LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity - Final Results Up

Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Wow, voting here is so tough but I guess someone has to do it...

5-The composition is great but the icon appears dark.
2-I think there's a lack of contrast and part of Lindsay's head is missing.
4-The icon is lovely and the colouring gorgeous but I think that maybe it's a little bit overcrowded with the 2 Lindsays, the brushes, the text...Maybe a little bit too much.
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Oops! Didn't even realize voting had gone up. Such great work everyone!

2) I think this icon has great potential, it's really great. Unfortunately, there's that thing where part of Lindsey's head is missing :(

4) The smaller circle is covering up too much of Lindsey's face in the larger circle. It's a gorgeous icon, but I think the way it shows just her eyes in the larger circle is distracting.

1) It's a bit over-sharpened around the ladies faces. Otherwise, great job.
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

03-- I love the idea, but Ryan is blurry and looks to need more contrast. I think more contrast would've made this icon.
04-- The circles overlapping for Lindsay is a little odd. The first cuts into a little bit of Danny's face, and the second cuts off a lot of Lindsay's as well.
02-- Lindsay's head is partially chopped off :p
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

03 - Ryan is to blurry, Danny is overpowering because he's darker
02 - Lindsay's head is cut off on the top
05 - Composition is oke, but the colouring is dull and appears to dark
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

05 - too much contrast
02 - lindsay has no head
03 - ryan looks like he's been photoshopped there
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

First of all i would like to say that they are all awesome!!!

that said(and it pains me to do so)

3)great Icon, but Ryan seems a bit faded and Danny
overtakes him

4) the big circle goes a little too far into danny..I think if it had been a little smaller and moved a little northwest it would have been perfect:)
2) would most definetly be my fave, but Lindsay is missing part of her noggin!!!

Again, great job guys!!
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

This is getting so hard, you have to vote considering all these little details...Anyway...

03. Something doesn't work in the icon. How am I going to explain it, because of the difference in colouring (Danny looks darker than Ryan) and the blending, it makes Ryan look 'out of place' in the icon.

02.First of, Lindsay should be with an A, though that's obviously not the reason. The icon looks really nice, it's just such a pity you cut her head with cropping.

04. Beautiful colouring, but it just looks too crowded to me, with two circles, those flowerish things, text, etc...Maybe less would have been more in this case.

Wow, my reasons seem so lame :rolleyes: I'm sorry. All icons were great ;)
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Just a question, can I vote in here even though I'm not part of the challenge?
Thanks :D
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

CalleighD said:
Just a question, can I vote in here even though I'm not part of the challenge?
Thanks :D

Yes, of course you can! :)
Just for your information: this challenge runs a bit differently than the others, in the LIMS (Last Icon Maker Standing) we don't vote for the three we like best but for the three icons that are of least quality (in our eyes ;) )
Now I'll stop my murmuring and let you vote :D
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

cinegirl- thanks for clearing that up for me :D

Ooh, this is hard :S

3) Ryan looks a little out of place, he's too light I think.

2) part of Lindsay's head is missing.

4) I think the bigger circle is a bit big and takes up too much of the icon.

Gosh I feel mean :p
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Only 10 votes?? C'mon - keep them coming! Voting will close Tuesday Nov 27 at 3:00 pm EST. If you still want to vote - there is still time!
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

2) Lindsay's head is a little... not there.

3) I love the background, it looks perfect! But it doesn't look natural because the contrast is off.

4) Tis very busy.... my eye didn't know where to go.

Okay, I aplogiuse if that wasn't very elequent, I'm not the best icon maker. I'd love to join in sometime though. NExt time you do this.
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Usually I stay out of the voting for the LIMS, cause I kinda feel not really the person to be to vote anybody of you great contestants off.

But since there are so less votes, I'll give it a shot this time:

4) To me either the both bubbles with Lindsay OR the brush on the left would have been enough to make it work. This way it looks a bit overdone and therefore too messy. Losing the bubble in the back and/or using a different layer style/opacity level on the brush would have helped to solve this.

3) To me, BW works when you have a high contrast and the same sharpness level on all pics. Here I miss both aspects a bit. As well, it could have used some more brush work on the bottom or in the background. It seems a bit boring to me.

1) The line in the middle is neither sharp nor blurry, that distracts me. As well the choice of colour against the font colour - it has too less contrast to each other. The wording and the look from Cath is also not really fitting. In one line: The Powergirls appear somewhat powerless.

A note on icon 2). The disappearing of Linds' head seems to me due to the use of a brush on top of it which doesn't bother me at all. But that's why I keep my mouth usually shut on the LIMS. I seem to have a different understanding/taking of the icons shown.

In any case. Kudos to the 5 contestants that remained in that challenge. You all did great!
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

All the icons are so great, this is seriously very hard to do!

4- The "bubble inside the bigger bubble" is in a strange place.

2- Linsdey's head is odd and partially chopped.

3- Ryan is blurry in contrast to Danny.
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

I more day to vote. I would love to see a few more votes before I close voting! Do I need to start bribing? LOL