Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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Didn't think it was. I heard about the commentary a while ago and tried my dvds then, but when i couldn't find it, i did wonder if it was on here. When are the box sets for season 4 out?
The box set for season four will probably be October as that's when the other seasons have come out.

Elsie, I think a Carmine/Eddie commentary on "All in the Family" would make the season four set a must buy for almost all fans. :D Seriously, someone needs to pick up on Eddie's suggestion that crazy things would go on if someone put them in a room together and you know, do just that. :D :devil:


Here is a picture and a song I found that fits "our guy".

There is boy and he's vast -
was so sweet Oh I am impressed
In Italy America the men are soo rich
Brazillian take the heaven, and I love the beach
There is just one in my heart - bright blue eyes
don't know where to start.

No Americana, No Italiana, No Brazilliana

he's my extacy of joy.

The Italians are so guel.
Their perfume - what a smell
And New Yorkers got the cars...

This is a real song..I just found it.and it fits so I figed I'd drop by & share :).

Sorry for being so random..........runs away :(
Anyway, back on topic ;) , it seems like a lot of people have seen a bunch of or all of Carmine's movies. Out of his collection, what's your favorite performance of his?
Top41 said:
Anyway, back on topic ;) , it seems like a lot of people have seen a bunch of or all of Carmine's movies. Out of his collection, what's your favorite performance of his?

Trying this again because I forgot to click the poll option!
Sorry to go off at a tangent Top and not answer your question but I was just having a look at Carmine's profile over at IMDb and found this:

It's a picture that I haven't seen before and it's dated yesterday. Is it familiar to anyone?

Wherever the pic comes from he looks quite remarkably gorgeous IMO...
^That pic looks like it's from the same group as the one posted above...the one where he's wearing a suit and chucks. It's probably dated yesterday because that's when it was uploaded to IMDb.

On the movie issue, I voted for Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss. I've only seen that and The Learning Curve...I think I slept through most of Fallen Arches when MrsG showed it to me. I thought he was good in The Learning Curve aside from that scream ;) , but he did really well with the comedy in Billy's.
Oh poo, I think you're right Top - it looks as though it is from that photo session. Ah well...

As for the films, well I've only seen Big Brass Ring and Blackhawk Down and despite the obvious attractions of BBR I think that Blackhawk Down is certainly the better film and Carmine is excellent in the small-ish part that he has so I'm voting for that...

BTW what are chucks??? :confused:
Twinkletoes said:
Sorry to go off at a tangent Top and not answer your question but I was just having a look at Carmine's profile over at IMDb and found this:

It's a picture that I haven't seen before and it's dated yesterday. Is it familiar to anyone?

Wherever the pic comes from he looks quite remarkably gorgeous IMO...

WOW!!!!!!!!!! That is some photo, Twinkletoes :D He looks older, but he's deffo improving with age. No complaints here, except when I downloaded the photo it was tiny :(
I voted for "In Enemy Hands" too.

I bought all of them but "For the love of the game", which I saw on TV (sacrifice just for Carmine as Kevin Costner kinda annoys me for some reason I can't quite explain).
Top41 said:
Anyway, back on topic ;) , it seems like a lot of people have seen a bunch of or all of Carmine's movies. Out of his collection, what's your favorite performance of his?

This is kinda spoilerish. You've been warned.

I chose his role as Frankie in "Fallen Arches."
Carmine made him an endearing character by realistically showing Frankie's vulnerability, insecurity and decency despite his outward bravado and poor judgment. It pissed me off to no end that the director barely mentioned Carmine's performance in the DVD commentary.

A close second is Gundy in "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss." Between the song and the party scenes where he's looking for/chasing after George while wearing that vest and moving in what he sees as "Here I stand looking sexy while giving the lucky ladies a preview of my hot moves" rhythm while women see "I may very well be a convicted sex offender, flee from me in horror" spasmodic bobs and nods to the music, Carmine made me laugh and cringe at his skankiness. If I think an actor is hot and he’s in a movie where he's not the hot guy, I still think about him being hot as I’m watching. Seeing Carmine as Gundy in the party scenes just made me want to reach for the brain bleach. :eek: I’m getting nauseous just thinking about it. :shudder: He was a scene stealer for sure.
Top41 said:
I think I slept through most of Fallen Arches when MrsG showed it to me.
Yep, you did. :lol: Guess it's safe to say you didn't find that one super riveting.

I cast my vote for The Big Brass Ring. The reason? Simple. It would be my pleasure to act out the first minute with him. :devil:

BTW what are chucks???
Chuck Taylor Converse. Carmine's sneaker of choice. Quite popular in the US, particularly with punks, rockers and alternative types.
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