Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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Just wanted to say thanks for all the pictures. The one of him in the suit at some sort of awards show is lovely!!!
Honestly, I'd never be here if it wasn't for Carmine. I was flipping channels one day and I was like, "Ooh. Back it up!", went back, got a damn good look at him and I was like, "I need to watch this show every time!" And ever since then, I've been hooked. I'd never watch CSI if it weren't for him, because the other two bore the hell out of me and I certainly wouldn't have watched NY if it weren't for him. *goes to find handbasket*
*hops in the handbasket with you*

My sister's brief obsession with CSI:NY mysteriously happened after "Trapped" and required her to watch new episodes with me. Now she's no longer interested in Carmine and if I suggest that she watch the show with me, she acts like I'm speaking a different language or asking her to wear that headdress the Chiquita Banana woman wears. :rolleyes:

I don't think anyone has posted this picture. If so, oops! :eek:


Guh...have my babies? Yes?
Lol, I'll be honest too boomerang and say that I probably wouldn't have given NY a chance if it weren't for Carmine. The first episode I came across was 'On the Job' and I'm not sure how another actor would have handled it. I'm not sure if it would have kept my interest the same way as it did that night. I found myself completely involved in his character's storyline because of how he carried himself in the episode.

Now granted I watch the show for other reasons now, but I started because of him.

As for if he never injured his back and was now playing baseball -- chances are I would never have heard of him. I enjoy watching the sport, but I'll be honest and say that I hardly know any of the players' names. I know a couple, but if Carmine never made it to the majors, then there'd be no way in hell, lol.

Edit: Meh. I love that picture, Fay. Almost as much as I love that picture with Jason and him. *swoons*
Meh. I love that picture, Fay. Almost as much as I love that picture with Jason and him. *swoons*
Our minds, they are as one. *wub* If you put me in a room with both of them, I don't think I could prevent my pants going splodey...
This sounds kinda sad but I got given the box sets for christmas off a friend who is obsessed and I had kinda seen the odd episode. My brother was watching it with me one night when I casually mentioned that Carmine was quite hot and he started rolling off the episodes where he looked his best including trapped and Cool Hunter. I swear my brother is a closet Danny fan too!!
So yeah then my love for Carmine started!!!!
I must admit I'd never watched CSI NY at all until I caught the Trapped episode here over Christmas.....and there was just something about him in that episode that interested me, what was it?? I just can't think.....

Anyway, I went out and bought the whole 2 seasons on DVD on the strength of that one episode and have been hooked ever since!!

And as to the question of whether or not we'd still be talking about him if he was a baseball player.....well, for those of us in the UK I guess the answer is a resounding no! Just think what we'd have missed out on.

Well - I'm off now....I've got to train myself not to spend hours reading on this site each night, especially since I've got to get up at 5am tomorrow to get to a meeting in London...yuck!
AnotherPlanet said:
And as to the question of whether or not we'd still be talking about him if he was a baseball player.....well, for those of us in the UK I guess the answer is a resounding no! Just think what we'd have missed out on.

Same here. Baseball's a stranger around here so there'd have been no way for me to notice him. :eek:
*sigh* I fear I have to add on to my confession.

TheonlyreasonIwatchCSI:NYISbecauseofDannyMesseranditwouldreallykillmeifsomethinggreatlikeashowerscenehappenedandImissedit. :(

And sometimes, I do watch baseball, but I've never stumbled across any player that I feel like I need to watch their next game to catch a peek of them. So, no. I would have never noticed him if things did pan out the way he wanted them to.
We're only really being exposed to baseball on tv in Australia now via pay-tv on the sports stations. So no, I wouldn't have a clue who Carmine was otherwise.

This sounds absolutely evil and horrible :eek: but I am thankful for his back injury. Otherwise we would never have been exposed to the man's phenomenal talent for acting (and maybe music but that remains to be seen if and when that cd comes out :lol:).

It is strange how something that is the worst that ever happened to you at the time can often turn out to be the best thing that happened in a way. If I hadn't had a work injury I wouldn't be doing the job I do now. And totally separately, I broke my back in an accident, and there are a lot of changes come about through that too. The world would be a little less brighter with Carmine not sharing his acting talent.

I was so excited when the news about CSI NY came up ... I've been a fan of Gary Sinise for a long time. I remember looking it up at CBS and seeing Carmine's picture up there and thinking, oo I say, he's beautiful. But it was just a passing thought. It wasn't until I really got into the series that Danny's character started coming through that I really was interested. I went from watching because of Gary Sinise, to watching because of Carmine's portrayal of Danny, and of course then watching because I loved the show.

I would still watch the show regardless if he had never been in it, but it would be a different show and I'm not sure I'd have the same level of interest in it. :lol:
It was the same with me. When I heard that Gary Sinise (who I knew since "The Stand") was on CSI NY I was really excited. Loved his performance in so many films before. I also knew Eddie Cahill before and so it was a "Wow, two great actors I already know in one show". It made the "goodbye" to "Glory Days" a bit easier. The show just ended here in Germany shortly before I heard that Eddie will be in CSI:NY.

And to get back on topic - Carmine: Other than most of you I didn't realized him immediately, I guess I was to focused on the others. It took a while until I realized that he was - what - one of the best actors I've ever seen; Danny one of the greatest characters on TV, not to talk of all the other "qualities" Carmine has... But finally even I realized it!

And about the Baseball question - No, I never would have heard of him. I'm not too much into sports and Baseball really isn't that popular here in Germany.
PrettyEyes said:
So here's a philosophical question: If Carmine had fulfilled his dream and become a baseball player, would we all have "met" at a message board for the team he was playing for?
No. I've never googled the name of a single athlete or visited a message board or website or any kind related to an athlete. So the odds of me meeting any of you on a site devoted to a ball player are literally zero.

Think about it: had Carmine never injured his back, then he never would have become an actor. He never would have been in CSI:NY. Who would we be here chatting about? Would that person be able to create enough brilliance in his work for us to devote 15 threads to him?
I'm a fan of the show in general and, at this point, my connection to this site goes beyond any particular actor. I'm here because of my crush on all of you far more so than an interest in Carmine. However, I'll be honest and say that it's Carmine that drew me to this site. CSI:NY isn't even my favorite TV show. :eek: :eek: :eek: 24 is my favorite. Followed by Entourage. CSI:NY is actually a fairly distant third. :eek: :eek: :eek: But there's something special about Carmine that caused me to google his name, find his site and ultimately this site. Can't really explain that. I've never googled any other actors or visited websites or message boards devoted to them. Still don't. In the course of my Carmine-related message board activity or involvement with this site, I do visit sites for other actors on the CSI shows, but it's Carmine that got me here and without him, I would never have met any of you. Thank you, Carmine. :D
I googled Ben Affleck, Rob Morrow and Michael Weatherly before Carmine, I tend to get a crush on characters before the actors. I think that got mentioned eariler, and yes like others it was my googling that brought me here.

On another note, I believe everything happens because it's suppose to. The law of karma says a soul chooses the family it's born into and the life path it will take. So we must definitely thank Nancy and Dominick Giovinazzo for helping to bring a beautiful baby boy into the world whom they named Carmine. As for his back injury, it was his life's path telling him his baseball days were over and it was time to turn to something else. And look at what it has brought him :D

US!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
tiara4carmine said:
As for his back injury, it was his life's path telling him his baseball days were over and it was time to turn to something else. And look at what it has brought him :D

US!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tiara, you're so funny! :lol: I love it girl! :D
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