Sofiafan8 said:
I'm a new CSI fan--just finished watching DVDs 1-5, working on season 6--and I am sooo happy there are Sofia fans!! I love Louise Lombard; she is such an excellent actress. I think, when you watch the eps back2back, you don't want the Sara/Gris thing as much, cause you see all of the prob's they would have (IMO); then you can really appreciate Sofia (not for Gris, just as a character). I was worried when I first went to CSI sites online cause so many fans are Sara/Gris fanatics and dislike Sofia takin time away. ThankGod for you guys!! Keep it up, and maybe Louise will get more opportunities to show how brilliant (and Hot!) she is![]()
hi Sofiafan8, let me extend too a warm welcome. i think we're the ones who's more happier that more and more people are loving and appreciating Louise Lombard a.k.a. Sofia Curtis as a great actress and of course, a superb addition to CSI.
maybe you'd like to watch "room service" (6x02) and "werewolves" (6x11) as well, they've got good Sofia screentime too.
Sofiafan8 said:
BTW--whoever recommended "The Call" rocks!! She was so cool (and Hot!!) in that! What a cool chick she isI recently watched "Diggity" a.k.a. "Heaven Must Wait" and "Tale of the Mummy" and she was beautiful in those too, and of course acted superbly. I am getting "House of Elliot" from Netflix anyday...
i'm glad you get to watch "The Call", i love her in that film too...she's real HOT! but i do envy you 'cause you get to watch "Heaven Must Wait" i wanted to watch it but i don't think the movie's available here, *sniff, sniff*
btw, maybe you'd like to join us in our yahoogroup CSI Curtis and at the livejournal community The Curtis Page. it would be great if you join us there to spread Sofia love, hehe