Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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sugarlicious said:
How cute was Danny on CSI:NY last night?

I could stare at that alllll day. It makes me smile.

He wasn't. He lost major hot points last night and I am now forced to go hunt for wherever it is that Sid hid Danny's cojones.
I am now forced to go hunt for wherever it is that Sid hid Danny's cojones.
Ooh, it's like an Easter egg hunt! :D You check Mac's office, and I'll look around the DNA lab. :D

Aside from some of the strange facial expressions he had, Danny was pretty cute in a tired-sort-of-way during the first half of the episode, at least--before he cracked and went bonkers, naturally.
Lol. I was personally hoping the lack of sleep would provide for some more primetime drama queen moments. It was a situation made to be whined and sulked about.

But alas, it was not. Excluding the hallucination, he had to be an adult about it. :eek: :lol:
Well, I did like how he was a bit annoyed at Mac for figuring out about the fire gel after he had run tests and all that. :lol:
Come on now. You all know "Danny" was sleepy and hallucinating because I'd kept Carmine up all day and night for my birthday ;) :lol:. I only get him once a year, so I made it worthwhile for both of us. :devil: :D :devil:
Last nights episode in the UK was Oedipus Hex and oh boy the final shot of Danny at the end...god that guy is sexually frustrated.
PrettyEyes said:
Come on now. You all know "Danny" was sleepy and hallucinating because I'd kept Carmine up all day and night for my birthday ;) :lol:. I only get him once a year, so I made it worthwhile for both of us. :devil: :D :devil:
Must have been one heck of a birthday celebration, PrettyEyes, because I don't even seem to recall you logging on so we could wish you well. Most people at least log-on between rounds, but I respect the girl who maximizes her one stallion ride a year to it's full potential. :lol: Happy belated birthday!
Wow, I've not been here in a while! Great pictures everyone, just what I need after writing essays all weekend!!

I have a question for you, whats this no CSI for all of March about??? Im from England, and we have uninterrupted seasons! Im not sure I can cope until April without CSI!!
thought I'd just drop in mid-flow to give you all a piece of carmine-goodness! :D :devil:
pixies! My god that picture is gorgeous!! I could actually marry that picture!!
What episode is the picture from your avatar from??
Thanks very much! Obviously as Carmine is in the picture, he'll need to be present but as long as he is wearing exaclty what he is in the picture, I can die a happy lady!
ok as soon as someone can get him here we can get the ceromony started. After your ceromony you wanna perform my ceromony to Rory Cochrane?
Sure. I'd love too. How about we have a joint ceremony. Would save time and we'd become Mrs Giovinazzo and Mrs Cochrane alot sooner!
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