Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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Springmoon said:
In between "sessions" today, I will ask the Italian Stallion what the frak is going on with Danny.

Sweet! And please be sure to share any meaningful info he might provide, though I understand being meaningful in between "sessions" is kinda hard... ;)

Btw, Happy Birthday!!
lookaboomerang said:
I'm probably gonna catch some major shit about this, but I think I'm over this one. He just isn't doing it for me anymore.

You started a revolution! :lol: Count me in, too. I saw that latest batch of pics and just thought "meh." Granted, I'm one of the ones more into Danny than Carmine, but he was in Danny garb in some of those pics.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
I've been over Carmine for a while. Danny is the object of my affection. The problem is that TPTB virtually destroyed the character this year and so I'm in the sad position of watching my fictional crush die too. I still see glimmers of season one Danny, but am just hanging by the thread of the occassionally funny line delivery. "It's a goooooat!" or his fantastic facial expressions - like when checking out a rat with an ear growing out of it's back. Not only the expression, but the way he kept looking back to Mac like a little boy dying to share a new discovery and desperately hoping the adult conversation would die down fast. I love that about Danny. But I hate the direction they've taken the character and, therefore, completely understand any comments in the vein of being over him.

Exactly. I feel like the writers have stripped away everything that was cool about Danny--his overly emotional nature, his whiny or just plain weird comments, the way he reacts to just about everything and traded that in for this silly love story with Lindsay. Love or hate the plotline, it has changed Danny, and not for the better because it's made him bland. Boring. The Everyguy. If I want to see the Everyguy, or SuperBoyfriend, I'll watch Grey's Anatomy. It works for McDreamy. It doesn't for Danny.

With the exception of a few episodes here and there, Carmine's performance seems to lack the spark it once had. Maybe that's just natural by the third season of the show--a settling in of sorts--or maybe he's not happy with how his character has been altered. Who knows? But the spark is definitely not there.

Please, please, please writers - bring back old Danny! His long time fans are starting to lose interest. :eek: :(

Top41 said:

You started a revolution! :lol: Count me in, too. I saw that latest batch of pics and just thought "meh."

I have to tell you that "meh" was about as far from my reaction as it is possible to get :lol: but I do understand where everyone's disillusionment is coming from.

Fingers crossed that this series ends on a strong note for Danny and that things pick up for him in series four....
Hopefully his performance and the plots that has been written for him in the finale should be fabulous and bring back the sarky and hot headed Danny we all know and love. I'm hopefull thety can transorm him back for season 4!!!!
Twinkletoes said:
Fingers crossed that this series ends on a strong note for Danny and that things pick up for him in series four....

That's what I'm hoping. What happens to him in the finale has enough potential to be explored next year so we all can forget S3 even existed and go back to worshipping drama queen Danny... :)
Yeah it's got the basis for all thing drama Danny but who knows with the writers!! I'd love to take a pill and forget about most of season 3 except for HOTD and RS. How bad is that???
I'm glad to see that it's not just me. I, too, thought I was going to be lynched for that little outburst I had last night, but I had a little liquid courage, Appletini flavored, coursing through my veins and didn't care what anyone said. :lol:

My Carmine crush has been over for a long time. The one I'm worried about really losing is Danny, and I hate to say that relationship is on it's last legs. He's gained back little points here and there, but Danny just isn't doing it for me anymore. He's undergone a HUGE personality change and I don't like it. They better get doing some fancy footwork with this character, or this fangirl is packing her bags and finding a new man to spend her Wednesday nights with.
Maybe these are the posts we need to make the writers aware off. They know Carmine is the sex god of the show and thry surely don't wanna lose fans and in the long run maybe lose him.
i am sad to say that i agree with you lookaboomerang ..his character has changed a lot but not in a good wy...he doesnt do it for me either anymore...he is still handsome and all but there is something missing now....
I gotta tell ya, guys, after reading the most recent spoiler for the season finale, I'm extremely pessimistic about it. I doubt our beloved former Danny is coming back if the episode's gonna go the way I think it will. :(

However, he may redeem himself by showing us a full frontal shower scene. Yes. (Can't believe nobody's mentioned that for ages around here!)
Maybe it will be like St. Elsewhere and we will start next season finding out that it was all the happy daydream of a child.
Hehe! I love how the only way to redeem himself is a full frontal shower scene!!

I was watching a couple of season 2 episodes last night (Bad Beat and Dancing With The Fishes). What happened the to Danny of those days. Bad Beat he was screaming at the suspect in the interrogation room and threatening him and in Dancing With The Fishes he was bitching and complaining about his girlfriend of the then and then vowing to turn up in court to testify. That's the Danny we know! What happened?
Danny in Dancing with the Fishes has to be my favourite Danny ever. The bit in the lab where he has no suspects, no leads and only a bit of fibre to go on always has me in stitches. He's funny, sharp, snarky and sarcastic in that episode....just how Danny should be *sniffs*
I love the scene where he has no leads! I also love when both Danny and Hawkes are trying to determine what killed Fred Bayliss. Danny's face when he realises it's the swordfish! Such a geek.
That's what we need back! I could help but laughing at it in that episode!
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