Lindsay Love Thread

I really could see Lindsay as being an only child.

If you come up with any more quotes- just comment with them in my LJ.
Will do, love! :D

I could see her having at least a brother, and I say their close, but not really close, because we haven't heard anything.
Lindsay does seem like that kind of women that had older brothers. Like she got pushed around and joked with/picked on by big brothers, when she was younger. I dont know how, she does seems that way :)
Agreed, I think she does have big brothers. And she's the only one who's a cop, and a tough one at that *remembers her tackling that guy in Zoo York*.
In "Stealing Home," while she was looking at the pics on the pc, I noticed a young guy standing next to(a very young) Lindsay---they looked a like. So perhaps, she has an older brother?? I wonder if something happened to this older brother?

I imagine that her brothers would be protective of her. :)
Yeah I saw that too. But then I also wondered if maybe she had a twin sister. Which would explain her interest in Sara getting killed. Because maybe they never found who killed her twin. Anyway just a thought.
Just some of my thoughts from rewatching Stealing Home...
Lindsay talking with Sara’s father in the morgue is IMO, the best scene in all of Stealing Home. Anna acted it so well. I’m now convinced that Lindsay either has a great relationship with her father, or a horrible one, but I do lean towards the latter. The only reason I even see the former was in the way she asked “Why?” after the father admitted he hadn’t spoken to her, as it was almost like she couldn’t believe it. It could either be because she would never even think about something like that, or because she doesn’t and is surprised to find someone like her. Either way, it wasn’t the normal detached investigator asking. The “Tell Daddy I love him” was so personal as well.
I agree, that scene is so good. I love the way she handled that part. And that "Tell daddy I love him" that was great how she did that. But probably one of my favorite Lindsay Scenes. Oh and Pizza, don't remember if you have that line in with the "Lindsay Lines" on your LJ. There'a also this one from last night:

Flack: So what's next?
Linds: Arrest John Vackman.

The was she says that is so good. It's like, watch out Montana's comin!