Let's Talk Gay

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It's easier to be open online because if for whatever reason something about you isn't accepted you can just avoid that site. Even though you hear about all the scams it is still so much easier for me to really speak my mind online. I feel safe, maybe because if someone did get mad at me or not like something about me the most they could do (usually) is yell at me in caps lock and swear. lol!

CSI_Sidle2399-it sucks being in that situation, where only a few people know. A lot of my friends know about me but my parents don't, although they have had their suspicions.
I've been told by my family members that I'm the most outgoing of all of us but I have yet to try and even flirt with someone With guys it was so much easier because I felt more comfortable around them. I think that's because I was never really 'shy' around them and now I'm really shy about that girl I like and don't even try to make eye contact with them
I'm like that too. I find it more comfortable to go up to guys than girls, I think it's because I never actually liked the guys :p. I can open up better online too, but I've never tried online datine, (although one time I did freak out at a commercial for straight people online dating and went off on how there were never any adds for gay people dating sites :lol:).

Right now I like someone. She is a year older than me though And I don't want to seem like some little annoying person to her. I have noticed her at school on some occasions, but I really know her from dance. She doesn't really talk to many people, but the ones she does don't really like me. Also, she helps teach a class I take so it makes her seem so much older than me. It's so sad though, because she's transferring schools at the begining of september (she was telling the studio owner when I was workingthe reception desk) That means I'll never see her again because she won't be working with me either. To my knowledge she's never had a boyfriend and she never talks about guys that I know of, so some days I think (hope) she's gay too. But after telling my mom I don't want to dissapoint her and stuff. I don't know what I should do.
At the moment I don't believe I really like anyone :lol: I had crushes, but kinda forgot them, aha. Eventually someone will turn up that I'm going to have a major crush on, but for now I'm not really looking for anyone. I'm kind of just happy being single, I don't know why, but I just am.

A really random fact about me: When someone is like "This is Levon she's a lesbian" I get really annoyed, and ticked off, because I'm some how offended, but when someone is like "This is Levon, she's gay" I'm not offended :lol: I really do not know why.
OMG Levon you changed your name and confused the hell out of me :lol:

*ends blond moment*

I'm more open online than I am in real life about things, but I have a lot of really stupid personality quirks that annoy the crap out of most people, and those are the reasons I wouldn't want to meet anyone online. They would like me or whatever then we would meet and they would be like "what the heck is wrong with her?" :p
There are a lot of things about me that I'm afraid people that I met online and then met up with in real life would find annoying too. Like my extreme love of dogs and need to have them almost everywhere I go; my stupid anxiety and of course my penchant for always knocking myself down and convincing myself that I am not good enough.

Midnightbellzza- I know what you mean. For some reason I don't like the word "lesbian" but the word "gay" doesn't bother me at all. Before I realized I was gay I didnt' think you could call a girl gay, I thought only lesbian was the correct term lol. I don't know why the word bugs me. It sounds weird I guess, like a sickness of some kind. Okay that made no sense
Imperfect said:
I'm like that too. I find it more comfortable to go up to guys than girls, I think it's because I never actually liked the guys :p

One time this guy in my class asked me if I had to pick one guy to be my boyfriend, who I would choose. It was a moment-we were sitting alone together doing our math homework and I decided to go for it and said him. He's so immature and a jerk, because he started laughing but would he have even asked me that if he didn't like me?? :lol: :p

I've always had such a better relationship with guys as friends, so I want to keep it that way.

And Imperfect, your situation sounds a lot like mine :lol: The girl I like is a year or so older than I am and my mom also said she doesn't think she would be "a good start" for me because she gives off that "I'm a bitch, don't talk to me" vibe :rolleyes: :lol:

Speaking of commercials guys, I saw that Chemistry.Com commercial the other day with that guy looking through the magazine and then he looks up at the camera and shrugs and says, "Nope. Still gay!" :lol: Hysterical.
OMG Levon you changed your name and confused the hell out of me :lol:

Haha, awe, sorry for confusing you!!

I have a couple guy friends, one of them I wanted to keep a friend, that didn't go to well. He confused me actually, as some of you might recall, but I just didn't like him the way he liked me. Then he was like, out of my life. I mean, I wanted him to be a friend, but it was, we go out or we don't speak. We still sometimes speak, but we're not friends. It's just messed up...
Girls, I am kinda confused right now. I was always taught (and I believe!) personality matters a great deal. But looks count too, right? I met this great woman a little while back and she has an absolute gorgeous personality that I could fall for anytime. But than.. when I look at her.. I can't picture myself with her cause she's just not the type of woman I am attracted too. It kinda confuses me cause I could definitly fall for her personality if I would let myself... :( I don't get myself..

