Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

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lookaboomerang said:
:lol: The promo for Child's Play is definitely out. My parents saw it last night and immediately started giving me the third degree about what Danny was boo hooing over this time.

I love it. :lol: Danny is definitely the weepy one on the show. :lol:

Sadly, midnight_tiptoes refuses to watch the "Danny crying" episode. :lol: :lol: :lol: :(
Poor Danny. :(

He's in for a rough night.

Well, Carmine gets to cry on camera again, but he does it so well. :devil:

Just hope he's leaning on Mac or Don for support, and not Lindsey. Sorry to all you shippers, but don't really like her and other being from Danny's girlfriend from Montana I'm not why she's there.
^I agree, and midnight does like to laugh at Danny when he gets emotional. So I'm puzzled as to why she won't watch! :confused:

And I hope he leans on Mac and Flack for support as well. Mac will be on the case with him, so I imagine it will be Mac--and maybe Hawkes--that he turns to.
While waiting for Child's Play, I've made some VS caps. If you look really hard you can almost see him! :lol: I think he's sited between Henry Simmons & Eva La Rue.

I spy Adam Rodriguez, too! :D

I love how everyone is clapping in all those shots, and in half of them Carmine is sitting there with his arms crossed. :lol: Fashion shows maybe aren't his thing. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Freaking servers... Takes forever to upload :rolleyes:

Yes! :lol: At first he was clapping and all, but after a while he just stood there with his arms crossed. (pics are not in order) :lol: Poor baby, he got bored. (Carmine did said in an interview he gets bored easily) You can tell which are from the beginning of the show by how awake he looks. :p :lol: :lol:
Top41 said:
I love how everyone is clapping in all those shots, and in half of them Carmine is sitting there with his arms crossed. :lol: Fashion shows maybe aren't his thing. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I noticed that too.

Is he bored? He certainly didn't look interested in Seal's performance. I think Seal's head could have exploded and Mr. G wouldn't have noticed. :p He seemed to be looking intently at the Spice Girls, however. :eek:

Or, is he deep in thought, contemplating -"Which one(s) should I hit on after the show?" :lol:
He looks sooo bored. :lol: I kinda feel him for him as I have a short attention span as well.

of course, I'm not into fashion shows or the Spice Girls, and isn't one of them married to David Beckham?
:lol: I've read lots of complaints online that this VS show was one of the most boring ones of the lot. I'm not surprised at all that he looks bored. To tell you guys the truth, I'm actually pleased at this reaction. Goes to show ya that he's not easily wowed by typical Hollywoody flashy crap.

Well, either that or he's interested in a different kind of show, if ya know what I mean. :devil: :p :lol:

(Just joking, sir, we all know which side ya play. ;))
Top41 said:
Fashion shows maybe aren't his thing. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well maybe not with these types of models
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