"Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

I am so disappointed..wait correct that, I was not expecting much and that is what I felt like I got :(

Let's review two seconds of Greg, a dry admission by Grissom to the team, and starting off the epi with the killer..nope nothing really worked for me this episode.

Call me the scrooge
I'm a bit speechless.

I just don't know what to say.

I liked Grissom going crazy, but I'm not crazy about the ending.

That was the worst damn ending I've ever seen CSI do. I friggen hate the cliffhanger.

CSI is lucky if I even decide to tune in September- even if Jorja stays. This is ridiculous, I was expecting some damn rewrites.

What about Marg flying in to do an ending :rolleyes: stupid tabloid magazines- this is why you don't listen to their stupid crap that is printed in lame magazines. Reason why I didn't believe it in the first place.

I loved the scenario, I liked the beginning, I liked the middle. I like how we were introduced to Natalie, I like how we saw the Great Rainone, I like how we saw Chloe's death, and I liked the singing doll.

I was happy to see Warrick and Nick catch Natalie, and I was kind of pleased to see Grissom's reaction with Natalie "I'm a huge fan." Yes, tickled my heart.

But I'm seriously pissed off at what they did to the end of the episode.

Maybe I'll post something nice later on, after I've watched it again at 9.
Point of the matter is...it was boring. I was expecting some details on the other murders and why she did what she did. It was just....another episode : (
i have to admit ...i am a bit diaspointed...it felt to me like everything was rushed at the end. They spend too much time establishing Natalie's character and then they went all nuts at the end....
I don't know what to say. THis is unreal. Every scene in the promo happened in the last 10 minutes which ruined the episode. And the episode synopsis ruined the episode too. Now what are they gonna do. The promos for the new season are probably going to ruin what happens, and if not that, then the opening credits for next season will ruin it as well. If Sara is in the credits, we know she is going to live. If she isn't, then we know she is going to die.

This is outrageous, idk how the writers could do this to us, I just don't. Without spoilers we all knew everything that was going to happen tonight. And a little more suspense to the revealing of the Mini Killer would have been nice.

I did like Rick & Nick catching her. And I liked Brass' idea way more then Grissom's. For such a great season I didn't like the way it ended.
It wasn't boring to me, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Honestly, to me, it was a nail bitter episode.

We see Sara under a car. That's it.

She moves her hand, and then "To Be Continued"

I friggen hope Sara lives, or I'll be a goner. I will NOT watch the show if she dies. I'm sorry, but after this ending- CSI just.. messed up.
I'm the type that loves to know every spoiler I can possibly get but I'm not a lover of cliffhangers.

I was a bit bored during the ep. If you can believe it, I was reading a book while watching, that's how bored I was lol

They should have ended it like Charge of this Post...have her found and comatose like Flack was and then what happened next season could still be determined by whether or not Jorja returned. If she did, Sara wakes up. If not, she dies. They shouldn't have left it the way they did.

My one consolation is, don't we start getting new season spoilers around August? They start airing in October IIRC, so that sounds about right. So perhaps three months give or take before I find out any scraps of info.

Of course if Jorja announces one way or the other that'll clue us in too.

Those of us who aren't happy should all write polite but angry letters...even my mom said that lol. "They may get a lot of letters" Reminds me of what happened when Highlander killed a character...(no not Richie)...jokes were made about letters beginning "Dear murdering b*bleep*" *not sure if I can say the b word or not...and no it's not the female dog one, it's the other one*
I can't believe some of you didn't like the ending...did you see the season finale of Miami? We would of killed for a cliffhanger ending...I thought CSI's season finale was 1000x's better than Miami's...the creator's & writer's left the fan's of Miami's out in the cold.
That's the problem with an on-going storyline that lasts all year in a crime drama. You build and build and build and then get to the end and. . .you have to rely on the actors and the audiences connection to the characters and hope you keep the viewer's interest.

This was a pitfall for the MK storyline from the beginning. When you thought it was over, it wasn't and quite frankly, it should've ended back when Ernie died. On the other hand, Natalie was creepy as all hell. I usually don't like knowing the face of the killer so early on in the show, but she was so darn creepy it was engaging and that, for me, kept me watching. Aside from the "will they/won't they kill sara" thing, Natalie was the only other part that held my interest.

Oh, and the fake out when Cath and Nick knocked on the neighbor's door. We all thought they were coming to get Natalie, all I have to say is "Screw you CSI for giving me a damn heart attack and leaving me highly unsatisfied!" It was unnecessary. Just like Natalie's daydream of attacking Gris.

I don't know how to really rate this episode. It was written well. The pace was fine. I think I'm just finally sick of this storyline. TPTB tried to duplicate the Paul Milander's of this universe by compressing all that excitment into one season. For a show like this, that's overkill.
Yeah way too much on Natalie and then rushing everything in the last 8 minutes of the show. The relationship reveal was rushed...quick reaction shots were not hardly worth it.
I thought this was boring cliffhanger.

Didn't they kidnap someone two years ago..oh yeah..Nick.

You know a show is running out of ideas when...