Lindsay Love Thread



Well, since the Anna Belknap/Lindsay Monroe thread is becoming more of a debate thread, I decided to post the Lindsay Love Thread in which another poster had suggested. This is a fan thread, not a debate thread. If you wish to debate go to the Why Lindsay Must Go thread or the Anna Belknap/Lindsay Monroe thread but please do not come in here to voice your dislike. We get it.
Hm.. this is a good idea for a thread. A place where we dont have to debate the reasons why we love Lindsay.

Well, I for one and really excited about the new ep next Wed. If we dont get a back story, then at least we'll get a Lindsay development.
I'm all for this thread and your guidelines Unwritten Poem so let me start. I LOVE Lindsay, I think she's wonderful and adorable and I can't wait to see where they take her character. :) She quickly became my favorite, (yes even more then Danny :lol:) and I'm so happy they brought her in. Plus I'm a Danny/Lindsay shipper and I hope TPTB hurry up and give us some M&Ms! :D

:) I like the idea of this tread. I liked Lindsay almost automatically in Fair Game, which was my first complete/I could remember details about episode of CSI: New York, I actually watched.
Thanks for creating this thread, unwritten poem, about Lindsay. I've been mostly staying away from this forum (for peaceful reasons, but someone close to me told me not to). :)

Just thought I'd share a smile with you all!

A big smile!

*Picture credit goes to
aw! I love Lindsay! **hugs Lindsay**

Audacity i love that pic. I have the cutest icon of her during that scene, but it has the f-word so i can't use it. :( I use it over at the other D/L board. (But i never go there)
Great idea for this thread. That episode (stuck on you) aired in the uk last night and lindsay was briliant in it. i think she is a unique and briliant character and she is becoming my favortie character! every week im looking forward to finding more about her!
This is a great idea for a thread. I love Lindsay and I think she really fits in with the show in general. Also just saw 'Stuck on You' last night and it made me love Lindsay so much more. She was so cute when she was firing the bow and arrow!
Well, a "why Lindsay must stay" thread. Yay! :lol: Kidding. You know, I don't think I've said this enough, but I started watching CSI-NY on a regular basis BECAUSE of Lindsay! She's my fav character and I'm glad I don't have to argue why I so like her. As I've said this before, she's a pretty cool character: collected, playful, a good college, sensitive to other people's feelings. She's not easily bothered, but will go to any lengths to prove her point. Lindsay is not that into physical contact when she's upset (she doesn't like feeling restrained) and she has a great sense of humour. I really don't get why people dislike her so much - I guess they don't see her as I do. Or maybe they just miss Aiden. Or are simply jealous of the amount of attention Danny has given her. :D

Anyway, I'd like to see her interact with Flack or Hawkes, but that's not really her fault or the actress's.

Oh, and I think Anna is a great actress ;) But this is not the time nor place for that.

Ada, who's not afraid to speak her mind :devil:
Thanks Unwritten Poem for starting this thread! *high-fives all around* And Amrita, I know the avatar you are talking about - I've always loved that one! :lol: And you should come "there" more often. ;)

For me, Lindsay is the most realistic character - down-to-earth, and she's brought a sense of tangibility to the show. Maybe there have been inconsistencies with her character, but I think that's normal - moving to a new place, taking a new job. Of course she has changed! She is slowly allowing more of her true self to shine through. We've seen her go from cautious and reserved, to sweet and funny, to emotional and frustrated. She's pretty, but not in a "I Just Got Back From Three Hours With My Personal Stylist" kind of way. She lightens up the other characters. And maybe after "Stealing Home", we'll see an even deeper side.

And yeah, not only do I love Lindsay, I'm a proud M&M Shipper. :D I've been shipping them since Manhattan Manhunt.

Lindsay Rocks, Anna Rocks. Bottom Line. :cool:
i'm glad that i'm not the only one who likes her character....i actually prefer her over aiden. i would also like to see her interact more with hawkes and flack...maybe next season!
Great idea for a thread. I'm sick of the negativity. I guess that sounded kind of negative. Anyway, yay for Lindsay and yay for Anna...


Great thread!


'Yep, that's me'

I love the girl. She brings a certain energy to the show that wasn't there before. Anna Belknap did some superb performances on this show and made Lindsay so believable and likeable. She's such a cool chick!
Not to mention very cute. I'd marry her anytime.
i do like the lindsay character...i know a lot of people like the aiden/danny chemistry, but i didn't really feel with with those two. i think i like the fact that lindsay is not a native new yorker and it makes it even funnier when danny tries to joke around with her... :)