Lindsay Love Thread

Indeed yes! A big Lindsay lover!! Thanks so much- all the credit for my wonderful banner goes to Cofi_shot .
I too wish to see more of Lindsay physical toughness, it makes Danny so hot for her :D
I would post more but I have to go - be back soon
Thanks again :)
Thanks for the welcoming, audacity. I guess I should know better, seeing as the cat died by it, but my curiosity got the best of me.

But to stay on topic...there have been quite a few of Lindsay's lines that I love. Having recently seen Bad Beat, I do agree that Anna's delivery of lines in the dumpster-diving episode were great; she made the lines a lot more light and fun-going.

There are also the more melancholy lines that touch, like her conversation in Stealing Home with the victim's father.

Lindsay's great because she's such a multi-dimentional character that can take on several tones that the original cast would seem awkward in. I'm sure the fact that she's new to the city leaves the writers with many options for her because she's yet to be jaded by the dark side of New York.
Welcome pinkforensics *waves*

There are also the more melancholy lines that touch, like her conversation in Stealing Home with the victim's father.

I agree. I loved that scene.
welcome pinkforensics *hugs*

and i agree with pf[thats what im calling you..i hope you dont mind]. lindsay is such a dimensioal character..and she does it so well..
Welcome newbies! :D

Hi Keich. I don't think I've seen you in while! :)

I also like that one quote from "CH" Audrina.

Some of Lindsay's lines tend to catch me off guard. I think that is what's neat about her character and some of her lines. She says things that you did expect her to say. I still love the 'who's the other walrus'comment! :lol:
Yeah the other walrus was a funny comment. I also like the way she says things. Like talking to Mac about how someone threw out a perfectly good shotgun. Or how she answers Danny even though sometimes its not what he is really asking.
I think you see in that scene that Lindsay's not particularly "shy" about sex- cause she didn't seem to uncomfortable to ask who the other "walrus" was.
audacity said:

Hi Keich. I don't think I've seen you in while! :)

Hi audacity. Yeah, been out of the loop for a while, but it looks like things are letting up for me. Hence, more TalkCSI time. :)

I also like her "lube" comment. Double meaning? :D