Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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tiara4carmine said:
As for his back injury, it was his life's path telling him his baseball days were over and it was time to turn to something else. And look at what it has brought him :D

US!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: LOL!!! Yeah. The poor bugger ;) :D
I'd be watching the show no matter what, but Danny Messer certainly stands out among all the CSI show characters.
Danny wasn't the reason I started watching. I started out watching Vegas when it first started. Loved it so I started watching Miami and it was my favorite until they killed Speedle. I still watch it and I started watching NY because of liking Vegas and NY.

If it wasn't for those two, I couldn't say if I would have ever watched NY.

Danny is definately a factor that keeps me interested. Call me crazy but I just love Danny Messer, not sure about Carmine though because I don't know anything about him.
I started watching the show because Gary was on it, and for a while I thought that Danny was just annoying and ratty-looking. :eek: Over time, the character grew on me, and eventually I started to think he might be attractive. :p

And it was all downhill from there. :lol:

So anyway, Carmine had nothing to do with me getting into the show, and I feel pretty confident saying that I'd still be into it if he weren't on there. :)

But he is, so yay! :lol:
I'd still watch it, but I'd probably end up fixating on Mac haha.....

and no, I'll pass on the mullet PM, 1CSIMfan........My eyes have seen enough in their short life time :p
Did anyone of you notice the way Danny stopped the man on the roof in "Summer in the city"? I noticed that when I wass watching the episode yesterday evening. I have to say that I was a little impressed and it looked like something you use as a baseball-player...
^^ He does. Some of them, like the one Fay posted, would have me wrapped around the man's finger. Then there are others where you tilt your head and go, "...Dude. Are you even aware of the faces you make?"

Some of them are downright odd, lol.
Ah, the "dirty pair of jeans and maybe no shirt" interview... the source of fangirl drool and fainting for weeks. He looks like he just hopped out of bed for that photo.
ooh I never noticed that!! It's still kinda nice that that's probably what to expect if you ever wake up next to Carmine, although that horrid orange jumper will be no where in sight!!
I swear he is wearing way more jewellery than I possibly own!!
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