"Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

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Completley agree with you there MissMonk as hard as it was for us to see the brusise and remeber what happened I', really glad they did coz otherwise its like 'hey he's fine now guys on with the next storyline'

Also Wojo this could just be me but I didn't that that was Eric sining in Dope A** Warior, Wow if it is coz thats aint bad :) but I mean I know that he had a carerr in music before Television but I thought he just promoted bands rather than sang himself. Does anyone know ???? :confused:
At first I did not think it was him singing, but watching it again I think it was him. I do not think he ever sang before. I think you are right that he was just working in the music business as a promoter and stuff.
er..alrighty, i hate to do this, and before i get in trouble i DID read most of the posts but i think i missed something...um...what is this eric singing thing? and this video everyone is talking about?
Welcome MissMonk!

The 'eric singing thing' is easily explained. Just visit youtube.com and type in 'Secretfuntime' and then you scroll down until you see a video that's called 'SecretFunTime Is Up and Running' or 'Dope A** Warrior Teaser' (It's the same vid but with different titles). Then you can see Eric Szmanda dressed as a ..*can't find the right words' :lol:

I think it was him singing..sounds like him.^^ :D
LMAO! those videos are so hilarious! i cant stop laughing. i love the outfit he was wearing *goes back to watch more* thanks Yurek!
Actually I just watched it again and it does sound a bit like him if i close my eyes, I can sort of think it is him singing but when it plays him singing the song at the end hes so oboiusly mouthing along to the words ( beasuse it out of sink) that i think it may no be coz if that is him singing then why didn't he just sing at the end rather than mime :confused:

Wow how many times can I say singing in one post :lol:
I thought it sounded like him too, that was the best part of the video the beginning was weird. If he was singing he has a pretty decent voice.
Ummm still confuzed but have come to an important conclusion :- I don't know :D :lol:

He does have a pretty good voice though if that is him, he sang (well talk sang) in a csi ep before didn't he 'ninitey nine bottles of beer on the wall ninety nine bottles of beer you swob one down run it through CODIS, ninety eight bottles of beer on the wall' :lol: that bit makes me laugh.

Hey talking about singing would anyone happen to know if CBS studious in London is in anyway affiliated with CSI I mean I know its CBS but i highley doubt they do anything for the show there, anyone know ??? :confused: Its just that I'm recoreding there soonish for a CD and when I found out it was at CBS studious I swear my head exploded, but I doubt life is that kind still it would be soooo cool if it was CSI. :D :D :D
Well I think the scene at the end with him singing, he was lipsyncing it, but I still think it was to his own voice. I think it was done that way at the end due to them using green screen to put the effects in the background. That is my take on it anyway.

Ahh the 99 bottles of beer on the wall scene. I love that one. :lol:
Yeah its great isn't it, he just looks sooo cute in that scene, actually scrap that he looks cute in every scene :D I mean he's one of those ppl who could run over your dog and then all he'd have to say is 'sowwy' and pout and you'd be like ITS FINE :lol:

I mean come on who can say no to this face

lol welll...i agree he is very cute. but i dont think i could ignore it if he ran over my dog...even though i dont have a dog...so i guess it would be fine, but definatly not my cat...or my fish..yesh not the fish.
Yeah I could not really forgive anyone for running over my dog, either. :lol:
Cute avvi.
Yeah true, i may have taken that particular example a bit far :lol: Love your signature btw Dizzney , did you make it ?

Right I'm off now sweet Greggo dreams everyone :D
hey guys!
go to youtube and type in "eric szmanda and jorja fox"
there's a really sweet vid of them together called Eric szmanda and Jorja fox - hug, should be the second one down and you can see how genuine he is!
also, the first result you should get, the kick ball one, is cool. run eric run!! :D :D
i love seeing the actors in their "normal lives" especially eric and jorja together!
one more thing - I LOVE ERIC!!!!
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