Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

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Hehe!! I'll get my mum to make us a huge wedding cake and a massive chocolate fountain!!
What a fabulous day it'll be for us both!
Ahh the best of both worlds!!
I just can't stop looking at that Danny picture. He looks amazing! His eyes are so blue.
My eyes are blue but not like that! I kinda hoping he has blue tinted contact lenses in or I'm just going to get jealous.
i have really blue eyes too. I don't think they are tinted blue, b/c if you ever look at his eyes on CSI: NY they are really blue as well.
Damn him!! Hehe! I'm only joking he's lovely to look at. I' going to have to look extra close on CSI now to see his eyes!!
Yeah the wedding could be over really quickly!! I think he might have to bring his glasses with him too. I'm a sucker for him in his glasses. Hell to be fair he can do what he wants.
yea that's what I think about Rory. He looks good in oversized dress shirts, but I think wearing clothes that fits might be better for a wedding.
Imagine him in a proper wedding suit. Rory will look lovely as will Carmine. Yum! it's going to be the most beautiful wedding ever!! personally I can't wait!!
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