"Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

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I'm going to send him a letter, but I wanna goout and by cool stationary and stamps first. So I will write my letter tomorrow.
I just said things like He is very talented, Love watching CSI, I thought it was great how much 'Greg' has evolved from labtech to CSI. Told him my fave episode. Wished him happy birthday- it was a b-day card I sent.

stuff like that.
I don't know how to set up a poll, but what kind of hairstyle do you think Eric will sport for season 7? He has said that he'll do as many as tptb will allow him. I'd like to see him go back to the blond highlights and straighter like in "Grave Danger." Or maybe he'll grow it longer and wear it back in a ponytail.
Just my personal opinon, but I think his hair would look weird in a ponytail. But, he would still probably be hott though.
I can't really see him with a ponytail either; I was just trying to think of something different that he might try.
My favorite GregHair (well, one of my favorites :p) was the spiky dark brown that he had in... arg, I can never remember the name of the episode... the one where Greg and Sofia look for a shell casing in the van and find it in the door. He also kinda has that hair in 'Nesting Dolls' too. *swoons* Plus I really like his black jacket in the episode with the van. Mmm, guys in black with dark brown hair. Yum.
You mean this look? It's from the episode 'snakes' and yes I agree, I loved that look too. (my fave though is the bleached blond straight look at the end of S5-Iced and GD) :)

Yes! That's the one! I love the jacket. :D I actually bought one very similar for myself... I was in the store, and saw it and was suddenly irrestiably drawn to it. It brought this pleasant sense of joy to me, but I didn't know why. Then one day I was going through a pile of episodes to look for the spiky dark hair, and saw the black jacket and was like "GAH!! That's IT!! It's my jacket! THAT'S where it's from! No wonder I liked it so much! :D"

ETA: I too like the "Iced" hair. Heck, I liked the entire episode. I missed it the first time around, and then one night saw the repeat, and nearly fell off the couch. I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it before, and didn't know what episode number it was. Then I came to CSI Files to look it up. :D Actually, that just might have been my very first time coming here. Oh memories. :D
quickbeam_cw said:
Mmm, guys in black with dark brown hair. Yum.
Oh I thought I was the only one! Ah yess guys in black with dark brown hair... RAWRRRR!!! Hot... Couldn't agree more :D

Anyway, I was over at Sandle board and sissi mentioned something that really got my hopes up:
sissi59100 said:
lol David Rambo, one of the writers of CSI , a girl wrote him an email or a letter i don't really remember and she asked questions about Greg , it told her "If you are a Greg fan , you will LOVE this season" i assume it means he will have more screentime , wooot :D
Anyone knows about this? I hope he's telling the truth *crosses fingers*
I wonder what he means by that... Greg being promoted? A big storyline?

Whatever it is, I hope it includes a new haircut :D :lol:
I can't wait till September! :D :D
Oh yay! Yay yay yay! *does happy dance* That is EXTREMELY good news! Not sure what it will mean, but as long as there is plenty of Greg screentime, it will be fantastic.

Hmm... it seems to be storming outside. Sounds like hail. Save me, Greg! :lol:

ETA: *looks outside* Holy cow! Looks like I am gonna have to swim to work tomorrow. Who knew that much rain could fall at one time?
Careful... there folks remember to error on the side of safe when it comes to releasing info, while screen time might not be a necessary spoiler, but rather speculation or rumor, lets just becareful it doesn't go further then that. Alot of people are trying to stay spoiler free and that is why we have the spoiler lab, we are trying to work out a speculation thread that won't give away spoilers, but on till then step safe. Thank you.
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