"Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

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Wow I just finished watching "Dog Eat Dog" and I just realized how different Greg/Eric looks now! I don't know if it was just that episode, but his face looked really thin... I can't put my finger on it, but something has definitely changed about his face this season... (but in a good way! :))
I realized that too! He looked really skinny in DED. <-- :p ded. hehe. I ment 'Dog Eat Dog' ;) I think he's been working out. *drool*
hehe I was just watching DED like an hour ago.

Haven't you guys noticed that he dresses a lot dressier now than he did before. Long gone are the days of the crazy wierd bright shirts he used to wear.
Even if you watch Swap Meet, his face is thinner now.

I think he dresses differently for his different position, when he was in the lab he could basically wear anything he wanted, but now I think he really wants to come off more professional..plus that scene in Early Rollout, Warrick said something about what he had on..but then again, even in Swap Meet, he did have a t-shirt and jeans on..but they are putting him in more dress shirts now..but still, they are cooler more different ones.
speakerset said:
Even if you watch Swap Meet, his face is thinner now.

I think he dresses differently for his different position, when he was in the lab he could basically wear anything he wanted, but now I think he really wants to come off more professional..plus that scene in Early Rollout, Warrick said something about what he had on..but then again, even in Swap Meet, he did have a t-shirt and jeans on..but they are putting him in more dress shirts now..but still, they are cooler more different ones.

I agree!! I definitely think his transition to the field has affected how he dresses and his hairstyle... I think he probably felt he needed to tighten up his appearance to fit in a little more with the team.
Remember when he said to Hodges in Grave Danger: "Yeah, well, at least I had a style to change"
I laugh at that everytime I hear it.
I liked his old style, but he certainly doesn't look bad these days ;) Didn't Grissom make a comment about his wardrobe/the way he dressed when he started to work in the field?
I love the way he looks at all times..

Anyways, I never actually saw DED (I remember som of it, but I think I was mad at CSI for some reason.. haha I have no clue) But I finally saw it and laughed so hard. Greg was so funny and the facial expressions were priceless when Grissom starts talking about the history of hot dogs.

Oh, and when Greg came in and was like "I know when you're quoting something." To me, they both seem so.. alike. Different, but so much alike. Almost like they understand eachother in a wierd way.. I don't know but I have always thought that out of everyone, Greg is most like Grissom.
I think that he really is, I've said that too..but more like he's got the smarts of Grissom, it's sort of, how can I put this, Greg is like the funny side of Grissom, but as far as intelligence goes, I think Greg is right there with him, plus, I think Greg has got that attention to detail (believe me, it's not that the others don't but like in Who Shot Sherlock when he wanted to go back to the scene) like Grissom has, they have sort of that Father and Son thing going on, like Grissom wants to teach him but at the same time, Greg can teach him things as well..plus, like you said, they sort of just understand each other in a way, (I'm not a shipper of Greg and Grissom I just like it when they work together).

Plus I like it when they do that with the quotes and when Grissom almost quizes him on things, at which time Greg comes through, with flying colors.
Whether he does or doesn't, honestly I don't think anyone knows because if you look at the date of that post, it's before the TV Guide article in which he said he "was enjoying his freedom, but that door wasn't closed" so who knows. I think he was with a woman at the Much Music Awards though, but that's just from pictures that were posted..honestly, I couldn't tell you either way.
As much as I don't want to participate in this "discussion," it angers me a bit that people would insinuate that someone they know only from television is gay/bisexual. People are entitled to their opinions, but it is wrong to come out and blatantly say that "________ is gay/bisexual." I honestly think this topic should be dropped. :)

On a much lighter note, I think Eric is doing a fantastic job with portraying Greg because the writers have finally shown a deeper, more mature side of Greg, and I finally think that his character is progressing more emotionally. As much as it made me sad, it was fun to watch Greg tearing up {again} and not cracking jokes all the time. :)
I agree the subject should be dropped. I think Eric's sexuality is HIS business. I would not think any diffrently about him either way and if you do your not a true fan.

I loved his short scene in DED, he looked so bored when Grissom insisted on tellling his hotdog history story. Like he was listening to be polite but could not wait to bolt out the door.
Yes, wholeheartedly agree, the subject should be dropped, I was just replying to the 'girlfriend' part only with the very little knowledge I have, honestly, it's none of my or anyone's business what goes on in someone's private life. I feel terrible now and I wasn't even the person that brought up anything about his sexuality, it's none NONE of my business at all, all I was doing was answering a question about a possible girlfriend, and even then, I don't really know anything at all.

And in DED, anyone who can compare that many hotdogs should have scored some extra points with Grissom, yep, he should have.
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