Liev/Keppler Thread #1

First thread I've actually started on here, so I apologize if this has been discussed to death elsewhere. I didn't see a topic dedicated solely to him, so I figured I would start one. I know his role is over now, but what did everyone think of Keppler or Schreiber for that matter? Personally, I loved Keppler (not as much as Grissom, obviously!). I thought he was a great change of pace and I really liked his storyline. I'm glad Grissom is finally back, but I'm also a little sad to see Keppler leave, without the chance of returning. I thought Schreiber did an excellent job portraying the dark, melancholic, and conflicted Keppler. I liked the twisted storyline in which at first it seemed like Keppler was without redeeming qualities, but rather he was just a tortured soul who had got caught up in some bad situations (not excusing his actions, just trying to put them in perspective). Opinions?

*EDITED: To add the Actors name to the title so that both could be discussed.*
Please remember both sides of an opinion is allowed, it's how you handle it that matters.
Re: Keppler

I agree no one can take over Grissom and i missed him loads but i really really liked Keppler.

When i found out that Grissom was leaving for some episodes i was gutted and vowed to hate the person who takes over him. I tried i really did and although i wasn't too keen on Keppler in the first episode i really liked him more and more as his episodes went on.

When i found out that it would be Liev Shreiber joining the team i was like 'OH NO NOT HIM' but i dont think they could have picked anyone better. He was fantastic and i kinda fancy him a little bit now lol

Like you said he was a tortured soul who had made some bad decisions and again i am not excusing what he did but he is only human and i really enjoyed the fact that he was different from the rest of the original team. I found his character refreshing to watch and i REALLY enjoyed his last episode it was intense and had me hooked (the gsr scene was gr8 too). I have to say it is my fave episode so far because it is so different (it wouldnt be if griss wasnt in it cos loyalty and all that). I balled like a baby.

He was unethical and evasive most of the time and even though the writers let us think there was a possibility that he is bad, i definietly got the feeling that he was good. and i loved his humour - strange but i laughed at some things he said. (like the referings to cats)

I was wandering whether there was something goin on with him and Catherine 'behind the scenes' like on thier days off or something because of the last epi where he rings her and keeps sayin sorry but then maybe he felt closet to her and wanted to genuinley let her know that he isnt evil and that it made him feel better finally being able to tell someone about what is happening. Because he doesnt really have to say sorry to Catherine, saying sorry to catherine could be him saying sorry to his dead girlfriend and her family and also the guy he killed.

So i have to say i am gutted that he has gone and there is no chance for a recurring role but i think Liev is kinda above just an occasional appearence don't you think?

Re: Keppler

I enjoyed his character very much. It gave us all something different and exciting while Grissom was gone. I think we all had our worries that the show would die down and possibly lost to some viewers forever with the loss of Griss for a month, but the Keppler character was very interesting and kept us hooked.

I honestly was upset to see that he died. I didn't see it coming but when I think about it now, it all makes sense. I would have rather seen him maybe live throughout the last episode and possibly retire from law enforcement, and go into some other line of work.

As far as him and Catherine go, I like CSI how it is, and the GSR relationship is just enough for me to handle and stay interested. They would have been good together but makes sense that they didn't end up having anything. I thought the writers did have an overly dramatic relationship between the two however. I would have liked to seen more connection and interaction between the two to have the conclusion they did. Keppler did save Catherine's life in that final episode.
Re: Keppler

Thought Keppler was interesting. I found myself iking him a lot more then I thought I would .
Liev did a great job, was sorry to see him go.
Not sorry that Grissom's finally back, though ;)
keppler was kind of a tragic character in the end. HH

He was bit different then the other cops and CSI's we've seen before
Re: Keppler

i personally didnt like keppler. i thought he was evil. one with the reverse forensics and two keeping secrets from his coworkers. i hope grissom dosnt leave th group and i hope he marrys sara!! that would be cool.
Re: Keppler

Leftyguitar said:
Thought Keppler was interesting. I found myself iking him a lot more then I thought I would .
Liev did a great job, was sorry to see him go.
Not sorry that Grissom's finally back, though ;)
keppler was kind of a tragic character in the end. HH

He was bit different then the other cops and CSI's we've seen before
Agreed to everything. I didnt think I was going to like him as much as I did, I thought he was kind of evil and sneaky, which he kind of was for a little bit. But I was incredibly sad when he left the show.
He had terrific acting in his last episode!
Re: Keppler

i definatly liked kepler at the end. but in the beginning i kinda wanted to push him off a building. but not really :(

i felt horrible at the end of kepler's role.
Re: Keppler

AshleyWillows said:
i definatly liked kepler at the end. but in the beginning i kinda wanted to push him off a building. but not really :(

i felt horrible at the end of kepler's role.
Thats just how I felt!!! I jsut couldnt find how to say it!
Re: Keppler

ILuvJonathanTogo said:
AshleyWillows said:
i definatly liked kepler at the end. but in the beginning i kinda wanted to push him off a building. but not really :(

i felt horrible at the end of kepler's role.
Thats just how I felt!!! I jsut couldnt find how to say it!

