Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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Welcome to thread # 14. **throws confetti.

ETA: Here's the link to the previous thread.

Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy

As promised, here's some pics.




He's just so damn hot. :p **runs off to shower now**

Before I forget...gotta have the tongue!porn.

this is gonna be one hell of a ride!!!! :devil: ima enjoy this one :D

guess what folks?? Christmas has come early :D :D



is it jus me.. or does he always hang his hands between his legs when he sits like that^^^ ?? hehe dang those hands!!!!! :devil:
lol well i sure wanna cop a feel of the jewels ;) :lol:
although..i doubt his hands are big enough to protect them... ;)
o-ooo... naughty thoughts...

**Runs to jump under ice cold shower..** :devil:
Hey, im new. Saw the post, and as a devoted carmine chaser, I felt it my duty to come see

Glad I did ;)
So Im reading on the edge of that pic there that he takes ladies for romantic bike rides...*thunk*
Aw, Danny in the lab is so adorable! Yay for the 14th Locker Room! :D

And am I the only one still smiling about the potted plant shout out in "Open and Shut"? The paparazzi is so hiding behind the potted plant, waiting to get a sweet pic of sexy Danny! :lol: :D
^^Nope, you're not the only one. I actually laughed out loud when I heard that.

Now what I want to know is this: If they can mention the potted plant thing, why can't they give us our shower scene?? That's not too much to ask for.
Whee!!!! New thread!!!

Oh I agree, they should give us our shower scene since Christmas is just around the corner...It will be a nice gift for all of us, don't you think?
Yeah, but where would it stop? It's the one thing Carmine has on the LR. If he gives into the shower scene, the place will start clamoring for something else. Before you know it, he'll be solving crimes in the buff. :lol:
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