"Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

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Bruises on Greggo's face are bruises on the hearts of Greggo fans.


Yeah, I was watching the ep after Fannysmackin' (dunno the title) and I can still see the bruises. Well, actually, there are other characters that still have the bruises after the beat up. I'd go NY for a sec in ALL ACCESS... the ep after that, STEALING HOME, Stella still had the bruises.

*ahem* Back to Vegas.

I'd really love to see more comic relief from Eric/Greg.

Eric and Jorja have a strong chemistry I can't just be passive to. c:

That's coming from a SANDLE shipper.
I liked when Greg was the comic relief of the show, but I also like seeing him be a bit more serious. So I guess if they can mix it up for us, more so like they did in the last two seasons, it would be good.
This season he has not had many funny moments, but who can blame him.
If someone beat me up and then i found out i'd killed a kid i don't think id be too happy about it, poor greggo :( But I agree MORE comic relife please its hard on us greggo fans seeing him upset when its really not something we're used to.

Congrats on the Avitar btw MissMonk

Just watched the Eric and Jorja thing thanks for that csimonkey I'd seen that one before but still love it hes so great and im not a sandle but i'll be the first to admit they do have great chemistry together and i love it in the erlier eps when hes flrting with her and shes like 'yeah greg shut up' :D
Hmmm... that beat from Fannysmackin' really had an effect on Greg then, I suppose...

One way or another, he's most likely to get over it, right? :D.
Yeah but in a way I think they have not really shown enough of how it all effected him. I mean we saw it in Post Mortem, but aside from that episode the effect on him has not been shown too much. So far anyway...

Maybe next season we will get Happy Greg again.
Aww when he found out he passed the final proficency.
I wonder if we will ever see him make a Level 2.
Hey... Greggo in Level 2 won't be bad! c:

^ Tsk... WSS is one of the coolest Greggo epis ever! c:

I'm off searching Greg screen caps from ep 707 (Dunno the title.)

I had heard rumors the Greg was supposed to get promoted this season, but since it hasn't happened yet, I bet it doesn't. It would be nice though, After what he's gone through, he sure deserves it.
Greggo gets promoted?!! :D :D :D
'bout time! :lol: Mabye TPTB will do it after his storyline wraps up, like at the very end of the season.
I've read somewhere Greg's already a Level 3!
But I really doubt it. :lol:

That would be very improbable. Level 2 is more possible.
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