We talk for hours. I log on just to see if she is. And its nice to talk to her. She makes me feel comfortable. I don't mind sharing anything with her. But than again.. It confuses me soooo much :confused:

Anyone with some advice would ne nice. Or anyone telling me its ok not like someone because they aren't your type but do have the personality you always wanted your significant other to have... :(
SaraSidle_girl--I'm in that exact situation. I met a girl online three years ago and we have actually gotten really close and at one point started going out. I feel so at ease while talking to her, like I can tell her anything and a lot of the time I do. I go online and see if she is on and follow her posts around. We have both talked about trying to meet each other this summer. She is such a great person but like you said she is not the type of woman I picture myself in a relationship with. It makes me so mad when I think like that, because I just am like "why can't you just move past that?" I feel so bad for thinking like that but it's like I can't help it. I love her personality and we have soooo much in common but I just can't picture myself with her because as you said she is not the woman I tend to fall for.

I wish I could offer you advice, but I thought I'd post just so you have someone to commiserate with.

Best of luck to you ((hugs))
I see alot of people are talking about meeting people online to form a relationship with them.
I have been internetting for a while and ive come across liars and I think its best not to fall for someone online.
People act different online than in real life, not on purpose, but you are alot more confident and speak more openly.
You also may misinterpret what someone is sayong online aswell.
65% of communication is through body language, and that is one thing you cannot see when speaking to someone online. The tone of voice, facial expressions etc.
So I always think its best to meet someone in real life. Then you know for starters they aint lying about their age or whatever.
^^ That's true, but after talking to someone for a long time (eg. 3 years) it's pretty hard for them to lie too much, even over the internet. I always used to think people lied over the internet and everything, too, but then I met some friends here and we chat every day. Sure they all acted different when we first started talking, but so did I. It's easy to put on a facade online, but after a while it just goes away, and you can chat and be yourself.

I always say personality is most important, too, but as my friends always tell me, I 'broke up with the Eric to date the Kelso' and they're right. I picked the hot guy. Sometimes I regret it...
I've met some really nice people online. And I do enjoy talking to them, it's nice when you have a bad day, and someone that isn't your bestfriend is there to listen.

Can't say I've actually ever gone after someone for looks actually :lol: I really can't care, I don't know why. I've always been able to see the inner beauty, not the outter. This actually might be why I end up always dating close friends, because I know who they really are.
I really met some nice people over the internet. Some have become very close friends of mine. And yes, I actually met girls online whom I met later and see if things worked out. It usually didn't. But sometimes it lead into a great friendship.

About the woman I was talking about.. some of my friends suggested that I should just see where things will lead to. Maybe the butterflies will actually come. She is on my mind a lot of times.. I think about her when I'm not online. And as soon as we're both online I feel great :)
That is exactly how I feel! I'm am always thinking about this girl whether I'm online or not. Like songs will come on the radio and I will think about her. Basically all that mushy stuff that you see in movies that you never think is true.

Recently she hasn't been texting me like she used to. She seems to be kind of ignoring me and that is scaring me a bit. I keep wondering what is going on. Then I tell myself not to worry about it and then my all or nothing thinking sets in and I convince myself that this could never work because of the distance. Even though I'm always thinking about her and we have so much in common and think the same. I don't know. I'm so confused.

We are in the same boat SaraSidle_girl. *hands you a paddle*
I have actually never been huge on msn chats or anything like that. So i don't even really know why I added Mia to my msn, seeing as I only had friends I knew in real life on it. But somehow it got too troublesome to write emails and so we ended up talking on msn. Also, I would never encourage anyone to meet people they only know via the internet, a friend of mine once did and it was a major bummer. The guy was nothing like she expected and actually quite different from what he seemed like on the net. With Mia and me it was different, it was surreal, actually. The first night we talked for over 5 hours, and after that we talked every night when we got back home. Usually for about 8 hours,sometimes more ( I usually would get about 4 hours of sleep, I think I merely existed on coffee and love during that first month :cool:) and we never got bored. Our similarities were uncanny and freaked us out more than once. I don't know when I first felt the need to meet her in person, but it was pretty early on. She needed more convincing than I did, she was paranoid an scared not to live up to my expectations. Eventually I lured her with the promise of cookies and CSI (she hadn't been able to watch season 7 then, and I had half the season on my laptop ;). Plus, she knew we were destined for each other :p ) and so we watched a couple episodes and then went to a gay club with some (straight) friends of mine. Turned out she lived up to my expectations, and even beyond... :D I'm still constantly amazed by the way her mind works, the way she writes...everything.

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that I believe our story is an exception and you need to be really careful if you meet people in person. As for the `looks are important, too´ part, we did exchange pictures pretty early on, so I kinda knew what to expect. I also knew (before I first saw her picture) that she fit my type to a T, hair and eye color wise. And I did hers, too. Before I met her I never thought I could be attracted to a girl my height (I'm 5'6, but I had only ever fallen in love with women who were a lot taller than me), but she changed that. I actually think it comes in pretty handy when you're kissing :p. So I think we got lucky. But if you're comlpetely in love with someone's personality you should just relax and see wether you can actually become sexually attracted to that person. If you don't develop the desire to kiss her, I think it would be pretty futile to try and make it work, but if you hang out together and feel the need to kiss her, then go for it and everything else will fall into place.
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