Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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Err, dunno. Didn't go outside today, I have to go! But I don't want to, lol. It's probably the same weather as Jayne has :p
ooo it's slightly overcast today for a change! and... OMG! IT'S GOING TO RAIN TOMORROW! i hope, for once, the weatherman/woman is right! we really really need rain!
The weather here has been incredible for the longest time, I can't quite believe it is England, it is lovely and sunny and warm, why am I going abroad this summer :confused:

Oh yeah cause it's England it won't last :rolleyes:
Same weather as yesterday.. guessing around 28C.. I can't wait to go outside again and have my second walk along the riverbank for today.. nice breeze.. yeah that'll be nice :D
Ewww....its almost 90 degrees and getting humid...and to make it even better my house doesnt have central air! :(

Its supposed to top 100 by the weekend
It's been really hot the last week but today there is a nice breeze outside.It's not too cold. It's about 24 degrees right now. I may be able to finally get some work done outside :)

Take Care,
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