says all this info, as well as what she thinks of putting on an American accent. I'll see if I can find it.
Re: Sofia Curtis

I've read that article already. Shame on me for not remembering. Guess I was distracted by the visuals... Or maybe I just didn't want to think too much about her having a boyfriend...
I'd really love to see a picture of her baby, bet he's a cutie. But I respect that she wants to keep him out of public.
Re: Sofia Curtis

Thanks so much for the links, aussieturtle.

And yeah, Mia, I agree with you. I'd love to see the baby but I do understand why he's being kept out of the public.
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