I'm going to have to third that :lol:
Re: Keppler

Keppler was interesting to say the least. When he was walking up to the crime scene, there was just that feeling that screamed 'warning'. Kinda hard to explain really.

It was fascinating to watch Keppler unfold and see into his mind and see how he looked at things and people.

Although I wasn't happy with the reverse forensics thing. Sort of reminded me when Ecklie split the team up. My hackles got raised up.

Never would have guessed the end. In a way he found his peace.
Re: Keppler

csilovegrissom said:
I agree no one can take over Grissom and i missed him loads but i really really liked Keppler.

When i found out that Grissom was leaving for some episodes i was gutted and vowed to hate the person who takes over him. I tried i really did and although i wasn't too keen on Keppler in the first episode i really liked him more and more as his episodes went on.

When i found out that it would be Liev Shreiber joining the team i was like 'OH NO NOT HIM' but i dont think they could have picked anyone better. He was fantastic and i kinda fancy him a little bit now lol

Like you said he was a tortured soul who had made some bad decisions and again i am not excusing what he did but he is only human and i really enjoyed the fact that he was different from the rest of the original team. I found his character refreshing to watch and i REALLY enjoyed his last episode it was intense and had me hooked (the gsr scene was gr8 too). I have to say it is my fave episode so far because it is so different (it wouldnt be if griss wasnt in it cos loyalty and all that). I balled like a baby.

He was unethical and evasive most of the time and even though the writers let us think there was a possibility that he is bad, i definietly got the feeling that he was good. and i loved his humour - strange but i laughed at some things he said. (like the referings to cats)

I was wandering whether there was something goin on with him and Catherine 'behind the scenes' like on thier days off or something because of the last epi where he rings her and keeps sayin sorry but then maybe he felt closet to her and wanted to genuinley let her know that he isnt evil and that it made him feel better finally being able to tell someone about what is happening. Because he doesnt really have to say sorry to Catherine, saying sorry to catherine could be him saying sorry to his dead girlfriend and her family and also the guy he killed.

So i have to say i am gutted that he has gone and there is no chance for a recurring role but i think Liev is kinda above just an occasional appearence don't you think?


I think you just things up for me! :) And I balled, too. :)
Re: Keppler

csilovegrissom said:
I was wandering whether there was something goin on with him and Catherine 'behind the scenes' like on thier days off or something because of the last epi where he rings her and keeps sayin sorry but then maybe he felt closet to her and wanted to genuinley let her know that he isnt evil and that it made him feel better finally being able to tell someone about what is happening. Because he doesnt really have to say sorry to Catherine, saying sorry to catherine could be him saying sorry to his dead girlfriend and her family and also the guy he killed.

From the look on his face after Cath left the locker room, I wondered if he thought there might have been a chance of something there and now everything seemed to be falling apart. They did seem to have a good working chemistry in the previous episodes. And the way Cath keeps begging him to stay with her and to hang on - I admit I had tears in my eyes, too. Mike's final "Sorry" seemed to have so much behind it - sorry to Amy and to the guy he killed, but also sorry for all his other mistakes, sorry for the problems he caused the team, and maybe even sorry for what he and Cath could have had and lost because of his mistakes.

Great episode and I'm sorry to see Keppler go with no chance to see him again.

Mike + Catherine = MiCa (sure would've sparkled I think)
Re: Keppler

I have to say something here too
I loved Keppler
He was a great addition to the team. He wasn't Grissom, and he wasn't supposed to be Grissom. Too many people didn't like him because they were looking for a Grissom replacment, that's just my opinion

I knew going into these episodes he wasn't going to stay long but I had no idea what an impact he would have not only on the team with The Reverse Forensics and how actually that got the team to pull together and solve the crime excluding Cath of course
but the impact it had on HER too. She was taken in by him, by his calm way. He sounded so convincing in Redum to attempt the Reverse Forensics that I think she had no choice, well according to the Under Sheriff she had no choice
and in Laws of Gravity, I really didn't know how this was going to end
Liev Schriber did a fantastic job of leading us through Keppler's journey so to speak to making things right with Amy, and with the CSI team and with himself.
He did send off signals to me too when I first saw him, but after a few scenes I got to like him. He had great timing and he and Catherine did work brilliantly together

I hope this didn't ramble on too much I just had to say how much I really liked Keppler, I'm upset that they killed him off because I would have liked to have seen the dynamic around the lab with both him and Grissom.