Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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Hey! OMG I've been away for a very long time (computer problems don't ask!) and look at what I've come back to - Locker Room #14. The last one I saw was #6 or something. I've had to spend three days reading everything I've missed!

I come back bearing a gift of tongue!porn
Orison said:
The exact same thing happened to me! I watched "Black Hawk Down" because another guy that I like was part of it and *hangs head in shame* I was so focused in trying to spot him that I didn't give CVarmine the attention he deserved...
Lol it's a tough movie to watch a hot actor in since they've all shaved their heads and for some reason insist on running around and wearing helmets. It's like a game of I-Spy. What's up with that? :rolleyes:

Nim said:
Mmm, I guess the another guy was someone whose initials are EM, right?
How'd you know? Lol, the man should never shave his head. Though at least him and Carmine don't share a scene together, so when Mr. Giovinazzo pops up, I can give his skinny little butt (he seemed really thin in this film) the attention he deserves.

Is there where Carmine got his dog tags from? I know the guy wore them forever, but were they from this movie? If so, that's kind of cute.
Nim said:
Black Hawk Down is FULL of hot actors, that you gotta watch tha movie more than once!!! :lol:
Mmm, I guess the another guy was someone whose initials are EM, right? :rolleyes:

UHm... how'd you guess that? :lol:
it's a tough movie to watch a hot actor in since they've all shaved their heads and are for some reason insist on running around and wearing helmets. It's like a game of I-Spy. What's up with that?
I saw that last year for Media Studies and I basically screamed when I saw Carmine, my then-boyfriend got a little jealous... :lol: Who wouldn't be, it was Carmine! :)
Hey guys guess what! Over on youtube they have two clips taken from The Learning Curve & the CTV commercial with Carmine in it. There are also clips from Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss & Players as well. Just type "Carmine Giovinazzo" in the search engine :D.
jorja_fan86 said:
Hey guys guess what! Over on youtube they have two clips taken from The Learning Curve & the CTV commercial with Carmine in it. There are also clips from Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss & Players as well. Just type "Carmine Giovinazzo" in the search engine.
Yes, they're much fun to watch. I was pleased to also find a couple from CSI: NY. The description of "the orgasmic scene in which Danny plays handball..." rather amused me. :lol:
heyy im italian so there for i get a chance. oo well. hes so cute. with all these pics. im going to take a shower
SimplyBlue said:
Yes, they're much fun to watch. I was pleased to also find a couple from CSI: NY. The description of "the orgasmic scene in which Danny plays handball..." rather amused me. :lol:

Amusing but oh so right - Danny smacking balls with his hands:devil:
jorja_fan86 said:
Hey guys guess what! Over on youtube they have two clips taken from The Learning Curve & the CTV commercial with Carmine in it.

Thanks so much for that heads-up jorja - those clips weren't there last time I looked. Hey! I might not need to buy The Learning Curve after all...
Nim - how come you managed to get so many tv shows Carmie was in? I've got the first buffy ep and the vegas ep he was in, and although we got providence here in Australia years ago and I watched it, obviously I didn't know about Carmie then :lol:

Twinkletoes - I've had the learning curve for weeks, I got it the same day as the big brass ring and I just absolutely needed to see Carmine's big brass ring first. Still don't know what the movie was about, just wanted nekkid Carmie :devil:
i want to see some of the movies that he was in. :) ummm he is just so cute. shower where is the shower. *runs out of the room in search of a shower* love you danny
AWWWWWW thanx Feenx, my two fav pics, definitely pics worthy of porn :devil:

dont ya just wanna rip the clothes from his hot bod and do bad things to him on that bed :devil: I DO!

And for those that want 4 pics of nekkid Carmine from Big Brass Ring, pm me your email :D
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